We really need to start utilizing Bennett for basic classes. Virtually all of the larger SEC schools such as Florida, Georgia, etc. are teaching sections of 600 to in some cases 1,900. USM should definitely join the ranks of these schools and bring this kind of high quality education to our students. As a benefit to the taxpayers, our cost per SCH would plummet. The only additional cost would be in hiring a few bar-bouncer types to maintain order.
Is this claim about Georgia, Florida, etc. true or just an exaggeration for effect? If it is true, then I am more puzzled than ever why students (or their parents) think it is a good idea for them to attend mega-universities.
correct. you'll find shockingly large sections at any megauniversity.
as to why students continue to go there, well I can't say for sure. A long-term test will be how the megas fare compared to similar schools that have committed to enrollment caps in the low 20s.
btw, the original post had a high tongue-in-cheek component. for usm purposes, as the faculty continues to shrink either the classes will continue to get larger or research (nonfunded of course) will go by the board. since there is virtually no management at usm, i suspect we'll just stumble into some mixture of the 2.