Is it possible that the center could not take a close examination by the new president? I hope that IHL will order a full audit before she takes office. If one started now she would be able to begin with a clean slate soon after taking charge.
Is it possible that the center could not take a close examination by the new president? I hope that IHL will order a full audit before she takes office. If one started now she would be able to begin with a clean slate soon after taking charge.
The IHL ought to order a full audit, but will probably try to sweep this particular lil' ole disaster under the infamous rug hoping that no one will cry foul.
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true. Honore de Balzac
I hope that the president has some say so about an audit. Most businesses do a full audit on a routine bases -- especially if there is a change in officers. If not, it will be much worse for IHL if they sweep things under the rug because I know of at least one person who will ask for a federal audit.
Have any research reports ever been generated from this Pork Barrell "grant?" Aren't governmental reports required? Can anyone find anything?? thenextstateover
Somebody said that the literacy center will be getting another grant and will start back up in the fall, that Curriculum and Instruction will use the Center this summer for practicum teachers. Is that true?