Boy this Homer Coffman guy is a joke. He is still working on a Ph.D. from an online university. He has a Criminal Justice degree from USM in one year! Apropos. He calls himself "a visionary" on his website. What sort of deal did he make with Samsung? May this Thames holdover be not long at USM; he should not have been held over. As someone working on an online Ph.D. his vision seems to have been to "transform the educational space as students and professors share the same hardware and software, enabling them to experience and share audio, video, and other learning materials to accomplish classroom goals" (from his website), and so this vision was to replace the classroom in a classroom-based university. What a failure, and a criminal failure at that.
Coffman was also Dean of Technology at the "world-famous" for-profit American InterContinental University which has 90% of its classes online. Could we expect anything but what has happened after hiring such a person with such a past?