Has anyone noticed that very little help is available through Equipment Services lately?
The following is copied from the iTech website: "Maintenance Equipment Services provides a preventive maintenance program for all of its equipment during the inter-session of each semester. There is no charge for this service when the equipment is on Instructional Resources inventory and is located in an academic classroom. Equipment problems should be reported A.S.A.P. so that Equipment Services personnel can provide the best customer service possible."
Many departments are having problems with overhead projectors which are needed for classroom instruction. Equipment Services is unable to repair the problems due to lack of budget funding. My department needed coax cable a couple of weeks ago. The department had to go off campus and purchase the cable.
Mr. Coffman and upper administration need to provide adequate funding to Equipment Services. Or is this another department which will be out sourced in the very near future?
In the meantime, what are faculty suppose to do about teaching their classes?