The University of Southern Mississippi's operations on the Gulf Coast are open for business after several weeks of clean up and relocation. Over 125 colleagues involved in this effort lost most or all of their possessions, and no longer have clothes that are suitable for a professional work environment. The Faculty Senate, Staff Council and the Division of Student Affairs are working together to solve this problem.
We are aware that many of you also suffered losses, so, for those who are able, you are being asked to donate clothing items that are suitable for a professional/casual work environment. If you are able to donate 2 or 3 new or good quality used clothing items, please deliver these items to the Information Desk located on the west side of the Union lobby. For convenience, you may drive up to the east side of the Union (between Union and stadium) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., park, and deliver your donation. Your donations will be accepted Monday . Thursday of next week, September 26-29. Delivery to the gulf coast campus will take place on Friday, September 30. Please note that this clothing drive is being promoted only among our campus community members.
Because irons, washing machines, and dry-cleaning businesses may not be readily available, it is suggested that in addition to business work clothes, more practical business/casual items be donated. This will provide an opportunity to select items suitable for their job responsibilities.
The goal is to present your donations in an organized, professional manner designed to uplift individuals. Please use the following format to deliver items.
-Good quality used items should be clean
-Clothing should be neatly folded or placed on hangers
-Sizes should be easy to identify (many times there are no sizes in men.s dress pants)
-New socks and underwear
-Shoes, purses, belts, and ties
-All donated items should be delivered in sturdy boxes (not plastic bags). Please place hangers in the box for dresses, blouses, jackets, pants, and men.s shirts. Polo shirts should be folded. Items such as shoes, purses, and belts should be in a box separate from clothing. On the outside of the box, please indicate the contents and size of the items inside.
If you would like to volunteer to help with the sorting and display of items, please contact Barbara Ross at 266-4396. Thank you for helping to make this a successful endeavor.
Why not call the number above and ask? Btw, I may have some room available as soon as repairs are made to make my house inhabitable. (Have lined up a contractor, wish me luck with the adjuster.) I would have a private room and bath for a female prof or grad student who lives quietly and doesn't mind cats. Truth can put you in touch with me.
he USM Staff Council and the USM Faculty Senate invite you to join us in a display of support for our colleagues and the students at the USM Gulf Coast Campus as they reopen the fall semester there.
On Monday, October 10, we will be collecting baked goods, which we will deliver that day to the USM facilities at the old Garden Park Hospital and in Gautier. Bring your donations to the parking lot framed by the Theatre & Dance, Liberal Arts and International Buildings (entrance off Montague Street) between 7:30 and 9:00 AM on Monday.
We realize that this effort is being announced on short notice, but we encourage your participation.
Hoping to see you on Monday morning,
Valerie and Bill
-- Bill Powell President, USM Faculty Senate Tel: 601-266-6072
Valerie Horne Chair, USM Staff Council Tel: 601-266-6285
Pat Smith has so far received replies from four faculty members on the Gulf Coast who could use some manual help in the recovery of their homes. I had suggested to Pat that we in H'burg could perhaps supply some 'unskilled' labor to assist colleagues on the coast. The requests range from helping tear out drywall to digging in the sand to find lost household items.
In what I hope will be the first of several weekends of such efforts, I'd like to organize some work teams to go down to the coast on Sunday, October 9. For those that would like to carpool and/or convoy, let's meet in the parking lot behind the Liberal Arts Building at 11 and plan on returning at 5 that afternoon. I'll be getting information from Pat about what kinds of tools, etc. we should bring if possible.
If you would like to participate, please let me know. I'll be sending out further information (addresses, maps, meeting place(s) on coast) as I receive it.
Bill -- William W. (Bill) Powell, Ph.D. President, USM Faculty Senate The University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MS 39406 USA Tel: 601-266-6072 Fax: 601-266-4853
A group of us will be heading down to the coast again this Sunday (October 16). If you would like to join us, we'll meet at 11 in the parking lot behind the Liberal Arts Building (enter off Montague Street).
Work clothes, gloves, hats and heavy shoes/boots are recommended. It is also a good idea to bring a small cooler with drinks. Tools help too, especially small crowbars, hammers (brick hammers seem to work well for removing drywall), shovels. If you're driving a truck or van, an extra wheelbarrow is useful. We'll have some dust masks to distribute.
Thanks to Mary Beth Applin, Anita Davis, Mary Villeponteaux and Melissa Powell (wheelbarrow driver extraordinaire) for their efforts this past Sunday.
I hope you'll join us on Sunday. If you can, please let me know.
A reminder that a group of us will be heading down to the coast again this Sunday (October 16) to help out USM Gulf Coast faculty with their homes and, tragically in several instances, home sites. If you would like to join us to either convoy or carpool, we'll meet at 11 in the parking lot behind the Liberal Arts Building (enter off Montague Street).
Jobs range from ripping out walls and ceilings to cleaning out yards to digging in the sand to find lost household items.
Work clothes, gloves, hats and heavy shoes/boots are recommended. It is also a good idea to bring a small cooler with drinks. Tools help too, especially pry bars, hammers (brick and straight claw hammers seem to work well for removing drywall), flat-faced shovels. If you're driving a truck or van, an extra wheelbarrow is useful. We'll have some dust masks to distribute.
I hope you'll join us on Sunday. If you can, please let me know if you can join us so that we can give folks on the coast some idea of the ‘labor pool.’
Thanks, Bill -- William W. (Bill) Powell, Ph.D. President, USM Faculty Senate The University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MS 39406 USA Tel: 601-266-6072 Fax: 601-266-4853
We're hoping to get a big group of faculty and staff together this weekend to continue our efforts to help out USM Gulf Coast faculty and staff with their homes and, tragically in several instances, home sites. This weekend the trip is planned for Saturday (October 29). If you would like to join us to either convoy or carpool, we'll meet at 10am in the parking lot behind the Liberal Arts Building (enter off Montague Street). Please let me know by Thursday evening if you are able to join us - we'd like to notify the coast folks that we have enough people to help them.
I think we will be cleaning out yards or homes this weekend. Work clothes, gloves, hats and heavy shoes/boots are recommended. It is also a good idea to bring a lunch and a small cooler with drinks/water. Tools help too, especially rakes, wheelbarrows, hammers, and shovels. We'll have some dust masks to distribute if needed.
I hope you'll join us on Saturday.
Also, please spread the word with colleagues in your departments.
Many of you know our colleague, Jessica Beane, who until recently, worked in the Office of Contracts and Grants Accounting (OCGA) and Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA). However, you may not know that after Hurricane Katrina, Jessica resigned to become a full-time volunteer in the relief and recovery effort on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Jessica, along with several friends from Hattiesburg, set up a warehouse in the parking lot of a Bay St. Louis shopping center. One thing led to another, and the dedicated group of friends subsequently formed Foundation Hope, working with many other organizations, including the Brett Favre Fourward Foundation, the Steve “Air” McNair Foundation, and volunteer groups from across the country. Today they are the primary distribution point in Waveland, Bay St Louis, and Pearlington, and are one of only four Points of Distribution (POD) still operating in Hancock County.
The need remains and so have they -- far longer than anyone originally anticipated -- still helping and still working to give provisions to the coast community.
OCGA and SPA are collecting supplies to take to the warehouse/distribution center. If you or your department would like to contribute, please bring your items to the 3rd floor lobby of Bond Hall by Friday, November 18. If you prefer to give cash and have us purchase materials on your behalf, please send to Box 5157, attn: Cooper.
The items which are now in urgent demand include:
- thick blankets
- bedding
- sleeping bags
- disposable instant hand and body warmers - last 24 hours
The entire list of needed supplies can be viewed online at We hope to conduct another supply drive before the Christmas holidays, but decided we need to take action swiftly and deliver some things right away.
Please call 601-266-5054 or 601-266-6271 if you have questions or need to make special arrangements.
Is there any place that those of us who are far away can send money that would go directly to help displaced coast faculty and staff? Could the faculty senate accept donations--perhaps just to buy supplies? They wouldn't have to be tax deductible as far as I'm concerned.
It is not often that the Southern Miss Alumni Association issues specialized e-mail to our alumni; however, this is indeed a special case. Since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, The University of Southern Mississippi has made every effort to rebound from the disaster as efficiently as possible. And, with the help of generous and supportive alumni, those unprecedented efforts have been hugely successful.
In just a few short weeks following the storm, students are again attending classes on the Gulf Coast and in Hattiesburg, repairs are being made to damaged structures and plans are being developed to rebuild in areas dealt the greatest blows.
However, like many of the individuals and families who lost their homes due to the storm, dozens of Gulf Coast faculty and staff, as well as their families, are still in need of temporary housing as they continue their roles with the University. The Alumni Association is now making an effort to locate temporary housing for these members of our Southern Miss family, and we hope you can help.
If you know of an apartment or condominium, have an extra room or are willing to rent a guest house in the Gulfport/Biloxi area, please contact Mark Boyles, the Alumni Association's associate director for internal operations, at (601) 266-5013 or by e-mail at
With your response, please provide the following information concerning the living options you are willing to make available to a faculty or staff member:
-The type of space available (extra room, apartment/condominium, guest house, etc.) -Number of bedrooms and bathrooms available -Length of time the space will be available -Location -Are pets allowed? -Number of persons the space can accommodate -Any additional special needs or information.
Upon submitting your information to the Alumni Association, the Association will provide your contact information to a faculty or staff member who is seeking the type of space you have available. All agreements made regarding living arrangements will be made directly between the renter and the faculty/staff member.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to offer.
Many of you know our colleague Jessica Beane, who until recently worked in the Office of Contracts and Grants Accounting (OCGA) and Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA). However, you may not know that after Hurricane Katrina, Jessica resigned to become a full-time volunteer in the relief and recovery effort on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Jessica, along with several friends from Hattiesburg, set up a warehouse in the parking lot of a Bay St. Louis shopping center. One thing led to another, and the dedicated group of friends subsequently formed Foundation Hope, working with many other organizations, including the Brett Favre Fourward Foundation, the Steve "Air" McNair Foundation, and volunteer groups from across the country. Today they are the primary distribution point in Waveland, Bay St Louis, and Pearlington and are one of only four Points of Distribution (POD) still operating in Hancock County.
The need remains and so have they are - far longer than anyone originally anticipated - still helping and still working to give provisions to the coast community.
OCGA and SPA are collecting supplies to take to the warehouse/distribution center. If you or your department would like to contribute, please bring your items to the third floor lobby of Bond Hall by Friday, Nov. 18. If you prefer to give cash and have us purchase materials on your behalf, please send to Box 5157, Attn: Cooper.
The items which are now in urgent demand include - thick blankets - bedding - sleeping bags - disposable instant hand and body warmers - last 24 hours - Coleman sportcat portable catalytic heater and 16.4oz. propane bottles - winter coats (new!! for all ages) - sweat shirts and sweat pants (new) - thermal tops and thermal bottoms (new) - winter gloves - winter scarves - tennis shoes (new!! all sizes and ages) - new socks - new T-shirts (short and long sleeve) - new underwear (all sizes and ages) - new electric blankets - lanterns - air mattresses (with pump built in)
The entire list of needed supplies can be viewed online at We hope to conduct another supply drive before the Christmas holidays but decided we need to take action swiftly and deliver some things right away.
Please call 601-266-5054 or 601-266-6271 if you have questions or need to make special arrangements.
"...If you prefer to give cash and have us purchase materials on your behalf, please send to Box 5157, Attn: Cooper.
...The entire list of needed supplies can be viewed online at We hope to conduct another supply drive before the Christmas holidays but decided we need to take action swiftly and deliver some things right away.
Please call 601-266-5054 or 601-266-6271 if you have questions or need to make special arrangements."
University Libraries would like to sponsor a book drive for the Gulf Coast public libraries. Robert Lipscomb, Director of the Harrison County Library System, is grateful for all book donations to distribute throughout the branches. Especially of great need at this time is children's books for the Pass Christian library. "Gulfport Public Library lost all biographies and fiction, Pass Christian Public Library lost everything, and Biloxi Public Library lost half of everything," says Libscomb.
If you would like to donate books from your personal collection, please bring them to the Circulation Desk at Cook Library. The Libraries will be collecting donations through the holiday season, ending Friday, January 6, 2006.
If you have any questions, please contact Kaylene Behm at 601-266-4251 or
As winter looms ahead, there are hundreds of families still living in tents, boats, and compromised structures on the Gulf Coast who will be especially susceptible to the cold and illness. While working in east Biloxi last week, I was approached about the need for new, warm blankets. This community has recently received 2,000 winter coats but is still in need of blankets. The area I'm working in is particularly poor and still waits for trailers that have been promised but not yet delivered. What a great opportunity for those of us in Hattiesburg who have recovered for the most part and can afford to contribute something so simple but so needed. If you would like to donate a new blanket (preferably still in plastic wrap) to the Blanket the Coast Drive, you can drop it off at The Center for Oral History, Room 105 of McCain Library, anytime between 8 am and 5 pm. I will be traveling to Biloxi on a weekly basis and so this will be an ongoing drive through winter until the need is filled. Thank you in advance for your concern and generosity. It will be greatly appreciated I assure you! Call Linda VanZandt at x4574 if you have any questions. Thanks again!
As we have done over the last month or so, the Faculty Senate is organizing groups to help out USM Gulf Coast faculty and staff with their homes and, tragically in several instances, home sites. This weekend the trip is planned for Sunday (November 20) If you would like to join us to either convoy or carpool, we'll meet at 10:30 AM in the parking lot behind the Liberal Arts Building (enter off Montague Street).
This weekend it looks like we’ll be cleaning up the bottom floor of a house.
Work clothes, gloves, hats and heavy shoes/boots are recommended. It is also a good idea to bring a lunch and a small cooler with drinks. Tools help too, especially pry bars, hammers (brick and straight claw hammers seem to work well for removing drywall), flat-faced shovels, rakes, brooms. dustpans. If you're driving a truck or van, an extra wheelbarrow is useful.
We hope you'll join us on Sunday. If you can, please let me or Mary Beth Applin ( know by Friday afternoon if you can join us so that we can give folks on the coast some idea of the available ‘labor pool.’
Also, please spread the word with colleagues in your departments.
Is there still a need for housing for one person? I am back in my house, repairs completed, and now have an available bedroom and private bath. Near campus. Non-smoker, must tolerate cats. Contact me via truth or via Dr. Lares.
Do you want to help with recovery efforts on the coast? Would you give just one day during January 9-13, 2006 to serve others? Join other students,faculty, and staff from Southern Miss and the University of Wisconsin-River Falls in repairing homes and rebuilding lives on the Mississippi Coast. Destination: Gulf Coast is a partnership between our universities that will connect students, faculty, and staff to each other and to the community impacted by Hurricane Katrina through service. Projects will include home repairs, landscaping, and other projected need-based service work. The exact location of the service work will be determined through our partnership with Volunteers of America closer to date. Mark your calendars for January 9-13, 2006, to take part in this unique opportunity. Transportation and housing will be provided.
Applications are available in the Office of Community Service Learning, R.C. Cook University Union Room 221. Contact Levi Crafton at (601)266-6667 or for more information.