Reporter wrote: State Board of Education drops writing requirement This just goes to confirm my long held suspicion that education is too important to be entrusted to the professional educators.
I'd have to see the rubrics of the examination before agreeing with the editor that one option was more demanding than the other. I agree that it's too bad to drop any emphasis on writing clear and graceful prose. I also know, however, that the history of education is a history of curricula being revised to cope with ever-increasing knowledge.
As an instructor of developmental writing, I favor the state's decision to eliminate the narrative essay. Most students can write a narrative. The narrative is a good way to get students warmed up to writing, but they need a more challenging assignment.
The writer of the HA editorial seems to be confusing the narrative and persuasive modes. The narrative basically calls for the relating of a sequence of events. Students generally find organizing and developing a narrative much less difficult than writing an informative essay.