Loo from the hips tothe ankles. When you find "fat" back and "kanckles" let me know. Maybe there is a cure for you.
I enjoy witty riposte as much as the next gal but I have no idea what in blazes you folks (DrDr, Lorilynn, Cook etc.) are talking about. Maybe I'm the only obtuse one here, but could I ask that you spell it out, just for little old me? Thanks.
Some of you guys really take the cake. Somebody posts on the board in what appears to be a sincere way, and you bash his spelling and grammar.
No, the errors were discussed as indicia of an imposter. That is saying that the real M. D. would be expected to write better, i.e., that he is held in higher esteem than the apparently bogus poster. In the alternative, several previous posters expressed sympathy for the apparent pain expressed in the post, if the poster really is M.D.
There are lots of people who don't spell well, and there are lots of people who don't write very well either. And that includes some college professors. That does not mean that they are stupid, or that they have nothing worthwhile to say, or that they are trolls.
Well of course you are right. The most respected S. Judd is renown for the profusion of typos spread throughout most of his posts. The substance of his posts warrants tolerance of his "style." If the subject poster is an imposter, the post can only be seen as provocation, the work of a troll. If it is genuine, perhaps it exceeds the bounds of good judgment.
If you expect people to communicate with you, it's not smart to belittle their writing prowess . . .
Too true, but who would "expect" or even want anyone to communicate particulars of their domestic struggles on this board?
. . . in what looks like an attempt to raise your own status.
Again, I think the critics were aiming to determine the authenticity of the poster, not raise their own status (in the eyes of whom?)
Where are you? Out trting to sell your wares under the assumed named you have taken. Lorillyn is not a poster on this board. A very sick person used her name to post here and that sick person needs to be ashamed and admonished for "HER" sick, sick position she had taken. Lets "ping" her! Kankles and ankles! Pork is the difference.
Some folks seem to be sending each other little arcane private messages. It would be nice if you guys/gals would find another venue. Or at least start your own thread and mark it OT.
This post is not intended to be rude but remember this whole web site started for one or two reasons. This venue is proper. Trolls and others have posted. Gramar and composition is not at issue. As Muzzle said even some of the esteemed professors have problems there.
LVN: This post is not intended to be rude but remember this whole web site started for one or two reasons. This venue is proper. Trolls and others have posted. Gramar and composition is not at issue. As Muzzle said even some of the esteemed professors have problems there. Truth4USM welcome back! Give'm h$ll.
Just a quick note here (thanks Muzzle?) to add some context to my very public persona as a bad speller --- most of which is due to my fat fingers, my lack of formal keyboard skills and the tendency of my thoughts to outrace my digital abilities . . . . and on a bad day I can't remember how to call up the spellcheck tool . . .
My last message was supposed to be funny! Note the gramatical structure. That should be a good laugh for Muzzel. Again, regardless, I to have the tendency to allow my fingers to work faster than my brain and I too have poor keyborad skills. I would be lost without spell check. However, the content of the message remains.
Stephen: My last message was supposed to be funny! Note the gramatical structure. That should be a good laugh for Muzzel. Again, regardless, I to have the tendency to allow my fingers to work faster than my brain and I too have poor keyborad skills. I would be lost without spell check. However, the content of the message remains.
Thank heavens!! For a while there I thought you and Stephen were some of the 11 million being discussed on another thread.
I am back acfter a good vacation. I think it is bizzare that I am accused of being someone I am not. Wonder who did that! I wish the community would really look at what is going on. I know she has her cabreaker's pals there, but beyond that whtat is thte real story?