Change Order #8 in the amount of $37,302.00 and zero (0) additional days tothe contract of W.G. Yates & Sons Construction Company.
Staff Approval Date:
Change Order Justification: Change Order #8
th Street crossing, additional work requested
EXHIBIT 2January 20, 2011
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with regard to the installation of the Code Blue Phones, modification of the shelving
standards in three of the RA Suites that were originally designed for handicap use,
relocation of power to the outside of the secure spaces in the physical plant building and
to provide a terminated data cable to this location for connection to the irrigation system,
providing of one additional concrete light pole standard on the south side of 4
th Street,install ADA required warning pavers on the 4
th Street crosswalk, addition of sump pumpsand drains in elevator shafts, and additional Robe Hooks.
Total Project Change Orders and Amount:
Project Initiation Date:
Design Professional:
General Contractor:
Contract Award Date:
Project Budget:
Funding Source(s):
30. USM IHL 208-267-A Dormitory Replacement Phase I, Hattiesburg and The
Learning Center
Staff Approval:
Change Order #3 in the amount of $3,823.00 and zero (0) additional days tothe contract of W.G. Yates & Sons Construction Company.
Staff Approval Date:
Change Order Justification: Change Order #3
Total Project Change Orders and Amount:
Project Initiation Date:
Design Professional:
General Contractor:
Contract Award Date:
Project Budget:
Funding Source(s):
USM EBC Bond Funds
USM- Approved the request to change the scope as well as increase the project budget for
GS 108-217, Science Building and Recreation Building Repair and Renovation - Gulf Park,from$7,659,270 to $10,792,109.24 for an increase of $3,132,409.24. The project is in the design phase
and this is the first budget escalation request. The project scope will include the construction of the
new Science Building as well as the renovation of the current Physical Plant Building into Health
Science classroom and lab space. It will also renovate and relocated the Physical Plant operations
to the hurricane damaged Recreation Building and which will be repaired and renovated. Funds are
available from HB 1641, Laws of 2008 ($249,488.02); SB 2010, Laws of 2004 ($6,031,955.11); SB
2988, Laws of 2003 ($1,279,656.30); SB 3197, Laws of 2003 ($231,009.81); and HB 1701, Laws
of 2010 ($3 million).
$45,000,000November 12, 2008W.G. Yates & Sons Construction CompanyLandry & Lewis Architects, P.A.March 14, 2007Three (3) change orders for a total amount
of $12,838.00
is necessary to provide data outlets at
projector locations in the three classrooms located in the Learning Center and to add
independent lighting switches in these classrooms to allow the users independent control
over the passive infrared sensors requited by the contract.
November 15, 2010In accordance with Board Policy §904 (A) Board Approval, Board staffapprovedUSM EBC Bond Funds$45,000,000November 12, 2008W.G. Yates & Sons Construction CompanyLandry & Lewis Architects, P.A.March 14, 2007Eight (8) change orders for a total amount
of ($263,989.00)
is necessary to provide forthermoplastic striping and warning signs on 4October 25, 2010In accordance with Board Policy §904 (A) Board Approval, Board staffapprovedHB 1722, Laws of 2009$2,000,000N/AN/AAtherton Consulting Engineers, Inc.June 18, 2009October 21, 2010In accordance with Board Policy §904 (A) Board Approval, Boardstaff approved