I just heard that the power is on in about 20% of Hattiesburg. I also heard that someone had been shot and killed in Lamar County when they hijacked his car. Folks are very worried about civil order. Can anyone verify this?
To my knowledge there have been two shootings in Hattiesburg. One was reported by the papers to have started with a fight over a bag of ice - a man ended up shooting and killing his sister.
The other involved a minister in town (Episcopal, I think, but not sure) who told his son he was headed to Lowe's around 6:00 p.m. the other day and was found at 8:30 p.m. on the other side of town in his car with a gunshot wound to his shoulder. This is still a huge mystery, according to the paper, and no one could say how he got to that location or why.
The police have begun fiercely enforcing the curfew and two nights ago rounded up (reportedly) 71 people to a big tent-jail outside the police station.
Hi Peggy. We had full water pressure within a day or two. Power is a long ways off, in my opinion, judging from the huge number of downed power poles in the neighborhood. But, with your place practically sitting on Hardy Street, you may get it back more quickly.