Faculty members have better hours, do less work than we admins, and have much more vacation time. Just look at the number of administrators that have gone back to be faculty because, in the long and short run, faculty members have the best deal.
Let's all do our part to help improve everybody's situation in relation to salaries. We are also faced with the after-Katrina syndrone. It looks as if there will be many unmet needs in Mississippi for years to come. If all of us become more productive, produce more, and work together we wil all reap better benefits.
What the **** has this guy been smoking? I have a family and cannot support them on my USM salary and still pay 5g's a year for crappy health insurance.
I'm a very productive scholar who's even been successful in getting external funding. But raises have not been distributed on objective merit basis--cronyism has been the standard.
Don't come around asking me to sacrifice when Thames, his toady deans and their faculty lackeys continue to fill their plates with as much as or more than they care to eat.
Rather than get angry, I'm preparing to leave, devoting all of my work time to getting my research out and applying to better positions.
I heard that today, following protest expressed by public uproar, the Pennsylvania Senate voted to repeal big pay raises to some high ranking state officials. As General Bullmoose once said, "Maybe what's good for Pennsylvania is good for Mississippi."
What the **** has this guy been smoking? I have a family and cannot support them on my USM salary and still pay 5g's a year for crappy health insurance.
I'm a very productive scholar who's even been successful in getting external funding. But raises have not been distributed on objective merit basis--cronyism has been the standard.
Don't come around asking me to sacrifice when Thames, his toady deans and their faculty lackeys continue to fill their plates with as much as or more than they care to eat.
Rather than get angry, I'm preparing to leave, devoting all of my work time to getting my research out and applying to better positions.
I hear ya Midnight Oil - a good progressive Australian band by the way - in my department and others nearby too many academically-challenged colleagues have been rewarded with major raises and perks simply because the not-so-bright dean likes what they do. These colleagues do not publish in refereed journals or with university presses and yet are held up by the dean as models for all of us. Time to close the doors on this so-called university.
Black Cat wrote: Time to close the doors on this so-called university. When you have a flat tire you don't buy a new car. You buy a new tire. The Eaglemobile needs a brand new tire.
Some one told me that the hubcaps were fine, but everything else needed replacement.