I was in Hardy Hall today and all the offices on the east hall second floor had had their doors forced, mine included. My laptop was the only item obviously missing from my office. My guess is that the building has been looted.
Earlier today I had heard a rumor that Hardy Hall had been looted over the weekend, although when I asked the campus security folks about it they couldn't confirm. When I went on campus, without authorization, to see if the rumor was true, there was a big step van and a smaller USM van parked north of Hardy Hall. The back of the step van was open and I could see computer hardware in it, but there was no one around to ask about what was going on. Gulf Park faculty had been told that I-Tech was going to salvage all the info on storm damaged computers and that we would then be given new lap tops with the old data on the new hard drives. My office in Hardy Hall, however, had no weather damage of any kind--although the door had been battered open-thus I doubt that my computer was "rescued" by a benevolent I-Tech. My bet, rather, is that it was fenced out of state, for fifty bucks at most, by a fix hungry pipe fiend who was too clever for USM security, the Long Beach PD and the National Guard
Hardy Hall faculty had been told by the administration for the last week and a half that small groups of us would eventually be ushed into the hall to retrieve our computers and other belongings. Whenever anyone remonstrated with them we were told that the delay was for our own safety. It looks to me like we waited too long.
Can anyone confirm whether Hardy Hall was or was not looted?