In the final analysis, is there reallly a final analysis? Serious responses only.....students welcome... and any faculty that may be as bright as your students.....
Yes, but you are too late. The final analysis has already been done. Anything done now is the first of a new analysis.
this poster is aka "coastliner" -- who is this character and what is his deal with the dots??
Third Witch, you may be right but not because of the dots. Many posters use dots occasionally. I see that you use dashes. Dots and dashes might relate to publication style requirements.
I am a new student here. I think there is something in this questiion. I would like some interaction with my professors on this topic. I am really interested in philosophy'
We just got here and someone turned us on to this site. The dorm is stinky, the food has not been good, and the orientation sucked. So we are here to learn. Can we discuss this or not? and I don't want to hear that "other brother response"
Before you even begin, withdraw and get your money back. Go take classes at Oak Grove High School, I hear the teachers are better and students smarter. And you get college credit. That's the Honor College at Oak Grove.
Unfortunately it gets worse. Just wait until you have been here for awhile. I have witnessed the exit of many respected teachers. So many in fact that I have not been able to get several of the classes that I needed to graduate on time. You will get to have the same experience because they are still leaving in droves. I won't go into all of the crazy business of fixing every thing that is not broken and breaking everything that helped the students. In the meantime proclaiming that it was for the students own good. There is much more but it would be too long a read and I don't want to take away the element of surprise - that is one of the top tactics used to keep students and faculty off balance. Heaven forbid that I should spoil the fun.