quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "... or the Mozilla sidebar, let me know here. The program that produced the FS newsfeed ought to work on this board with minimal tweaking. Of course, if nobody was using the RSS newsfeed, I'll just take the FS program off-line on the 28th."
Invictus, I enjoy having the sidebar when I use Netscape, and I know others who use it, too.
Just in from the Invictus programming department (more house elves): the AAUP-USM RSS newsfeed should be available by tonight. All that remains is final validation testing & deployment on the "cron" system.
When the FS board expires tomorrow, that RSS generator will be changed to capture this board, so if you've already put the FS newsfeed in your aggregator or if you've already installed the FS Mozilla sidebar, you won't have to change anything.
An RSS newsfeed for this (AAUP-USM) message board is now available & just passed validation. A Mozilla sidebar option will hopefully be set up later tonight.
When (and if) the FireShelby message board joins the trilobites & dinosaurs, the FireShelby newsfeed & sidebar will be revised to contain AAUP-USM message board content.
The AAUP-USM message board RSS newsfeed is now updating every 15 minutes. The newsfeed has validated "clean" & should work fine with most RSS news aggregators.
To add an AAUP-USM message board sidebar tab to your Mozilla or Netscape 7.x browser, visit the sidebar installer page.
Those who already have the Fire Shelby message board sidebar tab can either install the new AAUP-USM tab (deleting the FS tab after tomorrow) or wait until FS closes down. At that time, the FS newsfeed will begin showing posts to AAUP-USM.