If you have received a raise in salary for more than the average, since 2002, the you are definitely in Camp Shelby.
Shelby does not need this board to keep up with his limited supporters. It is not even necessary. His minions keep him informed. No board posters will be rewarded.
Auditor in Residence wrote: If you have received a raise in salary for more than the average, since 2002, the you are definitely in Camp Shelby.
Shelby does not need this board to keep up with his limited supporters. It is not even necessary. His minions keep him informed. No board posters will be rewarded.
Aahhhhh, my dearest Auditor,
Jew are soooooo uninformed abut de jenerous raises provided by Our Fuhr . . . er, President Thames!
As jew can plainly see, I haf posted on dis board a number of times . . . und yet I recieved a substantial inkrese ind pay und "benefits" dis year! Also, my gut friends Herr Doktor Goebbles, Herr Himmler, und Herr Mueller haf all recieved similar inkreses such as dis!
Und, on behaf uf us all, I vould like to say, "Tank jew berry, berry much, Mein Fuh . . . er, Dr. Thames!!! Ve vill continue our counterintel . . . er, oversight efforts vith great dilligence!"
Herr Doktor Mengela, PhD. Direktor of Oversights Department of Publik Relations