The University of Southern Mississippi
Faculty Senate Meeting on November 11, 2005
Union Hall of Honors at 2:00 p.m.
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Approval of September 16, 2005 and October 7, 2005, meeting minutes
3.0 Approval of Agenda
4.0 Officers' Reports
4.1 President
4.1.4 CoH Tenure & Promotion document
4.1.5 Gulf Coast Status
4.1.6 Visit to Hattiesburg & USM by Dr. Belle Wheelan, President, SACS Commission on Colleges
4.1.7 Raises
4.1.8 Discussions with Provost Grimes Tenure & Promotion calendars Revision of FAR due date FAR qualifying comment Summer Grants, sabbaticals, etc. Awards Emeritus status
4.1.9 Cabinet meetings
4.1.10 Executive committee meetings with Dr. Thames
4.1.11 MIDAS
4.1.12 Push for online program in each college
4.1.13 Calendar committee
4.1.14 Online evaluation of teaching
4.1.15 Half tuition for spouses
4.1.16 Other
4.2 President-Elect
4.3. Secretary
4.4. Secretary-Elect
5.0 Committee Reports 5.1 Academic and Governance 5.2 Administration and Faculty Evaluations 5.3 Awards 5.4 Budget 5.5 Constitution and Bylaws 5.6 Faculty Welfare 5.7 Government Relations 5.8 Technology 5.9 Elections 5.10 Ad hoc committee reports and liaison reports
5.10.1 President’s Council
5.10.2 American Association of University Professors
5.10.3 Academic/Graduate Council
5.10.3 Faculty Leadership Council
5.10.4 Transportation
6.0 New Business
7.0 Old Business 7.1 Associate Dean search in College of Education and Psychology
8.0 Other9.0 Adjournment