I'm taking this for memorial wall and will update every now & then using cece's pages.
Losses by Unit, May 2002-present
Academic Advising:
Betty Blackledge; Vicki Flanagan; Charlotte Jackson; Judy McQueen; Ann Smith
Accounting: Marvin Albin; James Crockett; Jerry King
Agency Directors/Assistant Directors (not listed elsewhere): James Batson; Ann Beardshall; Syd Conner; Beth Cooksey; Matthew Cox; Angeline Dvorak; Reggie Ford; Bonnie Gibbs; Jim Hollandsworth; Linda Krhut; Robert Lowe; Kathryn Melton; Cheryl Mowdy; Linda Nunes; Johnny Purvis; Stephen Rey; Candy Santell; Stephanie Stringer
Art: Harold Van Houten; Henry Ward
Associate Vice Presidents: Homer Wesley
Athletics: Bud Childers; Matt Clark; Terry Cooksey; Shelton Gandy; James Green; Troy Howell; Chris Klenakis; Amos Mansfield; Ron McCrone; Regiel Napier; Tyrone Nix; Austin Norris; Jeff Norwood; Rick Reeves; Santiago Restrepo; Stephanie Rosehart; Rip Scherer; Dave Warner
Biology: Yuan Luo; Stephen Ross; Raymond Wayne Scheetz
Book Store: Maggie Amerson; Jean Ladner
Chemistry: Peter Butko; David Creed; Newton Fawcett; Emory Howell; Kenneth McMurtrey
Child & Family Studies: Muriel Azria-Evans; Judy Kinney; Thomas Webb
CISE: Sheila Alber; Gloria Beal; Ada Belton; John Davis; Douglas Feldmann; Perrin Lowery; Michael Martin; Sally Martin; Nancy Mazdel; Janet Nelson; Jessie Palmer; Janet Richards; James Siders; Gloria Appelt-Slick; Margaret Mary Sulentic; James Wharton; Melissa Whiting; Jerry Worley
Criminal Justice: Dennis Hunt; Stephen Mallory; Michael Smith; William Taylor; Alan Thompson
Economic Development: Mark Goodman; Bill Sisson; Ron Swager
Economics: Tyrone Black; Jennifer Caveny; Philip Jeffress; Melody Lo; Linghui Tang; Vicki Ward; Frank Whitesell; Sunny Wong
Education: Ric Keaster; Jack Klotz; K.B. Malear; John Marshak; Carl Martray; April Miller; Warren Ortloff; Amy Schweinle; Will Schweinle; Harold Shoemaker; Margaret Smith
ELI: Audrey Blackwell; Gail Hamwi
English: David Berry; Bettee Boyd; Jeanne Ezell; Tamara Harvey; Kim Herzinger; Evelyn Ashton-Jones; Lisa Langstraat; Susan Malone; Noel Polk; Thomas Richardson; Beth Roberts; Mary Robinson; Eric Smith; Diane Stevenson; Gary Stringer; Mary Villeponteaux; Anne Wallace; David Wheeler
Finance: Charles Cartee; Ken Cyree; Iskandar Hamwi; Roger King; Michael Melton; Doowoo Nam; Durwood Ruegger; Walton Taylor
Financial Affairs: Dana Keith; Sam Thomas
Foreign Languages: Elizabeth Anglin; Jean-Louis Dassier; Luz Marina Escobar
Foundation & Development Officers: Jan Delancey; Jim Hanecke; William Hansen; Suzanne Hirsch; Susan Hollandsworth; Helena Lassiter; Rob McElhaney; Donna McGuyer; Bill Pace; Frank Pickering; Jan Roberts; Joan Stevens; Jim Wild
Geography: Jess McKee; Bob Wales; Donald Williams
Geology: Dean Dunn; John McCarty; David Patrick
History: Curtis Austin; Charles Bolton, Orazio Ciccarelli; Hayley Froysland; Terry Harper; Geoff Jensen; Neil McMillen; Brian O’Neil
HPR: Ronald Evans; Terry Kinney
Human Resources: Mark Dvorak; Lynn Helton
International Business: Len Trevino
Legal/Licensing/Risk Management: Ron Hamilton; Jack Hanbury
Library & Information Science: Rosemary Chance; Jerri Hall; Jim Martin
Management: Billie Allen; Robert Boothe
Marine Sciences: Denis Wiesenburg; Robert Willems
Marketing: Dan Fisher; Talai Osmonbekov
Mass Communications & Journalism: David Goff; Linda Goff; James Hall; Yohan Yssel
Mathematics: David Betounes; Sherri Boyd; Beverly Janice Davis; Steve Doblin; Temple Fay; Mylan Redfern; Joe Thrash; Dexuan Xie
Music: Dennis Behm; John Bivens; John DeChiaro; Marta Hofacre; Sherman Hong; Michael Kimber; Sharon Lesback; Mark McKean; Wilbur Moreland; Mary Ann Stringer; Martha Tisdale; Joel Treybig; Stanley Waldoff; Marian Wilson-Kimber
Nursing: Raylawni Branch; Luann Daggett; Dianna Douglas; Wanda Dubuisson; Joseph Farmer; Marie Farrell; Kay Hobson; Sharyn Janes; Frances Martin; Jeanne Morrison; Virginia Pearson; Sarah Powell; Cynthia Rouse; Kandi Smith; Betty Sylvest; Vickey Walley; Bobbie Sue Whitworth
NFS: Nancy Bertolino; Wayne Billon; William Forsythe; Mary Kay Meyer; Ross Santell
Philosophy & Religion: Ronald Burr; Forrest Wood
Physics: Ray Folse; William Hughes; Grayson Rayborn; Rudy Sirochman
Political Science: James Lea; Gail Lucas; Ron Marquardt; Jerold Waltman
Polymer Science: Stephen Boyes;Al Guyman; Gerald Mattson; Oliver Smith
President: Aubrey Lucas
Psychology: George Buelow; Theodore Christ; Ron Edwards; Vincent Fortunato; B. Jo Hailey; Gary Jones; Todd Kahan; Jake Levy; Lynda Mae; Charles Noblin; Daniel Randolph; Lillian Range; Paul Siakaluk
Public Relations: Angela Cutrer; Bonnie Gibbs; Phil Hearn; Melanie Kemp; Bud Kirkpatrick; Lisa Mader; Markeda Wade; Hitomi Wince
Social Work: Carolyn Brooks
Sociology: Frank Glamser
Speech Communication: Linda Goff
Speech & Hearing Sciences: Richard Saniga
Textbook Services: Helen Carlos; Joan Mooney
Theatre and Dance: George Crook; Rebecca Dyer; Brian Hapcic; Frank Kuhn; Blaine Quarnstrom; Andrew Sutherland
Tourism Management: Johye Hwang; Tanya Ruetzler; Jim Taylor
USM Libraries: Mark Danley; Kathy Davis; Suzanne Graham; Toby Graham; Dolores Jones; Mary Hamilton; Meg Meiman; Ginamarie Pugliese; Irmgard Wolfe
Vice Presidents: David Anderson; Don Cotten; Anselm Griffin; Tim Hudson; Gregg Lassen; Linda McFall; Curt Redden; James Williams
What proportion of the entire USM faculty count does this list represent? Has USM, or will it in the near future, have a "complete" (at least numerical) turnover of faculty? A "complete" roll over in four years would be impressive--and indicative of gross mismanagement anywhere but in pre-war Iraq. However, my experience and scope are limited, so I am trying to get a handle on the effect size and its position in the distribution.
Equally relevant to measuring rollover is the net decrease in tenured faculty and increase in untenured. Didn't we go from something like 80 % tenured to less than 50%? That's abnormal regardless of the gross number of departures. Does anyone have access to the change in percentage of tenured faculty 2002-2006? I seem to remember that datum being bandied about in faculty senate last year . . .
Coast Watcher wrote: Equally relevant to measuring rollover is the net decrease in tenured faculty and increase in untenured. Didn't we go from something like 80 % tenured to less than 50%? That's abnormal regardless of the gross number of departures. Does anyone have access to the change in percentage of tenured faculty 2002-2006? I seem to remember that datum being bandied about in faculty senate last year . . .
And the ratio of adjunct faculty and non-tenure track faculty to tenured and tenure track is instructive.
Steve Mallory has never returned to USM. I think you have him confused with Donald Cabana who left USM for the state Dept. of Corrections and since returned as Dept Chair of CJ.
Steve Mallory has never returned to USM. I think you have him confused with Donald Cabana who left USM for the state Dept. of Corrections and since returned as Dept Chair of CJ.
Farrell was in CoAL
Mallory left to help a major build up in criminal justice at Ole Miss responding to homeland security issues.
Cabana back from Parchman for another shot at the chair.
Another resignation in School of Nursing--Dr. Julie Sanford, Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs--to Univ of South Alabama--a signficant loss, great faculty member and administrator. SON has lost four senior faculty so far, leaving in May. Hartman, Martin, Morris and now Sanford. And it is only March.
A message from William Kuskin on the English department list earlier this week says he's accepted a position at University of Colorado. Kuskin's the chair of the English Department.
A message from William Kuskin on the English department list earlier this week says he's accepted a position at University of Colorado. Kuskin's the chair of the English Department. Add Scot Mann, Theatre and Dance (who just directed a wonderful production of Scapin). Going to head up the program at Mercer University (Georgia) and will be near his family and his wife's family.
The race will be between COEP and COAL and COB for best showing in losses this year. The IHL doesn't really care. COAL has a minimum 3/3 load for all faculty, doc programs included---a mandate from the Dome that Pood is gleefuly enforcing and faculty passively accept ("Can I have another one sir Pood"?). The IHL eats it up, and could care less about the faculty revolving door. When old Noel Polk and a few others tried to buck the system, old Shelby and Pood threw some raw meat to the masses ("let's all pile on Noel's special deal with the former Dean"). Now SFT has provided more raw meat for y'all at the last PUC meeting. Smart boy, that Shelby.
What does Meredith have in mind for us? Well, you don't need a horoscope or crystal ball to know what the Klumb led IHL had in mind. Was Meredith hired to finish the job? Does Klumb's departure provide a glimmer of hope? Is there a fifth tier to go down to (if you think Tier four is compfy, just wait)? And will USM faculty eat their own young when upstarts say we can do better than this? Stay tuned, campers.
I can't wait to see how many plates of **** this place will ask me to eat come Monday. I predict a three plate day.
Kitty Litter wrote: I can't wait to see how many plates of ****** this place will ask me to eat come Monday. There are other restaurants, you know.
You mean at other universities the dean doesn't make you eat three plates of ***** before he will give you your computer back on Monday? Wow, I'll have to check into that! Anyone out there move on? If so, regret the move? (LOL) Want to come back?
Any faculty member not using their own personal computer is a . . . foolish person. Even if you have to give blood to pay for it. And don't leave it lying around.