Looks like France is exploding in violence just as students consider registering for USM's Abbey. Will this social chaos be the event that scares away enough undergraduates to finally kill this program?
...CENTRE. Dans le Loiret, les pompiers ont effectué une quarantaine d'interventions liées à des violences urbaines, principalement à Orléans et Montargis, pour 15 feux de voitures mais aussi des attaques au cocktail molotov contre des magasins, un local pour personnes âgées et un bus. Il n'y a pas eu de blessés. A Blois, les pompiers sont intervenus une vingtaine de fois pour des incendies de véhicules - 18 ont été détruits - ou de poubelles....
The muslims of France have been marginalized just like the blacks in our country. The answer is more preferences,more affirmative action and more quotas.
The muslims of France have been marginalized just like the blacks in our country. The answer is more preferences,more affirmative action and more quotas.
There have been a number of posts recently by poseurs et provocateurs who espouse a position apparently inviting easy criticism. Many of these posts have a common characteristic: no single space after commas and, sometimes, periods. Odd, huh.
As I understand it, France has absolutely NO affirmative action, so it's fairly obvious how well that's working for them.
Sinking to the bait wrote: Power to the People wrote: The muslims of France have been marginalized just like the blacks in our country. The answer is more preferences,more affirmative action and more quotas.
There have been a number of posts recently by poseurs et provocateurs who espouse a position apparently inviting easy criticism. Many of these posts have a common characteristic: no single space after commas and, sometimes, periods. Odd, huh. As I understand it, France has absolutely NO affirmative action, so it's fairly obvious how well that's working for them.