I don't know what to make of this. I do know Crockett and have found him to be a decent man with good values.
On a peripheral issue, I just have one observation:
When one "escapes" to a real university, one that is a player on the national scene, one rarely sees the sorts of incestuous, convoluted relationships one sees at a school like USM; i.e. Ms. Munn's husband working for Nicholson, Ginn being Ella Lucas's cousin. One of the problems that USM faces (and one that will be difficult to escape) is that it continues to be a rural school--and in many instances is a closed, isolated institution whose main constituency is the small surrounding area.
As an example, for a while it was trying very hard not to hire its own grads. People with master's degrees who wanted to keep their jobs went away. It also hired few adjuncts. That certainly has changed.
LVN, when I typed it in it went straight to it. Maybe you mistyped or something.
Professor Depree, be sure and get an FIA request to Doty regarding the promotion contract he recent authored for someone in the college. Everyone in the college needs to see what the new promotion requirements are.
I clicked the link and it worked just fine. The idea that USM faculty should turn a blind eye to corruption, just because it is related to the CoB, is ridiculous. If you want fairness, you have to want it everywhere, not just in one or two pet colleges.
Southern J, I'm not turning a blind eye. It's just that the COB issues are complicated, many of these postings involve personal animosities and other things that those of us outside that college don't "get." Their threads can become acrimonious and I have learned by being burned to stay the heck away from them. They manage just fine without me.
(Ok, I broke my own rule here, but I thought SJ was being unfair to me. So sue me.)
The year 2000 -- You're right on the money! Unfairness has been going on in the CoB for a long time. Doty had the opportunity to help right some of these wrongs, but he chose to ignore years of abuse. Instead, he was out looking for more opportunities to build his vita and shine his public image.
I don't think I get it...one COB faculty member is claiming that a dept head inflated some performance evaluation information to support a raise or higher raise for another faculty member? How would the first faculty member have access to another's PA information?
apparently, and this is from my reading of the website, the faculty member believes another faculty member was given an equity raise based on false information, and then efforts were undertaken to make sure that the request for a "formal" investigation was never acted upon.
Since all salaries are in the USM budget book which is public information, I'm not too sure how you would expect one NOT to be able to know.
Sequence of events:
Faculty members A and B get an annual evaluation. Publicly available information strongly suggests that Faculty member A's evaluation is substantially lower than Faculty member B's. A gets a substantially higher raise than B according to the USM budget book.
Do you not think there should be more transparency in the evaluation system to either avoid giving an undeserved raise or correct an incorrect public perception regarding these two faculty members' achievements?
although all salaries are in the budget book, which is public, it has been a long tradition (20 years) here for adjustments to be made after the budget book is published. some adjustments are legitimate (different job, additional responsibilities, and the like) but some are attempts to hide salary adjustments. people are less likely to look at the budget book with its addendums in January, for example.
stinky cheese man wrote: although all salaries are in the budget book, which is public, it has been a long tradition (20 years) here for adjustments to be made after the budget book is published. some adjustments are legitimate (different job, additional responsibilities, and the like) but some are attempts to hide salary adjustments. people are less likely to look at the budget book with its addendums in January, for example.
So, can you think of how I get around that?? I have a way.
The fact that there is some level of institutional secrecy and story telling is all the more reason to out the corruption and not to whine about when it occurred. When most of the players are still the same, six years ago is very much like today. That is sad. Just imagine how much money has been diverted to personal use in all that time. That would be a nice raise pool for those of us doing the work rather than padding inflated salaries of those you are not doing much that can be identified, except interviewing for other jobs and bullying faculty and staff who cannot or will not fight back.
So what really makes a difference in the issue is who the players are? Wrong. It makes no difference who is involved. The failure to right this wrong is a failure, no matter who initiates the request for inquiry.
The history of backroom dealing at USM has been chronicled on this board ad nauseum. This is just one example of the reward one can expect for illuminating such rancid behavior.
The year 2000 -- You're right on the money! Unfairness has been going on in the CoB for a long time. Doty had the opportunity to help right some of these wrongs, but he chose to ignore years of abuse. Instead, he was out looking for more opportunities to build his vita and shine his public image.
If readers don't know, Southern Justice is also poster who on another thread is arguing that it is just fine for someone to disclose what occurred in a University committee that is supposed to observe strict confidentiality. For this and some other examples of strange logic just take a look at Southern Justice's posts on the "Doty Attacks Faculty" thread.
I believe that most of the COB faculty who have been around for a long time would say there is more anti-organization behavior by a few faculty going back a long time than unfairness.
I believe that most of the COB faculty who have been around for a long time would say there is more anti-organization behavior by a few faculty going back a long time than unfairness.
I believe you have it backwards. I think there is pro-organziation behavior by the few faculty who are beneficiaries of the booze account and other rewards directed by the "organization". The rest of us are the beneficiaries of nothing but abuse.
perspective wrote: I believe that most of the COB faculty who have been around for a long time would say there is more anti-organization behavior by a few faculty going back a long time than unfairness. I believe you have it backwards. I think there is pro-organziation behavior by the few faculty who are beneficiaries of the booze account and other rewards directed by the "organization". The rest of us are the beneficiaries of nothing but abuse.
Boozed out,
Southern Justice made a statement about COB history, which I (and I believe many other long-term COB'ers) would disagree with.
As for what is occurring now, that is another matter for you to sort out. Good luck and good boozing!
What's the point about anti-organization behavior?
This message board was founded to foster anti-organization behavior! The benefits of anti-organization behavior all depend on whether you are a member of the establishment or the counterculture trying to affect change in the establishment.
What's the point about anti-organization behavior? This message board was founded to foster anti-organization behavior! The benefits of anti-organization behavior all depend on whether you are a member of the establishment or the counterculture trying to affect change in the establishment.
No Laser, this board was not founded to foster anti-organization behavior; it was founded to find a way to end anti-organization behavior.
Now, though, what we have are some faculty whose actions, however unethical, are considered justified if they hasten the departure of the current administrative structure.