Ve should remember dat it iss almost Kristmas. Derfore, jew ask und jew vill receive. Ein $300,000.00 bonus for de adorable Ms. Dvorak, commink right up!
Herr Doktor Mengela, PhD. Dept. of Publik Relations
Dr. Dr. wrote: Bonus money comes from membership dues! Or wherever. Ask the person who darfted her contact!! -- Did she get her BIG bonus yet? Anyone heard? She should donate it to the victims of Katrina to help create "wealth and jobs" in the community.
Ja, ja. Jew all know dat funding fur de ADP comes from member bidnessess! Und, of course, ALL bidnessess vant to be members uf de ADP fur kickba . . . er, social consciousness reasons.
Ms. Dvorak's very large bonus vill be paid to her just before Kristmas, under de table, uf course, to avoid tax problems. Many, many bidness members haf made generous contributions in de past few daze, und ve are sure dat she vill remember dem later!
Victimz uf de hurricane should apply vith FEMA or de Red Cross or de Salvation Army. Ms. Dvorak iz much too busy to be bothered vith disaster related issues.
Herr Doktor Mengela, PhD. Direktor uf Social Consciousness Department of Publik Relations
Why are the members of this board so opposed to AD being head of an organization you dispise that is mainly funded by local businesses you are against. You complain that ADP is a useless entity. Why not ignore the ADP and AD.
Why are the members of this board so opposed to AD being head of an organization you dispise that is mainly funded by local businesses you are against. You complain that ADP is a useless entity. Why not ignore the ADP and AD.
Well, for starters . . . there was (were) that (those) indiscretion(s??) in her vita that triggered the biggest fiasco committed by USM since Clyde Kennard.
Watch out for the troll -- JH! She should donate her bonus back to the displaced Katrina survivors. Why not? She was only doing her job. The survivors need more help this season than any other.
Watch out for the troll -- JH! She should donate her bonus back to the displaced Katrina survivors. Why not? She was only doing her job. The survivors need more help this season than any other.
The USM profs who got a free golfing trip to Las Vegas are the ones who should be donating to Katrina victims. Presumably AD earned her bonus doing something constructive. I think it is one of the biggest scandals around. Underworked golfing profs scorn hurricane victims.
The USM profs who got a free golfing trip to Las Vegas are the ones who should be donating to Katrina victims. Presumably AD earned her bonus doing something constructive. I think it is one of the biggest scandals around. Underworked golfing profs scorn hurricane victims.
You really stretch, twist, turn and then spin dry the truth, Disgusted. The golf tournament was held nation wide by the sports dept. of colleges and universities. The winners went on to compete in the national championship in Vegas.
Now what would you have liked? USM not be involved in this because (fill in the blank_____________?) Was it all right with you that USM had a football season this year? Was it O.K. with you that the team participated in a bowl?
What is your problem, other than the golf was open to faculty & staff? Does the word faculty bother you?
By your logic the members of the football team got a free trip to La. and should be ashamed and give the money to Katrina victims.
Surely you have figured out that Dr. Dr. IS Mark Dvorak, alias LOCAL, SCOOP, SOUTH MS LAWYER (who loves to praise Mark Dvorak), and a host of other troll-like names.
It is ironic to me that he uses our board to fight his private little war with A.D. since she cut him off the payroll.
If MD is using the board to fight a battle, would that lead us to assume his opponents are doing the same, or at least that he knows they monitor the board?
Don't know about everybody else, but I just wish they'd all go away.
You only think you are smart, but you are not that is why you were fired! Get real! Your allegator mouth overloaded your humingbird A$$. So now go defend the green foot monster the nasty and stinky!
These messages detract from the real shame of this topic : USM profs play golf ,reap in the dough and say to hell with hurricaine victims, let them find their own way.Fore .
I'm intrigued by the notion that a certain group ("USM profs") are somehow obligated to donate money they supposedly won to hurricane relief and that their supposed failure to do so indicates a lack of compassion for the victims.
This leads me to several questions:
-As asked above, how many and how much?
-How does the poster know what these folks may have donated previously?
-Are any of the "profs" hurricane victims themselves? We could have an interesting discussion of what constitutes a victim. If you win $500 and you had damage with an insurance deductible of $1000, is it ok to keep the money yourself?
-Does anyone who wins, inherits, or otherwise acquires money become obligated to donate it? Will the poster be donating his income tax refund? Do I need to donate a gift certificate I got for Christmas? And how will you know if I do?
I hope the above questions spark a lively and entertaining debate, as well as show just how silly it is to single out a small group and one event. -Do participants in the golf thingy who aren't faculty have to donate their winnings?