I'm sure Sarcastic Man was kidding. What I dont understand is if the conservatives cant read and write, how come they're all rich?
Oh, you mean the "northern" conservatives. The ones down here can't read or write and use to ride horses sporting bed sheets. Then later they drove cars with confederate car tags.
LVN wrote: Look at Both Sides wrote: I am always amazed that these discussions of academic achievement always focus solely on money,culture,and other enviornmental factors. Never a word is spoken about inheirited intelligence. Some groups,collectively speaking,are more intelligent than other groups. Some groups will always perform,collectively speaking,better academically than other groups.Of course there are individual exceptions,of course the role of enviornment is significant,of course we are obligated as a society to do our best to educate everyone.Still,if the innate intelligence is not there we are limited in educational success.
What total garbage. I hope you're not serious. Groups that perform better collectively do so for cultural and economic reasons (Jews, Asians, Scandanavians, from cultures that value and promote education are examples that come to mind.)
Do you mean that academic performance is totally related to enviornmental factors ( "cultural and economic reasons" ) ? Heredity plays no role in academic achievement? All racial groups have the same academic potential at birth?How can you discount the role of heredity in academic success? There is disagreement as to how much of a role it plays,but most reputable scientists agree it is a very important facor.
Of course genetics is important as determinative of INDIVIDUAL intelligence. The discussion was of GROUPS. Please read my statement again, the word I used was "collectively" --
LVN wrote: Of course genetics is important as determinative of INDIVIDUAL intelligence. The discussion was of GROUPS. Please read my statement again, the word I used was "collectively" --
Do you believe that differences in academic achievement between Asian "Groups" and BlacK " Groups" is solely due to enviornmental factors and not in anyway affected by heredity? This appears to be what you are saying.
I think you are on some thin fascist ice, frankly. Differences in intelligence in groups really can't be proved, as you cannot possibly test enough people to make the comparison. What is your point?
It is possible that there are some genetic differences in average mental capacities in various human populations. However, the full range of abilities has been found among all large categories of people. Also, the impact of culture is so profound that physiological brain development and intellectual performance of even young children have already been greatly affected making testing incapable of sorting out nature and nurture. Testing of World War I recruits in the U.S. revealed that Negro northerners were "more intelligent" than white southerners. It also revealed that Italian immigrants of the day were "feeble minded." Culture is a powerful variable.
From a public or private policy standpoint, one must deal with individual differences regardless of any real or imagined group characteristics.
I think you are on some thin fascist ice, frankly. Differences in intelligence in groups really can't be proved, as you cannot possibly test enough people to make the comparison. What is your point?
LVN,in all due respect,you've tossed out a lot of accusations.If you read the posts of Look at Both Sides,you'll see that he states that academic achievement is limited no matter how much money is spent and that society has an obligation to provide the best education for everyone.You state that this is garbage and imply he is a fascist. Your statement that differences in intelligence can't be proved seems a little suspect to say the least.
LVN wrote: I think you are on some thin fascist ice, frankly. Differences in intelligence in groups really can't be proved, as you cannot possibly test enough people to make the comparison. What is your point?
Of course differences in intelligence between groups can and have been proved. The only question is how much is enviornment and how much is inheirited.
Now the female vs. male thing is interesting. It's well-known that if you rate infants as to "toughness" that black female infants are the sturdiest, followed by white females, then black males, then white males. I don't think anyone knows why this is. Is it possible that the higher IQ scores of black females have anything to do with having a more matriarchal culture?
Now the female vs. male thing is interesting. It's well-known that if you rate infants as to "toughness" that black female infants are the sturdiest, followed by white females, then black males, then white males. I don't think anyone knows why this is. Is it possible that the higher IQ scores of black females have anything to do with having a more matriarchal culture?
Is there a test for "toughness" like an IQ test? How do you quanitate this? Mr.Sowell's column is interesting.I would imagine he has been smeared as a fascist by his detractors.
I worked at LSU Med for several years, part of that time in Neonatology, and I remember being told this, that black female babies were the sturdiest, then white female, black male and last, white male. I don't know how it was quantified, although part of my job involved keeping a database of information from both Charity and Children's, so I imagine that those stats are out there. I think they are looking at mortality, but it's been some years so don't hold me to that.