I think this immense tradgedy has dwarfed many of the complaints of the faculty and the administration. Hopefully we'll all proceed with a little less rancor and bitterness
do not count on it...there are those who are waiting to pounce on the next thames action or inaction...some are complaining about the faculty convocation last week...others are griping about having to go back to work...a few are attempting to engineer a thames failure so that criticism will resurface...taking pages of notes at the convocation in hopes of catching some snafu for use in an exploitative campaign.
they are ignoring the fact that thames has handled the situation fairly well and that it is their job to teach and do research...as has been stated before power company employees nurses doctors policemen firemen and all other essential relief personnel have home damage and have still reported to work without interruption...usm faculty have had two weeks to regroup...its time to go back to work...handle personal issues after work and on weekends...professors are not a privileged class...katrina is the great equalizer.
stop telling your stories to others who have stories as well...everyone has a story and a special circumstance...everyone is a special case...be an adult...pick yourself up...dont rely on the government fema mema or insurance to put your life back together.
do not count on it...there are those who are waiting to pounce on the next thames action or inaction...some are complaining about the faculty convocation last week...others are griping about having to go back to work...a few are attempting to engineer a thames failure so that criticism will resurface...taking pages of notes at the convocation in hopes of catching some snafu for use in an exploitative campaign. they are ignoring the fact that thames has handled the situation fairly well and that it is their job to teach and do research...as has been stated before power company employees nurses doctors policemen firemen and all other essential relief personnel have home damage and have still reported to work without interruption...usm faculty have had two weeks to regroup...its time to go back to work...handle personal issues after work and on weekends...professors are not a privileged class...katrina is the great equalizer. stop telling your stories to others who have stories as well...everyone has a story and a special circumstance...everyone is a special case...be an adult...pick yourself up...dont rely on the government fema mema or insurance to put your life back together.
Okay, let it be known that I might be the "first one to pounce". I worry about my friends on the Coast who have lost their homes and are now being required to get back into step even though their lives have been wrecked. btw, it happened to Hburg faculty and staff too. A cheery face in the wake of this devastation isn't bad at all, but, still -- individual situations need to be considered. Shelby Thames has not been the voice of optimism and progress. He's had no voice at all. He's acted in his own lame ducktitude fashion. USM will heal, but he is not a part of the healing process.
swingline wrote: do not count on it...there are those who are waiting to pounce on the next thames action or inaction...some are complaining about the faculty convocation last week...others are griping about having to go back to work...a few are attempting to engineer a thames failure so that criticism will resurface...taking pages of notes at the convocation in hopes of catching some snafu for use in an exploitative campaign.
they are ignoring the fact that thames has handled the situation fairly well and that it is their job to teach and do research...as has been stated before power company employees nurses doctors policemen firemen and all other essential relief personnel have home damage and have still reported to work without interruption...usm faculty have had two weeks to regroup...its time to go back to work...handle personal issues after work and on weekends...professors are not a privileged class...katrina is the great equalizer.
stop telling your stories to others who have stories as well...everyone has a story and a special circumstance...everyone is a special case...be an adult...pick yourself up...dont rely on the government fema mema or insurance to put your life back together.
Dude, that was out of the clear blue, wasn't it? Have you been waiting to accuse the USM faculty of not doing a day's work for a day's pay for these two bitter weeks? Go crawl back under your bridge.
do not count on it...there are those who are waiting to pounce on the next thames action or inaction...some are complaining about the faculty convocation last week...others are griping about having to go back to work...a few are attempting to engineer a thames failure so that criticism will resurface...taking pages of notes at the convocation in hopes of catching some snafu for use in an exploitative campaign. they are ignoring the fact that thames has handled the situation fairly well and that it is their job to teach and do research...as has been stated before power company employees nurses doctors policemen firemen and all other essential relief personnel have home damage and have still reported to work without interruption...usm faculty have had two weeks to regroup...its time to go back to work...handle personal issues after work and on weekends...professors are not a privileged class...katrina is the great equalizer. stop telling your stories to others who have stories as well...everyone has a story and a special circumstance...everyone is a special case...be an adult...pick yourself up...dont rely on the government fema mema or insurance to put your life back together.
Is this the ghost of Patrick Fagan - reactionary extraordinaire - or maybe his best friend - or maybe it really is Patrick with yet another nom de plume. Fess up. Then get back under your rock.
Jameela Lares wrote: Thanks, Invictus. Everyone I know is shouldering the considerably additional labor of recovery. Honi soit qui mal y pense. Jameela
Il n'y a que la verite' qui blesse. We all know the truth about the USM faculty.