And great timing, too--particularly if Giannnini is a candidate for the AD position at U La La. Does anyone else remember another HA story on Giannini from January in which he stated that Hattiesburg and USM would be his last stop before retiring, that he planned to end his professional career here?
Mr. G has been able to double (by 9 mil) his shop's operating budget in a few short years? I wish our leaders on the academic side were that effective at fundraising. To put this in perspective, the total athletic operating budget, according to this article (and who knows if it is accurate) is almost twice the operating budget for our college. Another way of looking at this is that half of this increase in the athletic budget would be enough to fund a $10,000 a year raise for all full time faculty. 5% of this increase would be enough to fund and expand the summer instructional grants, summer research grants, and the honors forum. My point isn't that athletics are overfunded. But some fund raising attention paid to the academic side would be nice for a change.
Mr. G has been able to double (by 9 mil) his shop's operating budget in a few short years? I wish our leaders on the academic side were that effective at fundraising. To put this in perspective, the total athletic operating budget, according to this article (and who knows if it is accurate) is almost twice the operating budget for our college. Another way of looking at this is that half of this increase in the athletic budget would be enough to fund a $10,000 a year raise for all full time faculty. 5% of this increase would be enough to fund and expand the summer instructional grants, summer research grants, and the honors forum. My point isn't that athletics are overfunded. But some fund raising attention paid to the academic side would be nice for a change.
Operating expenses are but one side of the budget.
Operating expenses are but one side of the budget.
Revenue is the other side, and guess what? Athletics always has to be bailed out by the university's auxiliary operations in order to balance its budget.
And great timing, too--particularly if Giannnini is a candidate for the AD position at U La La. Does anyone else remember another HA story on Giannini from January in which he stated that Hattiesburg and USM would be his last stop before retiring, that he planned to end his professional career here?
I saw this rumor in another thread. How do you know this? Do you know someone at ULL or is it just scuttlebutt?
I saw this rumor in another thread. How do you know this? Do you know someone at ULL or is it just scuttlebutt?
Like you, I saw this rumor in another thread. It is true that U La La is advertising to fill its AD position. I confirmed that information via my favorite Internet search engine .
Can anyone give us a breakdown on the revenue sources for the $18 million budget? How much taxpayer/tuition money is necessary to keep athletics afloat?
Ok, so you were just commenting based on what was in the other thread? I thought you might be a second person who was "in the know." I think Mr. G had done a better than average job as AD, but not great. However, I'm not sure what kind of an AD we would get to replace him. Seems like a great place to work these days
Can anyone give us a breakdown on the revenue sources for the $18 million budget? How much taxpayer/tuition money is necessary to keep athletics afloat?
From multiple sources repeatedly over the past several months, I've heard the operating loss for athletics is $5-7 million annually. Don't know the source of funding for the shortfall. Maybe someone attending tomorrow's festivities will ask the question directly.
Voter wrote: Can anyone give us a breakdown on the revenue sources for the $18 million budget? How much taxpayer/tuition money is necessary to keep athletics afloat? From multiple sources repeatedly over the past several months, I've heard the operating loss for athletics is $5-7 million annually. Don't know the source of funding for the shortfall. Maybe someone attending tomorrow's festivities will ask the question directly.
if you are involved with an aux. at a high enough level all you need do is review the monthly P&Ls sent from the controller's office - that shows the loss. its all public knowledge.
It's interesting to note how bad the HA can be. Columnists do little to no research on most things, yet prolcaim the "G Man" wonderful. I think they believe that cute phrases ("G Man") substitute for research.
It's interesting to note how bad the HA can be. Columnists do little to no research on most things, yet prolcaim the "G Man" wonderful. I think they believe that cute phrases ("G Man") substitute for research.
please remember there is a reason van is still writing for h'burg american and it aint because he grew up in h'burg
He was a candidate for Central Florida about a year or so ago. Didn't make the cut. Everybody was in denial and effectively hushed it up. He wants out.
I'm starting to believe that he is trying to get out. Even though his public comments indicate that he wants to retire at USM, there seems to be lots of evidence to the contrary. There are a couple of people on ET who claim to have first hand information concerning his pursuit of a position at NC State. Who knows, but it sounds like there may be fire behind this smoke.
If he has his sights on places like UNC, I can assure you he will be retiring in the Burg. He has a higher opinion of himself than anyone else in intercollegiate athletics. I, too, know that he was a candidate at Central Florida. I am at another school and our AD told me that he was. Also said Giannini wants out of USM. His family is unhappy.
You have it all wrong. He is my neighbor and a very good friend. He has not applied for any jobs. He did have one or two jobs approach him; however, he did not pursue them. Both he and his wife love Hattiesburg and have made great friends. We think the world of them He is a class person with great integrity and moral character.
You have it all wrong. He is my neighbor and a very good friend. He has not applied for any jobs. He did have one or two jobs approach him; however, he did not pursue them. Both he and his wife love Hattiesburg and have made great friends. We think the world of them He is a class person with great integrity and moral character.
Nope, friend. I have insiders at Central Florida, and Giannini pursued this like there would be no tomorow. Thanks, anyway, Bob. And we know it is the wife that runs the place anyway, but it would not be allowed elsewhere.