201.0103 VACANCIES In case of a vacancy on said board by death or resignation of a member, or from any other cause than the expiration of such member's term of office, the Board shall elect his/her successor, who shall hold office until the end of the next session of the Legislature. During such term of the session of the Legislature the Governor shall appoint the successor member of the Board from the district from which his/her predecessor was appointed, to hold office for the balance of the unexpired term for which such original trustee was appointed, to the end that one-third (1/3) of such trustees' terms will expire for each three (3) years.
Mr. Roy Klumb, a member of the IHL Board of Trustees from Gulfport, Mississippi, has respectfully submitted his resignation from the Board, effective immediately. Mr. Klumb cited business and personal reasons, indicating he no longer has the time required of him for the appointed position. “Roy has often presented a different point of view, and his voice will be missed in our deliberations,” said Board President Virginia Shanteau Newton. “He has served the state well for nearly a decade as a champion for a quality education at an affordable price. It is with deep regret that we accept his resignation.” Mr. Klumb was appointed to the Board in 1996 by Governor Fordice. His appointment was set to expire May 7, 2008. According to Mississippi state statutes, Governor Barbour will make the appointment to replace Mr. Klumb during the next legislative session. Under the leadership of the Board of Trustees, IHL governs the public universities in Mississippi, including Alcorn State University; Delta State University; Jackson State University; Mississippi State University including the Mississippi State University Division of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine; Mississippi University for Women; Mississippi Valley State University; the University of Mississippi including the University of Mississippi Medical Center; and the University of Southern Mississippi.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (just had to get into the spirit of the season and all...)
Wow, this is the first piece of good news for USM that I've seen in a looooong time. So glad that delurking from my Winter Lurkitude coincided with this good piece of news.
Let's hope that Klumb's replacement will at least know what the IHL *does* before accepting the job (and that s/he is not a Fish and Game Commission wannabe).
Truth (now THIS is some good dirty laundry that's long overdue for some washing!)
...In a phone interview, Klumb said his businesses in Gulfport and Tennessee, as well as his College Board duties, take up most of his time, and he wants to spend more time with his children.
Memory Jog wrote: Reporter wrote: Coast College Board member quits http://clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051216/NEWS/512160332/1002/NEWS
From the CL article: "Klumb received a bachelor's degree in political science from Mississippi State University." I thought somebody said on the message board that his degree was in ornamental horticulture.
what qualifies someone with a bs in pol sci or horticulture to make decisions about an entire university system???
My favorite quote from that article is, "College Board member Roy Klumb resigned..."
Please don't tell me that the Bulldogs in Starkville objected to his presence on the IHL in view of the impending search for a new president of that school. Don't even think about it
Third Witch wrote: I nominate Frank Glamser to take his place. Why not Michael Moore or Howard Dean? They fit right in with the USM faculty.
I nominate anyone from the Tupelo-based American Family Association, perhaps even the saint Rev. Donald Wildmon. Something must be done to bring these godless, liberal, un-American, know-nothing Mississippi faculties into line! Fire 'em all, I say. Let's replace them only with god-fearing, Bible-quoting, gay-hating, un-worldly men who know how to educate a child (with a paddle if need be).
"University of Southern Mississippi President Shelby Thames called Klumb a friend and was surprised he resigned. Klumb supported Thames when he came under fire for administrative decisions he made."
"Stephen Judd... said that Klumb often created a philosophical divide between himself and the members of Mississippi's academia.
"The bigger issue is that the new structure will enable the members of the board to do the larger job and maybe he was not comfortable with that," Judd said, explaining a recent change in the college board's philosophy."
"... one thing we clearly disagreed with Roy on," Judd said.
"He wants to be involved in the daily runnings of a number of universities - not just Southern Miss. At times he was playing a" little too close to the process instead of standing back and letting the universities run themselves."
I nominate anyone from the Tupelo-based American Family Association, perhaps even the saint Rev. Donald Wildmon. Something must be done to bring these godless, liberal, un-American, know-nothing Mississippi faculties into line! Fire 'em all, I say. Let's replace them only with god-fearing, Bible-quoting, gay-hating, un-worldly men who know how to educate a child (with a paddle if need be).
Now pay close attention, children, because this will be on your final exam. Here we have a classic example of what your textbook calls "stereotyping." You will note that those who complain the loudest about stereotyping by others are often the very same people that frequently use the technique as a derogatory hit-and-run slam on people or groups whose views they do not share. Those who stereotype in the manner get their reward when they hear the "yes, yes" rumble from their sympathizers. Stereotypers of this variety, while appearing on the surface to be open minded and flexible, are usually rather rigid and single-minded.