There was a Faculty Senate meeting today that I couldn't attend. Please post a report of this meeting if you have information. Reporter is still digging out from Katrina, but will be back soon.
A large part of the faculty senate meeting concerned the status of the gulf coast campus and the plight of the gulf coast faculty, staff and students. There was also discussion regarding the SACS review; apparently SACS won't be visiting the campus, but will use telephone calls and record reviews to determine if we've met the criteria for being removed from probation.
There was discussion about the bypassing of department faculty, Academic and Graduate councils in proposing new programs (in particular a hper/polymer science proposal to have a conglomerate major in high performance polymer sports equipment that went to the IHL board without review from Academic Council, was withdrawn and resubmitted as a graduate degree without Gradute Council review). A number of senators felt that this would negatively impact our SACS reaffirmation efforts.
The Senate also discussed the new gated lot adjacent to the Polymer Science building and the increase in parking fees. Neither of these items were recommended by the university parking committee (or even known to the committee) before their implementation. There was concern, once again, that the university doesn't follow its own procedures for implementing changes in policy.
Finally, senators from at least two colleges expressed concern with the performance of their respective deans and dean's offices.
These are my recollections from the meeting (I'm at home and my notes are in my office). If other senators have additional information or corrections to what I've written, please post.
Thanks Fac-Sen for an interesting update. Seems like this administration and IHL Board has learned nothing about academic governance over the past 3 years. I hope the commissioner is informed of these policy/procedure violations.
Fac_Sen wrote: The Senate also discussed the new gated lot adjacent to the Polymer Science building and the increase in parking fees. Neither of these items were recommended by the university parking committee (or even known to the committee) before their implementation. There was concern, once again, that the university doesn't follow its own procedures for implementing changes in policy.
I recall, two years ago, a fabulous cartoon in the Printz showing the Polymer palace towering over a College of Arts and Letters tent. Seems to be coming to pass.
Fac_Sen wrote: <SNIP>There was also discussion regarding the SACS review; apparently SACS won't be visiting the campus, but will use telephone calls and record reviews to determine if we've met the criteria for being removed from probation.<SNIP>
Then I'd say it's a done deal: SACS probation will be lifted in December (not that I didn't expect it to be).
Invictus wrote: Fac_Sen wrote: <SNIP>There was also discussion regarding the SACS review; apparently SACS won't be visiting the campus, but will use telephone calls and record reviews to determine if we've met the criteria for being removed from probation.<SNIP>
Then I'd say it's a done deal: SACS probation will be lifted in December (not that I didn't expect it to be).
This is a question, not a statement. (I'm not sure if you are being 'cheeky' in your earlier response, by the way.)
Do you think this is largely the product of the apparently excellent consultant USM retained? I'm wondering whether she may have had some input on the SACS side of the equation.