SACS in now in session in Hotlanta. Is SFT in attendance? Will he personally receive the "get out of jail card?"
How many SACS annual meetings has he attended in the past? His dismal record of attendance is indicative of how much value he really places in the SACS organization. In his many years as an administrator at USM, SFT has not been one that really put value in the standards, policies and procedures, of SACS.
This week will be different. SFT will be the Savior, the Redeemer....the person that took care of the Probation in record time. Will a move be made to let the Board of Trustees know how valuable he is to USM?
Another interesting bit of research would include a comparison of how many people from USM are attending the SACS meeting in comparison to past years. It would be my prediction that we probably have a record number of people attendance.....putting our best foot forward.
So, let's all have a good week. The Fix is in. Shellboo has taken care of us. We are once again an institution of high academic quality.
I know who is responsible for removal of the probationary status by SACS---THE FACULTY.
Don't put the cart in front of the house. We ain't off probation yet. Accreditation visitors are usually friendly during their visit. Do you remember that old song about "smiley faces?"
SFT will be the Savior, the Redeemer....the person that took care of the Probation in record time.
LVN... what was that wonderful comment you made on this board some time back, something along the lines that SFT started the fire and now has the water hose to put it out? I know I am mangling this statement.
Googler, your memory is way better than mine! I think it was something about taking credit for putting out a fire . . . that you started yourself. Good to know somebody out there pays attention.
(I may have what my clergyperson recently called "CRS" syndrome. Stands for, "can't remember . . . stuff.")
Oren, I don't know about outsourcing! I bet slave labor was involved and given Nero's admiration for the arts and things Greek, I have to wonder if Greek architects were hired!
So, the "get out of jail" card will be issued on Tuesday. Has a "University Holiday" been declared?
When will the merit raise for JE be announced for her extraordinary leadership in "getting us out of the mess?"
How many people did it take to go to Atlanta to get our "get out of jail card?" Who went? Atlanta is one of IRS high expense cities so we hope our traveling party was not limited to normal state per day limits on expenses?
How much did this whole debacle really cost USM? How many professional hours were spent on something that should have never happened in the first place? This would make a good reseach project for some brave soul. The amount saved could gone a long way in offsetting what is lost on our athletic programs and purchase of a flying machine.
As a long time sax player I have found people to be more interested in sex than sax. I am sure that we have the same view when it comes to SACS.
Has this accreditation agency done anything to benefit this institution? A slap on the wrist will not cut it. We know the slap on the wrist cost us a bunch of money.
We should be glad that SACS was not real serious and that the probationary status was not the result of an on-site visit. We still have to look forward to the upcoming visit and because we have been on probation the visiting team will probably look at us much more closely.
Let's all tighten our belts. We will hear a lot of "We don't have the money for this or that because we have to get ready for the real SACS visit."
We still have to look forward to the upcoming visit and because we have been on probation the visiting team will probably look at us much more closely. Let's all tighten our belts.
What I love the most about all of this is the collective amnesia that's accompanied this announcement. All everyone -- i.e. Danny Mitchell, etc. -- is talking about now the end of the probation and the good times ahead.
Is it just me or has everyone happily forgotten what put USM where it was? Or what he said afterward, blaming Hudson etc. for the problems? Or how it's affected USM since?
Granted, a lot of stuff has happened in the last year but collective memories sure seem shorter than they did this time a year ago.
Let us not forget that accreditation means only an institution has achieved minimal standards. It's nothing to brag about. Almost every university in the nation is accredited. Almost every possum sleeps in a tree.
Let us not forget that accreditation means only an institution has achieved minimal standards. It's nothing to brag about. Almost every university in the nation is accredited. Almost every possum sleeps in a tree.