The current situation in the CoB is reminiscent of the 1992 Presidential race. The atmosphere/environment in the CoB = the U.S. economy in the early 1990s. Doty = George H.W. Bush. Both are from Texas (Houston). Doty's reaction to the CoB's slide into the environmental malaise is much like GHWB's reaction to the economic recession during the '92 race. Thus, the title of this thread. The biggest similarity/irony is that H. Ross Perot is actually coming into the CoB environment in just a few short weeks, much like he entered the '92 race and screwed things up for GHWB. Maybe Perot can "git ir done" again.
Toxic environment indeed. Remember this post from Smoking Management on December 3?
"I wish the Committee luck in facing the re-vote. The CoB, and many others at USM, are watching your ethics, fortitude, and heart. Please remember that this will guide how others treat you not just on this issue, but in every aspect for the rest of your time at USM. In case you were wondering, that includes handing a proxy to anyone else and turning your back on this issue."
Subsequently, the vote that was supposed to be tantamount to "no confidence" passed with a huge margin. The retaliation against colleagues, however, came as promised. First, it was sabotaging a prof up for promotion and then one trying to get another job. Nice to know that some are true to their words.
Now they have taken to smearing bystanders in their quest to keep their boy Doty in power. Mentioning how things are done in quality business schools will get you a public flogging in the CoB. Doty and his 3 or 4 minions don't care about all that stuff. All they care about is putting dollars in their own pockets.
For non COBers, the authors of the "letter of agreement" will be downstairs in JGH this afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30 autographing copies of it. If you don't have one, copies will be available there and in the COB Public Relations office. Thank you.
In thinking about the CoB threads that have dominated the board for the past week or so, it has occurred to me that Doty is like a hurricane: he causes great destruction wherever he goes, he meanders almost aimlessly, he thrashes around causing collateral damage, and there's nothing going on at the center. Reports of Doty's daily activity in the CoB generally go like this:
8:00 am -- Arrive at USM, give dirty look to student in hallway
8:15 am -- butt into conversation, make ignorant statement
8:55 am -- enter office, turn on AAUP message board, read
11:55 am -- leave office, sneer at assistant prof in the hallway, go to lunch
1:15 pm -- return from lunch, hand a staffer the latest stream-of-consciousness task
2:23 pm -- walk to junior faculty office, mention that 4 premier journal pubs needed for tenure
2:25 pm -- leave junior faculty office smirking, butt into private conversation, make inappropriate comment to the group
3:01 pm -- watch AAUP board to find out which prof is leaving next, get angry when another is actually leaving
3:05 pm -- argue with janitor about how to sweep a floor, lose
3:09 pm -- argue with physical plant worker about how to install ductwork, lose
3:11 pm -- argue with Coke machine about how to dispense a canned drink, Coke machine fails to respond
3:13 pm -- argue with wall about how to bear a load, wall fails to respond
3:14 pm -- walk away from wall, secure in the knowledge that he won that last argument
3:15 pm -- check AAUP board
3.55 pm -- ask the associate dean what's going on with the faculty
4:01 pm -- pass a faculty member in the hall, berate him for smiling at work
4:32 pm -- leave JGH on a "development" visit
4:58 pm -- arrive at home, ready to plot next day's schedule
So there is evidence of erratic behaviour. While the eye of a hurricane is generally considered "calm," I'd encourage everyone to consider that at the eye of a hurricane, "nothing's going on," as in
there's nothing going on inside his head
there's no moral compass to guide him
he acts like a soulless being at times
I would encourage everyone to go buy their hurricane tracking charts -- special maps of the USM campus -- as soon as possible. Only by avoiding his path can one hope to survive el infante horrible.
Now they have taken to smearing bystanders in their quest to keep their boy Doty in power. Mentioning how things are done in quality business schools will get you a public flogging in the CoB. Doty and his 3 or 4 minions don't care about all that stuff. All they care about is putting dollars in their own pockets.
Perhaps you are right. However, it appears that Dr. Doty is stuck with us and we are stuck with him. Under these circumstances, there is no reason why we should not attempt some kind of truce. Dr. Doty's public flogging of his faculty and our retaliation in kind serves little purpose. except to extend the cycle of self destruction I would respectfully suggest that Dr. Doty take seriously the criticism found on this board. Even if he does not believe he is at fault, certainly, even he must realize there is a problem. Since Dr. Doty is the leader, I urge that he reach out to faculty -- even those whom he does not personally like -- and try to reach some form of truce. Based on my discussions with my colleagues, I suspect they do not like him anymore than he likes us. If he makes a good faith attempt, I will attempt to assist him improving the problem. If he does not reach out to the faculty and attempt to make peace, I fear the situation will only continue to deteriorate. Young faculty of promise will continue to leave and the remaining will be what I have previously seen identified as PERS slaves. As with any slave we will do just enough to stay out of personal trouble and nothing more.
He will never do as you suggest. It's that simple.
I'm 99% sure you're right, but he might surprise us. Since I know he is a devotee of this board, maybe we can give him something to think about and a goal to accomplish rather than avoiding all of us. Perhaps he will stop clinging to the three of four old time politicians at the COB who will say anything he wants as long as the rewards -- financial and otherwise -- are delivered. When he is no longer dean, they will do the same thing for his replacement, just as they have done in the past.
Perhaps you are right. However, it appears that Dr. Doty is stuck with us and we are stuck with him. Under these circumstances, there is no reason why we should not attempt some kind of truce. Dr. Doty's public flogging of his faculty and our retaliation in kind serves little purpose. except to extend the cycle of self destruction I would respectfully suggest that Dr. Doty take seriously the criticism found on this board. Even if he does not believe he is at fault, certainly, even he must realize there is a problem. Since Dr. Doty is the leader, I urge that he reach out to faculty -- even those whom he does not personally like -- and try to reach some form of truce. Based on my discussions with my colleagues, I suspect they do not like him anymore than he likes us. If he makes a good faith attempt, I will attempt to assist him improving the problem. If he does not reach out to the faculty and attempt to make peace, I fear the situation will only continue to deteriorate. Young faculty of promise will continue to leave and the remaining will be what I have previously seen identified as PERS slaves. As with any slave we will do just enough to stay out of personal trouble and nothing more.
Actually, many of the "PERS slaves" want him to stick around and "dance" with them in order to increase their base in the PERS system. There are several dance styles left for them to attempt: "the administrator shuffle," and "the paso doble count my research/service," and "the directorship quickstep," along with newly created styles of late.