If I were to try and list all of my favorite posters, someone would be forgotten. So, I'm going to list the ones that make me think, and laugh, although not necessarily together.
Stephen Judd, Robert Campbell, Invictius, Stinky Cheese Man, Ray Folse, USM Sympathizer, LVN, Truth, Austin Eagle, David Johnson, disgusted student and Angeline. Who can ever forget the antics of that imfamous ride with On the bus, and the wonderful chuckles from See More. We need laughter in our lives, to remind us that it isn't always dark and dreary, that there is truly a bright side.
I miss Present Professor from the old Fire Shelby board, and of course we wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Drs. Glasmer and Stringer.
To those who think this type of thread is not necessary, that it detracts from the 'mission', it doesn't. To be valued and respected goes a long long way in continuing to strive toward the end result. Where is Judge Cooley when you need him?
Thanks to all of you who are in the midst of this mess for allowing an outsider like me to be a part of your group and cause.
With thanks to Emma and Patti for including me on their lists, let me hasten to say that I heartily agree with the names mentioned here. Being 700 miles from Hattiesburg now, this board is one way I keep up with what is going on and the lives of dear friends in Hattiesburg. Especially dear are Stephen Judd, LVN, Jameela Lares and Amy Young. Many others come to mind, but all have already been mentioned.
Thanks for allowing those of us who still consider Hattiesburg home, though we no longer live there, to continue to enjoy the humor and the wondrous insights of this online community.
Me an Thibodeaux don understand why no body mentioned our love, Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre. Wooo Wee she be a nice lady, ya. She don help us throu dat storm an to dat fancy shelter on James Town Road. We be almost finished with dem Economic Developemnt degrees.
One simply could not function without the most efficient Miss Angleterre, so I am grateful that board friends recognize her worth. Although she is slightly tiresome on the subjects of nutrition and champagne consumption, she is kindness itself. I was away when the storm came, so I should so much like to hear of your shelter. Was there not an alligator involved?
I wish to say, however, that our learned friend Present Professor is still among us. In fact, he is an Honorary Gentleman Caller, and continues to add much to our experience.
Mais oui, mon ami M. Boudreaux, One simply could not function without the most efficient Miss Angleterre, so I am grateful that board friends recognize her worth. Although she is slightly tiresome on the subjects of nutrition and champagne consumption, she is kindness itself. I was away when the storm came, so I should so much like to hear of your shelter. Was there not an alligator involved? I wish to say, however, that our learned friend Present Professor is still among us. In fact, he is an Honorary Gentleman Caller, and continues to add much to our experience. I must dash this evening -- au revoir M. de G. C'est la guerre.
Oui, dat was Thibodeaux's gater T-Fred. We tinks Miss Angleterre was fraid your attack poodle would bother T-Fred so she done directs us to dat nice shelter, ya. You can read bout dat shelter on de thread, "Offering the Hospitality of Maison de la Guerre" now on page 5. Dis here is de link.
Boudreaux wrote: Me an Thibodeaux don understand why no body mentioned our love, Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre. Wooo Wee she be a nice lady, ya. She don help us throu dat storm an to dat fancy shelter on James Town Road. We be almost finished with dem Economic Developemnt degrees.
Hey, I mentioned her in my first post...do I get credit for that?
Boudreaux wrote: Me an Thibodeaux don understand why no body mentioned our love, Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre. Wooo Wee she be a nice lady, ya. She don help us throu dat storm an to dat fancy shelter on James Town Road. We be almost finished with dem Economic Developemnt degrees.
Hey, I mentioned her in my first post...do I get credit for that? Truth
Me, I be sorry, Truth. Dat Boudreaux was hiten de jug last night an don read so good when he drink, no. He would apoligize but he hung over, yea. So I write fer him.