While my experiences with Dean Doty have not impressed me with his intelligence or leadership capabilities, I wonder if the senior faculty in COB might help get him on the right track. This might be possible if he stops insisting that it is only one or two disgruntled faculty who disagree with him and reaches out to the faculty instead of clinging to one or two toadies. The recent and wholesale departure of promising faculty may persuade him that he is a real problem.
While my experiences with Dean Doty have not impressed me with his intelligence or leadership capabilities, I wonder if the senior faculty in COB might help get him on the right track. This might be possible if he stops insisting that it is only one or two disgruntled faculty who disagree with him and reaches out to the faculty instead of clinging to one or two toadies. The recent and wholesale departure of promising faculty may persuade him that he is a real problem.
That dog won't hunt in the tall or short grass. You would have more success teaching a pig to sing and have more fun.
The biggest problem with the suggestion that Doty would seek help from faculty is that he will never admit that there is anyone above Mongoloid intelligence levels on his faculty. He's treated some very intelligent people like they are children, so don't expect them to pull his a$$ out of any fires.
His worst nightmare just got a little worse: D. Harold Doty, Ph.D. Professor of Management 308-M JGH MGT 300-H001 MWF 9:00-9:50am MGT 364-G001 Thursday 6:30-9:15pm MGT 400-H001 Tuesday & Thursday 2:25-3:40pm
You are way off the mark here -- Ernest King I am not. By the way, I like the fact that you slimeballs still haven't figured out who I really am, considering that I all but told you a couple of weeks ago. You could go back and look it up if you like -- it's in one of my previous posts. Your pathetic little attempts at put-downs of an innocent bystanding colleague underscore what those of us who have suffered your so-called "personalities" for so many years have known: you're sad little people who are desperate to hold onto the little remaining power you have. It must feel terrible to have lost or to be losing your political power, your looks, your brainpower, and your hair. Who knows? When the new dean arrives, you may actually have to teach and do research in order to keep drawing a paycheck. That would be a shame, since then you'd have less time to step-and-fetch for your wives (who I hope are the brains of the operation in your respective households). Keep on swingin' guys. Every time you flail about, you run the risk of hitting somebody with an iron jaw and a knockout punch.
"Got a life", get over here and fix my garbage disposal. And, there's that roach problem I phoned your wife at the clinic about. The other tenants have some issues too.
His worst nightmare just got a little worse: D. Harold Doty, Ph.D. Professor of Management 308-M JGH MGT 300-H001 MWF 9:00-9:50am MGT 364-G001 Thursday 6:30-9:15pm MGT 400-H001 Tuesday & Thursday 2:25-3:40pm
HPR-1 wrote: You guys may be off the hook. I was informed his house is for sale.
Probably just downsizing in preparation for loss of administrator salary. Back to his first love of being an a$$hole professor instead of his second love (a$$hole administrator).
Cossack wrote: That dog won't hunt in the tall or short grass. You would have more success teaching a pig to sing and have more fun. I fear you are correct. However, the steady decline of COB (by whatever name) troubles me and encourages wishful thinking.
The decline is bad. Salaries are a problem here. One of the departures is now making more than all of the regular-line professors in the department they left behind here. That includes the fulls.