I am writing from DC (reviewing grants for the NIH and going out to enjoy dinner in Georgetown). I skim the threads about AD, and in some ways this saddens me. Until the CV and vote on tenure castastrophe hit, I actually liked working with AD on different initiatives when I was a member on the URC. She showed a genuine interest in supporting and meeting our new faculty, and was an enthusiastic advocate for our faculty and grad students. She went to bat for our faculty for start up packages, never interefered in our curriculum decisions, and understood our unit's mission (which is more than I can say for some of the folks remaining in the Dome). Some of the good moves forward in our unit, that the Dome is now trying to reverse, she supported. She never put the hard sciences above the fine arts or social sciences or humanities in the URC -- and really wanted to see summer research funding and innovation awards spread around to all colleges and disciplines. I disagreed with the process by which she was hired (but I thought that all Kitchen Cabinet hires were made in the exact opposite way that good managment practices dictate). But, until the CV fiasco, I had held out hope that she would turn out to be a reasonably good VP.
I guess what saddens me is that the Dome has bumbled crisis after crisis, and I often wonder what some of these folks could have accomplished for us under different circumstances. Yes I know that AD brought these troubles upon herself, but I still wonder, and it does sadden me.
Mitch, I've heard similar thoughts expressed about others in the Dome "what would they be like with better leadership?" --
However, when the flaming dies down, would you kindly address Cossack's assertion that the AAUP would not defend a COB faculty member who was under attack? One AAUP member I know expressed great dismay about that comment. Maybe a remark from you would carry more impact than from a non-faculty or former faculty. I know that's off-topic from your intent here, but it seems important.
I've often wondered what would have happened had Thames handled the AAUP report differently. It would have been so easy for him to talk with her--to advise her to make a simple statement that she was dismayed to learn that her resume listed her Kentucky appointment in a manner that was not accurate, and that she did not realize that until it was brought to her attention and that she would correct it as soon as possible. (After all, that was the ONLY thing the AAUP report said--that it was misleading.) Instead, he chose to ignore it--and to ignore SACS--and go after two of the most honorable and respected faculty on campus.
Mitch, if you choose to answer LVN's question then perhaps you might also consider this one, at what point would AAUP sanction unprofessional faculty behavior, regardless of the college within which it occurs?
Mitch, if you choose to answer LVN's question then perhaps you might also consider this one, at what point would AAUP sanction unprofessional faculty behavior, regardless of the college within which it occurs?
You're right, I too wonder what Mitch thinks about usmpride.com and Doty's remarks about the booze accounts and the private money being fun money, all while he was representing USM before another institution. "Shame on you..." --- that was pretty pathetic!
Peas in a pod wrote: Mitch, if you choose to answer LVN's question then perhaps you might also consider this one, at what point would AAUP sanction unprofessional faculty behavior, regardless of the college within which it occurs?
Peas in a pod,
I have taken the time to correct the incorrect grammar in your post. Perhaps you should have one of your staffers proofread your writing before it goes public. The corrected version appears below:
Mitch, if you choose to answer LVN's question, then perhaps you might also consider this one: At what point would AAUP sanction unprofessional faculty behavior, regardless of the college in which it occurs?
When does unethical intent become "okay" - especially when the money is fronted by the taxpayers. Many of us have had marvelous opportunities for job enhancement IF we'd "look the other way". Would I?? No. Would that marvelous Angie D, who did lie on her CV - call that "brutal candor" on my part? Yes. Would you??
Peas in a pod wrote: Mitch, if you choose to answer LVN's question then perhaps you might also consider this one, at what point would AAUP sanction unprofessional faculty behavior, regardless of the college within which it occurs? Peas in a pod, I have taken the time to correct the incorrect grammar in your post. Perhaps you should have one of your staffers proofread your writing before it goes public. The corrected version appears below: Mitch, if you choose to answer LVN's question, then perhaps you might also consider this one: At what point would AAUP sanction unprofessional faculty behavior, regardless of the college in which it occurs?
Your time might have been better spent reading Lynne Truss. Better yet, just talk to the hand!
Just got back from dinner. I am not sure what folks mean by a couple of the responses (Emma, Mitchman, and so forth). If a faculty member has a complaint, they should inform the faculty senate (Bill Powell) and the AAUP (me or Amy Young or Stephen Judd). We are working on a bunch of issues at the moment. Let me look back at the thread and see if I can respond to others.
Emma wrote: Mitch, When does unethical intent become "okay" - especially when the money is fronted by the taxpayers. Many of us have had marvelous opportunities for job enhancement IF we'd "look the other way". Would I?? No. Would that marvelous Angie D, who did lie on her CV - call that "brutal candor" on my part? Yes. Would you??
Would I? I burned a lot of bridges with the roundhouse in 23 months, and hence I am now back to my "first love." I offered my resignation twice, and it was accepted the second time. I believe I am the only person at the associate dean or dean level to walk away since the 7 AM massacree, and it was a tough decision.
LVN wrote: Mitch, I've heard similar thoughts expressed about others in the Dome "what would they be like with better leadership?" --
However, when the flaming dies down, would you kindly address Cossack's assertion that the AAUP would not defend a COB faculty member who was under attack? One AAUP member I know expressed great dismay about that comment. Maybe a remark from you would carry more impact than from a non-faculty or former faculty. I know that's off-topic from your intent here, but it seems important.
This is news to me. Again, a faculty member who has a specific complaint absolutely needs to speak to his or her FS rep. That's a great place to start. The AAUP is also available for consulation. Because I have not been approached, there is nothing I can add to this.
With respect to the other poster, if a faculty member engages in unethical behavior, there are various on campus, licensing, and professional bodies that would likely be more germane to this issue. But I can imagine some scenarios where this might be appropriate. In one case that I know of (not here), the AAUP came down on the side of a department chair, rather than the faculty member, when the faculty member filed a complaint but was actually engaging in unprofessional behavior.
Emma wrote: Mitch, When does unethical intent become "okay" - especially when the money is fronted by the taxpayers. Many of us have had marvelous opportunities for job enhancement IF we'd "look the other way". Would I?? No. Would that marvelous Angie D, who did lie on her CV - call that "brutal candor" on my part? Yes. Would you?? Emma: Would I? I burned a lot of bridges with the roundhouse in 23 months, and hence I am now back to my "first love." I offered my resignation twice, and it was accepted the second time. I believe I am the only person at the associate dean or dean level to walk away since the 7 AM massacree, and it was a tough decision.
Thanks for the response. I understand about those bridges. I've burned up a few in my past few years. Angie D.,as you well know, hits a nerve with those of us who outrank her in many areas (and I'm not just talking about degrees although I'll match mine against hers any day, any time). I just can't get that word "cuckolded" out of my mind.
There is not one of us who has not, in his or her lifetime, acted in a manner that someone else might see as unprofessional or even unethical. Maybe it was an unkind word uttered to an undeserving individual. Perhaps it was a simple, unintended misstep. While most of us regret such actions, we often have no "Undo" button and consequently must live with the consequences of the action. Those of us who recognize our own faults often choose to reserve judgment regarding others' uncommon missteps unless they are truly heinous (e.g., murder or rape). We as human beings are bound by own honor (in the true sense of the word) to evaluate the missteps of others using the light of reason and compassion, two truly academic characteristics. Only when a true pattern of behavior (an an accompanying unrepentant nature) has been established do I personally allow myself to write someone off as being unethical or even unprincipled.
That said, the faculty at USM allowed SFT to establish such a pattern. First it was the 7am massacre, next the hiring of Hanbury and the Dvoraks, next the rewriting of the Handbook without faculty input, then the failed drug and alcohol policy, and finally the attempted firing of Glamser and Stringer. While there was no little protest over some of these issues, it was the culmination of these actions that led to the campus revolt. Glamser and Stringer may have thrown the switch, but the explosives had been set many days before.
What is one to do when placed in an ethical dilemma by an unprincipled administrator? Should one simply follow the command of the administrator, carrying out his nefarious plan? What would you do if SFT (post-G&S) gave you a task that was clearly counter to the mission of academia? Would you comply? Walk away from the University mute? Stand and speak out? The entire G&S affair was sparked by two professors who saw unethical behavior being perpetrated by one with a pattern of such behavior. They spoke out. They were sanctioned, and the campus rallied around them. Should we expect less from others? Suppose you knew that a USM Parking Services ticketer was tearing up tickets for students who paid him $20 on the spot and that he had presented many students with this opportunity. Would you report him, or would you turn your head? Is it ethical for you to not turn him in, given that this procedure is not outlined in the Parking Services rules, that not every ticketed student is presented with this option, and that not every student has an extra $20 to hand over on the spot?
As faculty we are often given the opportunity to simply turn our heads to unethical or unprofessional behavior in return for the promise of rewards to be delivered later. Our votes are solicited or possibly even coerced. Should we choose not to turn our heads, our freedoms are sometimes endangered (usually administratively) by threats of higher teaching loads, threats of no raises, threats of more service, or threats of termination or worse. At what point do we as a faculty have not only the right but also the obligation to buck such a corrupt system? Does it matter if the untoward pressure emanates from the Central Administration, the College Administration, or the Departmental Administration?
Given that many layers of administrators participate in such activity, can we rely on any administrator to take the faculty's part? There is obviously no relief to be found at the Dome. In many cases, there is no relief in our deans' offices. Relief must be found from within.
Pencil Shavings wrote: Suppose you knew that a USM Parking Services ticketer was tearing up tickets for students who paid him $20 on the spot and that he had presented many students with this opportunity. Would you report him, or would you turn your head? Is it ethical for you to not turn him in, given that this procedure is not outlined in the Parking Services rules, that not every ticketed student is presented with this option, and that not every student has an extra $20 to hand over on the spot?
The answer is very simple. You give the ticketer guy the opportunity to give you 50% of what he collects if you don't turn him in. And if he's late with a payment, you break his kneecaps. Very simple. Very ethical.
And there are somr of us who are suing these jerks. Obviously, the details can't be divulged, but this admin. is being legally called to task right now. Other suits are waiting in the wings. Thst's what happens when an institution breaks the law (under lead of a unimpressive prez who should hope and pray that history will remember his impact with polymers and not with being in charge of a university).
Dr. Berman: I think that before you become so ovewhelmed with saddness that you should talk to some other administrators who were present during A. Dvorak's days as well as some of her former staff. As you know our staff network on campus is close and we try to keep up on the latest affairs; howerver, some issues do tend to slip through the cracks. I often wonder if the CV isssue had not come to our attention what would have happened and how long her support would have lasted given the power in the Dome. Some will tell you that behind closed doors she was just the opposite and that she loved nothing more than firing people or "cleaning house." The CV fiasco caused alot of problems and we lost two of the best; however, in my opinion getting rid of A. Dvorak was the best thing that ever happened in the Dome and the sencond best thing to happen is yet to come, May 2007, the day SFT leaves. I must not forget to mention that "flies on the wall" say that A. Dvorak knew that her CV was inaccurate and that this is not the first time that this has occurred and that it has happened at other institutions where she was employed during her career. To help aleviate some of your pain Dr. Berman you should call someof her former staff at the ADP and speak with them about some of the isssues it just might surprise you to hear what they have to say and they can expalin so many people have left their jobs there since she has been hired.
That said, the faculty at USM allowed SFT to establish such a pattern. First it was the 7am massacre, next the hiring of Hanbury and the Dvoraks, next the rewriting of the Handbook without faculty input, then the failed drug and alcohol policy, and finally the attempted firing of Glamser and Stringer. While there was no little protest over some of these issues, it was the culmination of these actions that led to the campus revolt. Glamser and Stringer may have thrown the switch, but the explosives had been set many days before.
I would respectfully disagree with "Pencil Shavings" over the assertion of faculty culpability. The responsibility for the administrative excesses and "irregularities" is placed in the hands of the IHL. Beginning with the Presidential Search, faculty provided input and feedback to the IHL, which has been consistently ignored.
After the Thames presidency began, every instance of administrative malfeasance was objected through via the "appropriate channels" (Faculty Senate, Graduate Council), and when that failed, through direct contact to IHL and to the media. It is still impossible to envision that a Vote of No Confidence from an overwhelming majority of faculty was so completely ignored by the ultimate authority (IHL). That "failure of leadership" is why the university has experienced such an overturn of faculty, and now the attempts at SFT's "hand-picked" middle management to abandon the institution.
Gastropod is correct. The way some of the staff (and important staff at that) was treated by A.D. (and her cronies) amounted to abuse. I have this first hand from the mouth of one of the most respected and competent staffers--one who was personally abused and who left as soon as he/she could.
Gastropod wrote: Dr. Berman: I think that before you become so ovewhelmed with saddness that you should talk to some other administrators who were present during A. Dvorak's days as well as some of her former staff. As you know our staff network on campus is close and we try to keep up on the latest affairs; howerver, some issues do tend to slip through the cracks. I often wonder if the CV isssue had not come to our attention what would have happened and how long her support would have lasted given the power in the Dome. Some will tell you that behind closed doors she was just the opposite and that she loved nothing more than firing people or "cleaning house." The CV fiasco caused alot of problems and we lost two of the best; however, in my opinion getting rid of A. Dvorak was the best thing that ever happened in the Dome and the sencond best thing to happen is yet to come, May 2007, the day SFT leaves. I must not forget to mention that "flies on the wall" say that A. Dvorak knew that her CV was inaccurate and that this is not the first time that this has occurred and that it has happened at other institutions where she was employed during her career. To help aleviate some of your pain Dr. Berman you should call someof her former staff at the ADP and speak with them about some of the isssues it just might surprise you to hear what they have to say and they can expalin so many people have left their jobs there since she has been hired.
This is equally saddening. I know of many staff who have been mistreated (my closest staff have been mistreated by the Dome recently-details not provided to protect the innocent). Staff are like gold, but get the shaft here. Administrators at other institutions who mistreat staff will get the come to Jesus talk and a big dose of additional training (or are shown the door). However, when the Boss Man models abusive behavior, subordinates follow. A wise and savvy CEO will not allow this type of behavior to occur under his or her watch. Maybe one day...
Staff are scared and tired also. As at will folks with no protection (not like tenure is a shield), they are most likely to be kicked around by jerks. For this reason, it is very important for faculty to realize that the battle is for faculty AND staff.
If you want to alleviate my sadness, organize and fight back.