I just had a call from a friend in the know and on the ground in Hattiesburg. He says that he has heard (not confirmed) that the Gulf Park campus is demolished.
In Hattiesburg, first priority for power restoration is Forrest General Hospital. Second priority is USM. Third priority is the residents. There are very few houses in Hattiesburg that don't have a tree on them. Prep crews (tree cutters) for MS Power Co. have arrived. Another friend said they were on her street earlier today. 8 young men from NC who are sleeping on the tarmac at the airport were cutting trees off of power lines. Hadn't showered in 3 days. This neighborhood has a trickle of water, and the neighbors let the guys take trickle showers for which they were most grateful.
The Red Cross shelter at the Multipurpose Center is near capacity of 1000. Salvation Army is feeding them. Government response has been good, largely thanks to good emergency mangers like Terry Steed in Forrest County. The government teams are having same difficulties, however, as local responders in that other counties are difficult to reach with equipment, food, water, supplies, etc.
Spirits are good, but volunteers and paid staff of the rescue organizations are wearing out. Many of them have also lost their homes or the use of them. They are anticipating 4 weeks before power is restored. This particular individual says that USM will be down for a month or more in his estimation, and he is in a position to estimate such things pretty well. The city really does look like a war zone. Cell phones are beginning to work again. I've heard from or been able to get through to three friends in the area via their cells today and one yesterday.