If you ride by Nitchampburg, you'll see the infamous marker sign laying on the grown (actually, it is now a safety hazard), another victim of the hurricane I suppose. This is a good chance to let that one go into the large virtual pit that holds a growing number of Thames' fubar ideas. I bet even Eustachy wouldn't mind that one never being brought up again.
One of the "Power of the Individual" banners bore a picture of a person in some kind of Kabuki-style make-up who, according to some, bore a passing resemblance to Michael Jackson.
One of the "Power of the Individual" banners bore a picture of a person in some kind of Kabuki-style make-up who, according to some, bore a passing resemblance to Michael Jackson. The resemblance was more than a "passing" one. I'm surprised Southern Miss didn't have to pauy Michael Jackson a royalty.
I hear that if Southern Miss wins the NIT champtionship twice, the road leading to Nitchampburg will become a boulevard with a median strip running down the middle; and a jungle gym will be added to the playground equipment.
I actually had a disagreement with Jeff Jernigan, last year's president of the Legacy, over NITchampburg (mainly, why was it conceived and then poorly executed). His reply was that the SGA came up with it, said they were going to run it, and that the Legacy was only suppossed to help support it. The SGA supossedly pulled out at the last second however and it was handed to the Legacy to run (they had been given no say in how it was to be set up, then SGA dumped it in their lap to run it).
The people on Eagletalk found NITchampburg to be revolting and wanted nothing to do with it, the student body wouldn't go tailgate at the sight (or even go to the games for the most part). I think the Legacy's energy could have been better spent in other ways to support basketball at Southern Miss. I know Coach McNelis really could have used their help in the fall when she was planning Jimmy Buffet Night at a Lady Eagles game.
. . . The SGA supossedly pulled out at the last second however and it was handed to the Legacy to run (they had been given no say in how it was to be set up, then SGA dumped it in their lap to run it). . . .
Sorry, but I don't understand the relationship between the SGA and the Legacy. It seems there is some other entity involved. Who is the "invisible" actor that "handed" this crack-headed concept to the Legacy and forced them to run with it after the SGA bailed?
I don't know which particular entity "forced" them to keep it up, but I know Jeff and Walt were Frat Brothers and several members of the Legacy Board were somehow tied to SGA, either as members of Walt's cabinet or just an SGA groupie. Because the Legacy is a branch of the Alumni association, I'm sure there was some pressure from somewhere in the administration (not necessarily from Thames) to keep it up, possibly from some of the head honchos in the AA?