Did any other Hattiesburg residents get a credit on January's water and February's gas bills? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I'm very happy to have the credits to reduce my post-holiday bills, but I was a little surprised, especially at the substantail credit I got on my gas bill. Just wonderining if anyone else got the same and if anyone knows why. . .with a new baby at home, I've missed most of the local news. . .
No credit, instead my bill which came today was $70 higher than the last one, in spite of my efforts to keep the thermostat down. However, my first bill when I moved back into the house in November was extremely high, and I had have the meter re-read because I had everything, including pilot lights, off in the interim. My first water bill was $260+ but that was apparently a meter error, although the one this month was higher than normal also. I think there are some meter-reading problems going on.
My water bills have been consistently higher than they were before the hurricane, the sewer costs, in particular. Most months, my sewer has been higher than the water usage, in fact. I always thought sewer was one flat fee. . .
My gas usage was actually lower than the previous month's, by about $100, but there was still a huge credit on the bill, bringing my total to $20 bucks. . . again, not complaining. . .but I have never had a utility give me a credit independently, so I was wondering if it was an across the board thing. Guess not.