While I was working on my two degrees from USM, I had to walk a lot. So I am very pleased to know that students will now only have to walk "a little." Lucky them.
The pedestrian-friendly changes to campus have been welcome to me. The entire hub makeover is great. How many recall that there was once a road there. Those of us who have been around a while know that these were all planned during the Fleming administration.
some of the changes were planned prior to the Fleming administration.
That is right. And some will remember that Fleming--unlike Tiny Thames--formed a campus master planning group with students, faculty, staff, and alumni and some townsfolk to work with a campus master planning person to come up with a comprehensive proposal for USM and another one for USM Gulf Coast to consider. After Fleming left, Tiny took over so he could shape the campus like he wanted. So much for input from others. The message Tiny sent: Screw you.