Plecia nearctica is actually an invasive species that has been moving northward out of Central America. I don't recall seeing them in South Mississippi much prior to the early '70s. They are actually not "bugs" at all but are dipterans (flies). The other species of Plecia (americana) found in the U.S. has a somewhat more northern range & does not have a fall emergence but are seen only in the spring.
In the mid-70s, I recall Dr. Gordon Gunter, long-time emeritus director at GCRL, said that the little bug-gers (pun intended) seem to be attracted to specific wavelengths of light & that those wavelengths are characteristic of sunlight refracting through automobile exhaust & gasoline fumes. Whether he was just being funny -- and Dr. Gunter was known for a dry sense of humor -- I don't know. But I recently noticed that the love bugs were attracted to my gasoline generator.
This is a normal time of year for love bug emergence. Based on my admittedly biased & unscientific observation, love bug infestations seem to be higher after hurricanes. They are also higher during extended dry falls. (This may be only because there isn't any rain to wash 'em off my windshield.)
Some tips for love bug avoidance:
Drive at night. They are diurnal beasties.
Drive slower. They can avoid you in the slipstream at slower speeds. (Conversely, this means they survive to breed.)
Clean them off quickly! They can destroy a paint job. And don't forget to backwash your automobile radiator.
If you really can't stand 'em, move north. They aren't that bad north of Jackson.
And the obligatory joke:
Q: What is the last thing that goes through a love bug's mind when she hits your windshield?