The great thread entitled "Movies that will never play in Nitchampburg," created by "already gone," seems to have become lost and embedded somewhere in cyberspace. The purpose of this new thread is to resurrect that thread, but with a slightly different twist. It is anticipated that postings on the message board will be sparse during the holiday season. The "New, Magnificient Movie-Association Game" is designed to provide some additional cheer until the new semester begins in January.
Directions: Name a movie and provide your own association with any message board or other related event. Here are my own associations to five movies. Those who have followed the message board since its inception will understand. Those who are new to the board will learn. Here goes with a few of my own associations:
1. Director Clint Eastwood's "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil": THE NIGHT CHALKER
3. Gene Hackman's "The French Connection": MONIQUE DeGUERRE
4. "Return of the Swamp Creature": BOUDRAUX
5. Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan's "You've got M@il": GARY STRINGER & FRANK GLAMSER
Six Degrees of Separation = 994 degrees of separation less than where we'd like Shelboo to be
The Godmother = story of Kentucky Cabal boss A. Dvorak and her band of goons
Holiday Inn = new name for the dome if USM doesn't get past the next round of SACS
Tootsie = Greg Lassen goes drag to snag a job promoting Monopoly in television commercials
The Great Escape = what a lot of former USM professors managed
Revenge of the Nerds = Lassen's secret plan for raking departmental accounts
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest = SFT as the Chief with the frontal lobotomy, Joan Exline is Nurse Ratchet
Reefer Madness = profile for SFT's drug policy of 2 years ago
North by Northwest = where the IHL spends most of its money in MS
Shelby Almighty = Remake of Armageddon if SFT takes on God's powers for a week. Of course, being given the powers by Morgan Freeman might be a bit of a quandary for Shelboo.