iTech reports that TLRC (Teaching and Learning Resource Center) - the folks who supply classrooms with a television, vcr, laptop, overhead projector, etc upon the request of faculty members - is being done away with at the end of this fiscal year. I guess you'll have to add a portable tv and vcr to the chalk that professors must supply for themselves in USM classrooms. But Shelby is bettering the teaching experience at USM, right? Right.
can you provide the basis for your claim? is TLRC being merged with some other entity to provide the services? i find your comment incomplete, at best.
I think you'll find this move to be part of a larger initiative supported by Deans Pood and Doty to have Power Point and other "technology" used exclusively in the classroom. Sure, Thames benefits because that shifts financial responsibility to the colleges (to provide for the equipment and software), freeing up the dollars that went previously to the TLRC. He'll have more money to reward people with mid-year raises and to spend on other projects.
A friend of mine often lectures in the business bldg and at times goes on and on about the tech stuff they are installing over there. I guess we should all head over and take a peek at our future.
*** wrote: can you provide the basis for your claim? is TLRC being merged with some other entity to provide the services? i find your comment incomplete, at best.
Incomplete? What part of "being done away with" didn't you understand? The governance board of iTech - which includes the deans, various staffers, and even some faculty - went along with this idea - it was passed on to the VPs and Thames and is now policy unless some unforeseen pressure is exerted to make them change their minds.
Here's the membership of the iTech Board of Directors:
Chair – Shelby Thames, President Co Chair – Homer Coffman, Chief Information Officer
Voting Members: Chair & co-chair Jay Grimes, Provost Gregg Lassen, Chief Financial Officer Cecil Burge, Vice President for Research and Economic Development Joe Paul, Vice President for Student Affairs Joan Exline, Assistant to the President for Accreditation, Planning, & Articulation Cynthia Moore, Associate Provost
Here's the Advisory Committee membership: Chair – Homer Coffman, Chief Information Officer Chair – Gregg Lassen, Chief Financial Officer
Voting Members: Chair & co-chair Kristi Motter, Assoc VP/Director of Financial Aid Cynthia Moore, Associate Provost Jonathan Krebs, SGA President Connie Wyldmon, Director, Research & Sponsored Programs Amy Young, Chair Academic Council Ed Mann, Chair, Graduate Council Virginia Kittrell – Staff Council appointee College Representatives CoAL –Elliott Pood, Dean CoB – Harold Doty, Dean CoEP –Willie Pierce, Dean CoH –Peter Fos, Dean CoST – Rex Gandy, Dean Kay Wall, Associate Professor, University Librarian Ken Malone – Chair, Economic and Workforce Development Bill Powell – Associate Professor of TESOL & French, Faculty Senate President-Elect Adel Ali – Council of Chairs appointee
all you've provided is a list of the voting members. that doesn't prove your claim that the TLRC is being done away with. furthermore, it doesn't establish that the functions of the TLRC have been done away with. as i asked--have these functions been assumed by another entity?
The TLRC was done away with many years ago. It was part of the library, but it was split up and the videos, etc., stayed in the library and the equipment loan part went to iTech. I think that part is now called Equipment Services If this is true, I am also curious as to what it means. I sometimes teach in an older classroom that has no equipment, but I occasionally need a TV/VCR combo or a data video projector. Is the university planning to supply that equipment from some other source upon my request?
Everyone -- take postings by Angeline with a grain of salt. She loves to be the first to put newly heard rumors on the message board as fact. Take a look at many of the earlier threads that she started where her claims were either false or poorly understood. Also notice that she is not quick to join the thread later to say something like, "oops. My mistake. Must have reported an incomplete rumor in my haste to be recognized."
Bubba wrote: Everyone -- take postings by Angeline with a grain of salt. She loves to be the first to put newly heard rumors on the message board as fact. Take a look at many of the earlier threads that she started where her claims were either false or poorly understood. Also notice that she is not quick to join the thread later to say something like, "oops. My mistake. Must have reported an incomplete rumor in my haste to be recognized."
Is this the same Angeline that said Bill Bennett "wants to kill all black babies"? Maybe we need to introduce her to Michael Moore or Al Sharpton.
As a voting member of the iTech advisory council, I will try to make some comments, though I am not sure which program is being referenced. iTech has a budget of about 8 million dollars. There are many, many, many requests for technology and information funding. the advisory council was asked to prioritize spending out of this iTech budget. Some programs (such as Ad Astra) were not given high priority. This does not mean that it will "disappear" but it means that it may not be funded out of the iTech budget.