My apologies if I'm posting old news. As usual, I've been on the road, on assignment from the Judge, and haven't been reading the board.
The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 6, p. A41, has a story called "Acreditation Actions Taken by Regional Organizations." USM is there of course, with paraphrasing of Exline. But this little bit in the first column caught my eye:
"Ashland Community and Technical College, in Kentucky, a two year public institution
Action: Placed on probation for 12 months
Issue: The college had not demonstrated that it had employed sufficiently qualified faculty.
Institution's comment: John K. McGlone, director of public relations, decline to provide any more information."
Recalll, this is the former employer of the vastly underqualified Angie G. Dvorak.
Call the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAmbulance - AD's former community college (where she held a position that somehow gave her tenure in the English Dept. of the U. of Kentucky ) has screwed up.
How ironic. Ashland was cited for "... failure to provide evidence that it employs competen faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission..." You gotta love that. I guess they didn't pump up the vitas enough.
You will learn an awful lot at Cooley. Unlike your future colleagues from some schools, you will basically know how to do what the average lawyer does on a daily basis when you graduate. Job prospects: Cooley will not get you in the door, but still Cooley grads land good jobs. It depends on the individual. It is tough. No real difference between the 1st year and the 3rd. Yes, seniors flunk out at Cooley. You won't find many law schools where that happens. I'm a professor at MSU. GO SPARTANS. Cooley was a past time to pump my resume and to keep my brain alive in the winter. Good luck.
GET A LOAN. Everyone does. Law Loans--well-organized, easy access, will treat you right. Go see Laura at the Financial Aid office at Cooley when you get here. She is great! agd
It is very unfortunate that because of A. Dvorak's credentials that another Institution, especially a lwa school has to be berated. Lets berate all other institutions that others have attended.