FWIW, a wide range of political and religious beliefs are represented on this board and have often been debated and discussed. The only belief most of us have in common is a strong belief that Shelby Thames has ruined the reputation, and sacrificed many of the strengths, of a fine university.
If you don't like to have any of your beliefs challenged or discussed, this is not a good place to hang out. For those of us who enjoy debate and intellectual exchange, it's an invigorating place to be.
If a person can't tolerate having any of his "faiths" discussed and questioned, and if a person is incapable of mounting good arguments to defend whatever "faiths" (religious, political, social, academic, etc.) he happens to embrace, this is probably not the best place to spend time.
Frank Glamser is a Republican. He taught a heavy load as well as chaired many important committees. No one worked any harder that Gary Stringer, who also served on the vestry of his church.
Mr. Cossack. You write very eloqently. I am not a USM graduate. I am a physician and a graduate of UMC. I support all the schools as much as I can because growth is good. As to LeftASAP, I have no comment on the obvious. In my practice, I hear and see it. You dont see such outspoken, public antics at UM and MSU, for example, by liberal professors, slamming Christians, slamming the flag, desecrating prayer, trumping for gay rights, molly coddling terrorist thinking in the newspaper (that balding radical activist in religion) and defying their superiors (Dr. Thames). You will never see this in Oxford or Starkville, where education of students is number one, not leftist indoctrination. This board is even worse. It is a sounding board for liberal, left wingers who hate George W. Bush and it seems that Republicans are just dismissed as wrong. Go look at the thread on "intelligent design" how our Christian leaders are mocked and made fun of. Is there ANY conservative on this board? Why do you liberal kool aid drinking, leftist AAUPes think you are fooling anyone? If this is an anti-Thames board, then why is such thinking the accepted "line" most everyone holds as self evident? Why not stick to Thames issues and leave the conservatives and people with morals out of this. You have no credibility. It is just assumed that the Democratic, left way of think is CORRECT and the other is pro Thames and wrong. Evidence is in most every thread. This is not the case with professors at Ole Miss and MSU. You don't see them out on the golf course and not in their offices. USM professors, for the most part, exhibit openly their leftist ideology in the Hattiesburg American. I never see this from Oxford or Starkville. I have heard disgruntled professors "whine" in my practice, but I don't hear other schools doing that. They have their problems, yes, but they keep it behind closed doors for the good of the students. We have too many Ward Churchills out there on Hardy St. I think all one has to do is look at the nursing failure rates, the demise of Psychology, the business debacle, the Thames confidence vote, and you will see a bunch of rebelious riff raff who don't teach. As to a piece of paper with names and numbers and affiliations, I'll leave that to higher powers.
Dear Dr. Thamesbeliever:
You are a physician? Wow! I was on the faculty of a medical school in Yankeeland (the place filled with those liberal physicians) and I was involved in PGYII-!V residency training. Ain't none of them physicians sound or write like you! (You did need to take the MCAT, right?) The physicians (and psychologists) on faculty there must have been your liberal losers, writing lots of those esoteric papers for JAMA and NEJM and the Archives, working their butts off, and teaching that anti-God evolution and stem cell stuff. And when the CEO was running the system into the ground for personal gain, those liberal mouthy physicians and psychologists had the gall to protest and sue! Can you iimagine? (They won a huge settlement from the crooks.) Darn Yankee liberal Democrats!
It's pretty clear from your post that you are clueless about what we do, and no amount of conversation is going to change that. The composition of faculty at Ole Miss and State is about the same as here-heck, our folks are bailing from here to there when possible! And if you think the natives aren't restless in Starkville, I guess med school broke you of the newspaper reading habit.
If you think the Psychology Department is on the demise, well, heck, I'll have to ask the National Institutes of Health to stop funding our silly little esoteric research. Oh, and all the local docs and business people who bring their kids to us for treatment, knowing that the best treatment for many psychiatric disorders between Houston and Florida can be had at our clinics, just have to be wrong. I'll let 'em know ASAP for you.
I second Stephen's offer. If you don't know what you are talking about, come by and we'll school you. Were you this rude to your profs at UMMC? Heck, I know some of those boys and girls, and they would have smacked you down like a first year puppy if you behaved that way on rounds or in the lab.
If you read the board carefully, you'll see that many of the regular posters here are likely to be sitting in the pew behind you on Sunday and listening to every word you say (along with the Big Fella). As do your nurses and staff and patients. Most would find your Kool Aid wisecrack a bit over the top.
I thought that "demise of Psychology" remark was extremely odd. Also I note that his/her posts ramble all over the place and don't stick with one area of attack. I think this is just a "disruptor" as someone else called them.
I still think TB is a fake. Not to the extent that Mitch has, but I've also worked with doctors a good bit over the years. In fact I was a Residency Coordinator at LSU Med in New Orleans. I've never met a doctor, even the ones who were not native English speakers, with such poor writing and lack of critical skills. One of the things they have to do is back up everything they do and say with evidence and reasons.
I thought that "demise of Psychology" remark was extremely odd. Also I note that his/her posts ramble all over the place and don't stick with one area of attack. I think this is just a "disruptor" as someone else called them. I still think TB is a fake. Not to the extent that Mitch has, but I've also worked with doctors a good bit over the years. In fact I was a Residency Coordinator at LSU Med in New Orleans. I've never met a doctor, even the ones who were not native English speakers, with such poor writing and lack of critical skills. One of the things they have to do is back up everything they do and say with evidence and reasons.
Yes, I can't decide if this poster is some bored 13 year old kid smoking that silly weed in his parents' home while playing on the computer, Ken Malone having some fun with us on a Sunday (hi Ken!), or a truly scary dude with a DEA license and access to boxes of hypodermic syringes.
Thank you kindly Dr. LeftASAP for proving to all that any Christian belief is logically WRONG. So, I am uncomfortable being a member of a group where agnotics seem to be the going way of thinking. You are so far removed from the lives of ordinary, hard working Americans that you are beyond reasoning with. Why doesn't the balding radical leftist religion activist Professor come on here and tell us all that anyone who believes in God believes in a fairy tale. I am sure LeftASAP believe that. You are all intolerant, and you speak out against common folk wisdom. You go overboard and believe that the Hillary Clinton "line" in the sand is truth, and Christian thinking is dogma, to be logically disproved. You cannot disprove faith. You have no audience outside the AAUP, angostic, Democrats on this board. You eschew anyone who is right leaning and might actually believe in some of the things W does. You are all one way thinkers and it would help if you stuck to your anti-Thames agenda, and left the "Oscar political rants" alone. I am not sure if WTF or WFT is scamming or not.
Dearest Thamesbeliever,
You are digging a very deep hole for yourself. May I suggest you stop digging?
I read your first line in disbelief. "Thank you kindly Dr. LeftASAP for proving to all that any Christian belief is logically WRONG." If you read my post as saying that ANY Christian belief is wrong, I see no benefit in further discussions with you. You are welcome to believe what you want about me, the USM faculty and the Universe. However, when your beliefs don't agree with reality you can expect to get a big bite in the a$$.
Skeptical reasoning is the method of finding truth. I'm sorry if questioning assertions bothers you.
One thing you said agree I agree with. "You can't disprove faith." If you have "real faith", nothing can disprove it.
Finally, I really don't understand your statement, "You are so far removed from the lives of ordinary, hard working Americans that you are beyond reasoning with." It seems to me that you haven't even tried to reason, but rather stated your opinions and made assertions for which I asked for evidence. Why do you claim I can't be reasoned with?
They write a bunch of bonehead esoteric papers because they're COLLEGE PROFESSORS. It's a University, not a trade school (yet). You can get good RN's from PRCC, Jones, and other places. You get BSNs from universities.
I work in hiring at a local hospital. BSN nurses are less valued than RN's from JC programs.USM nurses are less valued than other BSN programs because they get little exposure to the real world problems.They are sort of like USM professors,not much practical use.
You have painted the faculty of USM with a broad brush of criticism from being lazy to incompetent. You also believe that SFT is improving USM. I responded with an analogy of putting SFT in charge of running a medical clinic. I did so because I realize that as a physician you do more than treat patients, you also have to finance and run a business while trying to keep the alligator lawyers from taking everything you own. I made it clear that the only medical group in Hattiesburg I have any knowledge of is very well organized and well run. Moreover, its governance policy is similar to that of well run universities, say Ole Miss since you have pointed them out. I do not know or want to know where you work nor have I been critical of you or the medical community. I merely was pointing out with satire that the model being used to run USM would not work at all in the medical field. While I do not know you, I doubt that you would like SFT running any organization in which you participated. You feel very comfortable slamming faculty based on what you say your hear through your practice. I wonder why you are using your time and energy to post on this Board given the contempt in which you hold us. You perceive that there is a big difference between faculty at USM and faculty at Ole Miss and State and that USM faculty are inferior. Yet, when some of the very faculty that you criticize wanted to leave USM, Ole Miss and State hired them. One faculty member that SFT fired ended up at a university far superior to Ole Miss or State earning more money and supplied with more resources. The exodus of USM faculty under SFT has been to equally ranked or higher ranked universities. The response in the market to hiring faculty who are leaving USM is a strong indicator that your judgment of USM faculty is wrong.
They are sort of like USM professors,not much practical use.
The value of many USM professors is attested to by the fact that in the past several years, many of them have easily found jobs elsewhere, often at more prestigious schools, and have since gone on to win awards and achieve other accomplishments that have reflected well on their new schools. These are people who were once happy to call Hattiesburg home, but who are now living testimonies to the destruction Shelby Thames has wrought at USM. My guess is that such bleeding will continue. Hattiesburg, which could once count USM as a real feather in its cap, is now looked upon far and wide as a pitiable and pitiful place, at least for anyone with a real interest in higher learning.
Assistant to the assistant wrote: They are sort of like USM professors,not much practical use.
Well good, let's see you run your institution without people with degrees. Every doctor you know has a bachelor's degree. She or he had to take English, history, math, chemistry, biology, etc. Those courses were taught by professors.
Assistant to the assistant wrote: They are sort of like USM professors,not much practical use.
Well good, let's see you run your institution without people with degrees. Every doctor you know has a bachelor's degree. She or he had to take English, history, math, chemistry, biology, etc. Those courses were taught by professors. What's your suggestion for an alternative?
I really get the sense sometimes that people like this would really prefer robots as "employees." (I am only half kidding.)
Well, Symp, I would! In fact, I'd love to have one of those robots that runs around and cleans the floor. It would do housework and entertain the furboys at the same time. If that's not economically developmentally sound and efficient, you tell me what is.
Anybody who thinks that USM has a disproportionate number of liberal professors within the context of higher education in America doesn't know their derriere from a hole in the ground. The South is the most conservative region of the country, and Mississippi is the most conservative state in the South. Most people of a truly political left persuasion won't even consider employment in Mississippi. You'll note how many USM profs have USM degrees. It's hard to get most people from the east, midwest, or even the west to even look at a Mississippi school, and a school named "Southern" Mississippi is like Mississippi squared. Just a look at the number of USM faculty who have taken state retirement and gone over to William Carey (Baptist and conservative) negates the lie to the claim that all USM faculty are liberal.
The fact of the matter is that college faculty members in America tend to be more liberal than the general population. Business types out in the community tend to be more conservative than the general population. If you have a real university in your community, the odds are that the faculty will appear "liberal" to the locals. That is true at University of Texas - Austin, Nebraska - Lincoln, and Cornell in Ithaca, New York. What appears to be happening in Hattiesburg is the boosters don't want a university in their midst. They want a diploma mill and/or trade school. If they continue beating up on liberal arts, fine arts, business, and nursing, they just might get their wish. Although it will be sad to see the demise of what was once a solid middle range university built over decades, there will be something ironic in seeing the boosters left holding the bag when they figure out what they have done. Of course, most of them send their kids to State, Ole Miss, or Milsaps now anyway. It's the ordinary folks of Hattiesburg who are really getting hurt.
Anybody who thinks that USM has a disproportionate number of liberal professors within the context of higher education in America doesn't know their derriere from a hole in the ground. The South is the most conservative region of the country, and Mississippi is the most conservative state in the South. Most people of a truly political left persuasion won't even consider employment in Mississippi. You'll note how many USM profs have USM degrees. It's hard to get most people from the east, midwest, or even the west to even look at a Mississippi school, and a school named "Southern" Mississippi is like Mississippi squared. Just a look at the number of USM faculty who have taken state retirement and gone over to William Carey (Baptist and conservative) negates the lie to the claim that all USM faculty are liberal.The fact of the matter is that college faculty members in America tend to be more liberal than the general population. Business types out in the community tend to be more conservative than the general population. If you have a real university in your community, the odds are that the faculty will appear "liberal" to the locals. That is true at University of Texas - Austin, Nebraska - Lincoln, and Cornell in Ithaca, New York. What appears to be happening in Hattiesburg is the boosters don't want a university in their midst. They want a diploma mill and/or trade school. If they continue beating up on liberal arts, fine arts, business, and nursing, they just might get their wish. Although it will be sad to see the demise of what was once a solid middle range university built over decades, there will be something ironic in seeing the boosters left holding the bag when they figure out what they have done. Of course, most of them send their kids to State, Ole Miss, or Milsaps now anyway. It's the ordinary folks of Hattiesburg who are really getting hurt.