I believe you've misappropriated someone else's nom.
If you are trying to make a point, you have succeeded, although it's probably not the point you intended. And if you are just trying to be rude, why then you've succeeded in that as well!!
I'm tired of hearing all this griping and complaining about the CoB dominating the board. If things start happening in other colleges, then I am quite sure someone will post them here and discussion will shift. However, as it stands right now, the CoB is the current hotbed of activity.
What amazes me is that so many non-CoB faculty are so very willing to overlook the evils that are being exposed just because it's not in their college. Same old politics of division at work as before G&S. Just keep your heads down and don't pay any attention to what's going on in other buildings.
Among the illogical assumptions in the original post is the idea that one would only want to post about one college. One also notes an illogical suggestion that those faculty from other colleges not posting to this board must be doing well, which makes a fallacious argument from silence.
Me, I'm exhausted most of the time. Most faculty members I know are. I don't think the word "rosy" quite describes our situation, unless you're refering to the perennial joy, new every morning, of just doing our jobs--teaching to receptive students, finding out wonderful things in our research, and working with other fine colleagues in our service commitments. I have a particularly fine Shakespeare class in an hour, and I'll be able to call up both a 1797-1807 edition of Augustine and the last Milne text I haven't read soon at a rare book library, and I'm working on a number of service projects. Life is still good.
Jameela Lares wrote: Among the illogical assumptions in the original post is the idea that one would only want to post about one college. One also notes an illogical suggestion that those faculty from other colleges not posting to this board must be doing well, which makes a fallacious argument from silence.
Me, I'm exhausted most of the time. Most faculty members I know are. I don't think the word "rosy" quite describes our situation, unless you're refering to the perennial joy, new every morning, of just doing our jobs--teaching to receptive students, finding out wonderful things in our research, and working with other fine colleagues in our service commitments. I have a particularly fine Shakespeare class in an hour, and I'll be able to call up both a 1797-1807 edition of Augustine and the last Milne text I haven't read soon at a rare book library, and I'm working on a number of service projects. Life is still good.
Ah. I see the problem now. My original posts were too difficult for you to understand. You're grasping at the 'basic' meaning, missing that, and missing any other, deeper meanings as well. Exhaustion is not monopolized by the CoAL. Nor is love for teaching, research, or service. I'll simplify this process for you.
List Pood's direct, personal (i.e., done by him) activities in the past 6 months that have circumvented faculty governance, that have damaged the CoAL's reputation, or that have damaged the quality of instruction in the CoAL. I would like to see an honest list produced. Avoid statements like "just being himself" or "general incompetence." I want specifics.
Jameela Lares wrote: Actually, we don't need simplicity, and we don't need more assignments. We need sleep. If you want a list, you'll probably have to make your own. JL
An expected 'comeback' from one of the usual suspects. Had even one item jumped to mind, you'd have posted it here. As is, your snappy little retort has me quaking in my academic boots.
I am a CoAL sufferer who sometimes posts on things specific to my college but more often on the goings-on of the university Administration. Most of us CoAL types came to this board from the original Fire Shelby Board - started by a CoAL-affiliated person I hear - and after our leading role in the opposition to Shelby after his attempted firing of Glamser & Stringer, it was our students who led the protest against Thames at the Dome, for example. Now, I think the issue for non-COB viewers and posters to this board is that the issues many of the COBers post about are left purposely vague, making it nearly impossible for those "not in the know" to understand how this relates to the university as a whole, and they are obviously often petty squabbles involving one or a very few faculty members who have a personal dislike of Doty. If this is an inaccurate perception, then I suggest the fault lies with the COB postings not the readers of those posts. Go ahead flame away - its something you are good at.
The COB MOB attacks anyone who disagrees with them and labels anyone not a rabid Doty-hater as a troll. Good posters have stopped using their well-known screen names because of the personal confrontation and then become subject to the same multi-name criticism as the perpetrators. I admire LeftASAP for putting up with it.
The COB MOB attacks anyone who disagrees with them and labels anyone not a rabid Doty-hater as a troll. Good posters have stopped using their well-known screen names because of the personal confrontation and then become subject to the same multi-name criticism as the perpetrators. I admire LeftASAP for putting up with it.
Thanks, Organized Crime. I have other names, but LeftASAP is the only one that gets attacked. What I love is when I say "your post has no substance" and the response I get is "You support Doty and Dvorak". That is why I think these posters are undergraduates. I refuse to believe they are USM faculty.
The COB MOB attacks anyone who disagrees with them and labels anyone not a rabid Doty-hater as a troll. Good posters have stopped using their well-known screen names because of the personal confrontation and then become subject to the same multi-name criticism as the perpetrators. I admire LeftASAP for putting up with it.
People are dropping their screen names for fear of COB posters. LeftASAP is a hero for not doing so. I thought I'd heard it all.....but..
People are dropping their screen names for fear of COB posters.
This is the weirdest thing I've heard yet...what do we need to fear from COB posters? That they will...gasp...start another thread about how much they hate Doty? Or that they will start a website about us? Give me break...the only thing I fear about COB posters is that they have too much free time.
truth4usm/AH wrote: Give me break...the only thing I fear about COB posters is that they have too much free time.
The weather's been nasty lately & they haven't been able to get onto the golf course. (My totally unscientific observation is that the alumni who talk about professors playing golf are almost invariably graduates of the COB.)
When it warms up & they are able to go outside & play with their friends, we won't see so many pointless threads around here.
The people in the dome must be laughing their heads off that (seemingly) faculty from different colleges are growling at each other instead of them. Did you ever hear the adage about divide and conquer? The dome does not even have to try; we do it to ourselves.
This is not difficult: ban no one from any college; try to keep all threads on the original topic; if desired, start a new thread for a spin-off topic; and do not read posts that do not interest you or make you upset. If you do not like reading about internal CoAL matters, do not read it. Do not like Doty discussions? Stop reading them and posting on them. Let them run their own course and grow cold.
Tolerance and civlity should be given by those that desire it in return.
I do have a question for those in COAL. Actually, it is directed to those in COAL in the Ph.D. granting disciplines. Given that some of the GA money that will no longer be going to COB will be given to COAL programs, how will it be split up among departments? Are there some departments more equal than others, or will it be split up evenly by department? If that has not been decided, perhaps it can be discussed on the Board as to who is the most deserving. At least the COB faculty will know where their money went and COAL can send thank you cards.
Cossack wrote: I do have a question for those in COAL. Actually, it is directed to those in COAL in the Ph.D. granting disciplines. Given that some of the GA money that will no longer be going to COB will be given to COAL programs, how will it be split up among departments? Are there some departments more equal than others, or will it be split up evenly by department? If that has not been decided, perhaps it can be discussed on the Board as to who is the most deserving. At least the COB faculty will know where their money went and COAL can send thank you cards.
I do have a question for those in COAL. Actually, it is directed to those in COAL in the Ph.D. granting disciplines. Given that some of the GA money that will no longer be going to COB will be given to COAL programs, how will it be split up among departments? Are there some departments more equal than others, or will it be split up evenly by department? If that has not been decided, perhaps it can be discussed on the Board as to who is the most deserving. At least the COB faculty will know where their money went and COAL can send thank you cards.
Cossack, most if not all, of the GA support coming to us from the CBA will go for use in the IDV program. On behalf of the CoAL, I want to thank you for supporting our efforts. We look forward to taking from you again in the future. Yours truly....
Cossack, most if not all, of the GA support coming to us from the CBA will go for use in the IDV program. On behalf of the CoAL, I want to thank you for supporting our efforts. We look forward to taking from you again in the future. Yours truly....
Since I am an outsider, I do not know what the initials IDV stand for. Please enlighten me.
Cossack, most if not all, of the GA support coming to us from the CBA will go for use in the IDV program. On behalf of the CoAL, I want to thank you for supporting our efforts. We look forward to taking from you again in the future. Yours truly.... Since I am an outsider, I do not know what the initials IDV stand for. Please enlighten me.
I'll bet lunch that Pood nor Doty was consulted. Didn't somebody just tell us the money is for IDV. The fact that it's in COAL right now is coincidental. It's still Ken M's baby is it not? Just my view from over here at the rest home.