Several messages on this board have mentioned Dean Doty's resume, which is posted on the USM website. The following summary covers only the sections labeled "Selected Research Papers" and "Grants and Contracts" and may provide some perspective on the earlier posts.
Selected Research Papers
A total of forty journal articles, proceedings, paper presentations, and "other" items are listed. (It would be helpful if there were separate sub-sections for each of these categories rather than lumping together forty items of potentially widely varying merit.)
A breakdown of the forty items: (a) Two journal articles in press, (b) seven published journal articles, the most recent 1998 and the earliest 1988, (c) two proceedings, (d) twenty paper presentations, (e) two reprints, and (f) seven "other" items.
Of the forty publications, four are single authored (two presentations, one proceeding, and one "other"); fifteen have two authors; eleven have three authors; four have four authors; four have five authors; two have seven authors.
(At least) four items (including the two reprints) are duplications of other listings.
One paper presentation is designated as "accepted for presentation in 2004."
Grants and Contracts
Five items are listed for a total of $42,500--latest 1998, earliest 1991. (The first item is "Faculty Sponsor of various grants for two Syracuse University doctoral students for Summer, 1998," for $14,000.)
Some would argue whether a conference presentation or proceedings article, etc. is a "publication."
From my USM experience: It's a "publication" if the Dome wants you around. It is not when the Dome doesn't. Can this be construed as "arbitrary and capricious behavior" (Faculty Handbook) ? Of course!!
Some of us don't need to call the above publications - our publication records speak for themselves. But please understand
that I'm not discounting the fact that, rightly so,
people claim them as publications - I'm just arguing that if it works for one it should work for all, and that is not the present case.
I have a problem with articles with several authors that seem to "spin" the same data through different (but similar) audiences. They are okay, yet all rules should apply across the board. I've seen certain people in administrative positions okay that "spin" thing to some, but deny it to others. Barf!
But those sitting pretty with the Domesters should well be warned that when they begin discounting publications, the glare of controversy can well turn on them and their own publications. This seems to be happening to Master H Doty. What the sows sow . . .
Time for Dancing With the Stars. The D'Lo campus is looking bright and trying to garner a stiff upper lip with the warning that Mlle might be leaving us.
Chin up CoEPers. There is a whole other world functioning out here quite nicely without ever knowing about SFT and his lame understanding about nepotism and keeping an even playing field. To the other colleges who remain (as of today) around campus - watch your backs. An anniversary is about to occur.
Invictus wrote: I have published in both the "Annals of Improbable Research" & the "Journal of Irreproducible Results." Seriously. What would that be worth at USM?
A "publication" is a work that is published. In business schools nationwide, what counts is "refereed publications" (emphasis on refereed, some proceedings but no presentations allowed). At top schools, only "refereed journal articles" count (no proceedings, no presentations).
I didn't realize his vita was so weak. I mean, I knew it was weak, but would he have gotten promoted to full professor at USM? He got "full" when he was hired so he didn't have to go through the process as usual.
Invictus wrote: I have published in both the "Annals of Improbable Research" & the "Journal of Irreproducible Results." Seriously. What would that be worth at USM?
So Vict, how do those compare with Journal of the American Attack Poodle?
I remember complaining about the limited circulation of a journal that published me, long long ago. A friend of mine snapped back, "Hey, do they print more than one copy?" So, guess it's all relative.
Yep, should be the same for everyone. Applying rules inconsistently or arbitrarily will get you in trouble should you end up in court defending your employment decisions also!!!
Yep, should be the same for everyone. Applying rules inconsistently or arbitrarily will get you in trouble should you end up in court defending your employment decisions also!!!
This is what is going to do Doty in ultimately. Just wait.
As pointed out elsewhere, it's not the fact that some are journal articles and others are proceedings. It's the fact that he has eleven (11) total publications. There are a number of assistant professors in the CoB who have better publication records than his and there are at least 20 total faculty members in the CoB who have better publication records over that time period.
Also, the point about Glick: It should be obvious that Doty cannot publish without help from his dissertation chair and he (Doty) is a full professor of management and dean of the College of Business at USM!!!! What does that say about his ability to evaluate others' research when he has done so little himself?