For those of you looking for other stories about the effectiveness of Dean Doty, look no further than the JGH HVAC rennovation project that he is so skillfully managing. He divided the semester into two 8-week terms so that the first and second floors could be gutted and new equipment installed. The summer is reserved for faculty office space on the third floor.
The project is well ahead of schedule and under budget. Work on the third floor should be completed by the middle of May, and enough money will be saved by early completion to pay for another year's worth of MIS faculty salaries. Now that program, which many in the CoBMoB wanted Provost Grimes to cut, will go on. People are the college's greatest asset, and Dean Doty knows that.
For those of you looking for other stories about the effectiveness of Dean Doty, look no further than the JGH HVAC rennovation project that he is so skillfully managing. He divided the semester into two 8-week terms so that the first and second floors could be gutted and new equipment installed. The summer is reserved for faculty office space on the third floor. The project is well ahead of schedule and under budget.
The project is already way behind schedule. The first floor was to be completed by March 12, one week from now. Still several weeks off from completion. The second floor work was to begin on March 13, with the second 8-week classes held on the first and third floors. First floor will not be available at the start, which is where classes were scheduled. Accounting will remain in Weathersby Hall and the advising unit will still be stuck in College Hall.
Work on the third floor should be completed by the middle of May, and enough money will be saved by early completion to pay for another year's worth of MIS faculty salaries. Now that program, which many in the CoBMoB wanted Provost Grimes to cut, will go on. People are the college's greatest asset, and Dean Doty knows that.
Work on the second floor will likely extend through the Summer, so that third floor work will use up the entire fall. New hires will not have offices when they arrive this fall. The climate in the building is deteriorating rapidly. Just another Doty cluster#@*&#.
No one in the so-called CoBMoB wanted MIS eliminated. Doty called the group to a meeting a few Fridays ago and gave them a tongue lashing. In typical fashion he let them know that it would be very easy for him to giftwrap their salary pool and send it back to Grimes via campus mail. Nice one.
Doty did design a tight-fitting teaching schedule around a construction project. That was the first mistake.
"The project is well ahead of schedule and under budget. Work on the third floor should be completed by the middle of May...."
Maybe quan really does mean this to be funny, otherwise why throw up things that everyone knows aren't true. Also, when you listen to Doty (on video or in person), his favorite word for any sucess is "I". His favorite word for failure is "they".
in the cool air wrote: I dont think Dr. Doty had anything to do with the timeline for the renovation. That is more of a Physical Plant fiasco. I believe Turner Jones was the one who set the timeline and was off.
Let's not kid ourselves about whose fault it is. Doty could have easily padded the timeline when constructing the college's weird 8 week schedules, summer schedule, etc. This is the kind of failing that could have been avoided if there were an experienced administrator in the dean's office. Now, there has been no official announcement from the dean's office about project delays and faculty find things out from physical plant workers and custodians. It's good to be kept informed by your dean.
My favorite thing from the USF video went something like "I married the first woman who intimidated me to death. Now I'm not so sure that was the best decision strategy..."
in the cool air wrote: I dont think Dr. Doty had anything to do with the timeline for the renovation. That is more of a Physical Plant fiasco. I believe Turner Jones was the one who set the timeline and was off.
Let's not kid ourselves about whose fault it is. Doty could have easily padded the timeline when constructing the college's weird 8 week schedules, summer schedule, etc. This is the kind of failing that could have been avoided if there were an experienced administrator in the dean's office. Now, there has been no official announcement from the dean's office about project delays and faculty find things out from physical plant workers and custodians. It's good to be kept informed by your dean.
I think Cool Air is correct, Southern Justice. For you to claim the Dean is responsible is just stretching things so that you (and others) can complain about Doty. I had similar experiences over in CoST. The faulty and Dean were at the mercy of Physical Plant. Delays on top of delays caused problems in research labs that even the Dean couldn't control. Physical plant had reasons why they couldn't get things done in a timely fashion, so I couldn't blame them either.
I consider posts similar to yours as reasons why people are getting tired of the same old, same old, attacks on Doty, CoB, and Dvorak. You may be contributing to the AAUP considering making this a registration only board.
Southern Justice, just saying, "Lets not kid ourselves", doesn't mean you can then make wild speculations without evidence and be taken seriously.
my fave wrote: My favorite thing from the USF video went something like "I married the first woman who intimidated me to death. Now I'm not so sure that was the best decision strategy..."
WHAT? And I've wasted all these years trying to be sweet and charming to guys, when I could have been my normal self all along? Now somebody tells me? Sheesh . . .
Southern Justice wrote: in the cool air wrote: I dont think Dr. Doty had anything to do with the timeline for the renovation. That is more of a Physical Plant fiasco. I believe Turner Jones was the one who set the timeline and was off. Let's not kid ourselves about whose fault it is. Doty could have easily padded the timeline when constructing the college's weird 8 week schedules, summer schedule, etc. This is the kind of failing that could have been avoided if there were an experienced administrator in the dean's office. Now, there has been no official announcement from the dean's office about project delays and faculty find things out from physical plant workers and custodians. It's good to be kept informed by your dean. I think Cool Air is correct, Southern Justice. For you to claim the Dean is responsible is just stretching things so that you (and others) can complain about Doty. I had similar experiences over in CoST. The faulty and Dean were at the mercy of Physical Plant. Delays on top of delays caused problems in research labs that even the Dean couldn't control. Physical plant had reasons why they couldn't get things done in a timely fashion, so I couldn't blame them either. I consider posts similar to yours as reasons why people are getting tired of the same old, same old, attacks on Doty, CoB, and Dvorak. You may be contributing to the AAUP considering making this a registration only board. Southern Justice, just saying, "Lets not kid ourselves", doesn't mean you can then make wild speculations without evidence and be taken seriously.
Use your remote control and change the channel. Don't read CoB threads. Your research ought to be revving up now anyway --- you've got all our GAs! ST#U!
The issue of scheduling around construction is not that difficult to project. When anyone gives you a schedule with a timeline increase the timeline by 60%. There has seldom, if ever, been a contract at USM that came in on time. If it gets completed on time, great. You can adjust to them being on time easier than the opposite
With less than one week to go until the start of the second 8 week term, has there been an announcement of the dean's contingency plan?
Not yet. And, 1 department chair just resigned, another is on a campus visit for a Dean job, and another one has carpal tunnel syndrome from filling out permission to hire forms. So, no announcements from them yet either.
It appears as though the dome has figured out how to "play" Doty. They create a crisis for him, and before he can doing anything defensive, they create a second to screen the first. That seems to be going on now.
I would weigh in here by saying that the criticism of Doty is not unwarranted. But that's not new information. Now the college is in a battle to save its graduate assistantship money, which I believe will possibly happen. If it does, you can thank the assoc dean for that. He's fighting all of the bigger battle on behalf of CoB administration. The CoB has reached a point where cogent arguments cannot be made by HD himself. Others must do so if there is a chance for victory.
The recent departures are setbacks, but the replacements are being hired as we speak. Again, the AD is in charge and putting the paperwork through in a timely way. He should also be able to fill the IB opening before August. I just hope the college can come together and support a move to higher office.
texas poker wrote: The carpal tunnel may continue. A fourth economist is "50-50" on a job offer --- straight from his mouth to you. Actually it's more like "35-65" on this offer. Just spoke with him.
know better wrote: texas poker wrote: The carpal tunnel may continue. A fourth economist is "50-50" on a job offer --- straight from his mouth to you. Actually it's more like "35-65" on this offer. Just spoke with him. Is that a 35% chance of stayin' or leavin'?
dr. know wrote: know better wrote: texas poker wrote: The carpal tunnel may continue. A fourth economist is "50-50" on a job offer --- straight from his mouth to you. Actually it's more like "35-65" on this offer. Just spoke with him. Is that a 35% chance of stayin' or leavin'? Sorry. It's "leaving-staying" at "35-65"
It's not DM, supposedly. It's either CS, DS or FM I guess.
For those of you who have an interest, and many on this board do not, the CoB Associate Dean is running the college, making the decisions, and keeping the ship from totally sinking to the bottom of the sea. It is not helping his health situtation either.
He is very under appreciatated, since much of what he has to deal with is NOT known by faculty.
......the CoB Associate Dean is running the college, making the decisions, and keeping the ship from totally sinking to the bottom of the sea.....
Sorry, CoB Fly On the Wall, but I find it difficult to believe this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but an Associate Dean can do only what is delegated to him by the Dean himself.