See huh? wrote: See More, the manner in which you are regarded would suggest that you have talent . . . which I just don't see. . . or "get" Dime to a doughnut that you're the one who sits at the rear of my classroom with a frown on your face and never laughs at my jokes.
trust me, I'm no kid and haven't sat in a classroom in a while. I just don't see the humor in hate.
Humor is often used to reduce stress. Research has shown laughter can lower blood pressure. There is not hate in See More. You are truly "humor impaired" if you view these as hate, but you are certainly entitled to your own opinions just as we are. I suggest you don't bother logging in to check out See More if you don't care for them.
See huh? wrote: trust me, I'm no kid and haven't sat in a classroom in a while. I just don't see the humor in hate.
I just re-viewed #69, looking for the "hate" -- couldn't find it. If See, Huh? is no kid, then s/he ought to be familiar with the acid tone of political cartooning. This is political cartooning at its finest--pointing out political outrages with a stiff blast of humor. Stick around, See, Huh? and watch See More rack up some actual awards for this stuff--as we've pointed out many times, there is/was much that is wurl' class about this university; it's just not usually where Shelboo claims it is.
Advocate wrote: Absolutely brilliant!!!!!! See More, the manner in which you are regarded would suggest that you have talent . . . which I just don't see. . . or "get"
I stick by original assessment -- ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!!!! It made me smile on a rainy Monday. What else could you ask for?
Worth a thousand words wrote: Mixed Feelings wrote: It is bittersweet to me that SeeMore has come back. I, for one, had hoped that the Smiley Face issue of late last spring was the last. See More has to keep 'em coming. He/she is the one person who is perfectly capturing and recording the absurdity of the last years.