A tiny bit of damage control is going on at Clemson today, because CU has slipped slightly in the rankings, though it remains in the 2nd tier. CU's engineering programs have yet to crack the top 50 (they are currently ranked 57th). And if engineering can't do it for Clemson, other programs will need time to grow before they can make the difference.
Still, the excuse making is quite mild, compared to the stuff that Joan Exline is putting out.
Robert Campbell
PS. I see that the alleged promoters of reconciliation between faculty and administration at USM--the ones who insist that there will never be "healing" unless the board shuts down, and all criticism of the administration comes to an immediate stop--have all been absent from this board about as long as I have. Even Seeker, whom I took to be genuine, has disappeared.
Does anyone know how long USM had been in the third tier before its recent two-year plunge into tier four? Also, does anyone know what its numerical ranking was in years past? I believe this year its numerical ranking is something like 198 out of 240-something.
Does anyone know how long USM had been in the third tier before its recent two-year plunge into tier four? Also, does anyone know what its numerical ranking was in years past? I believe this year its numerical ranking is something like 198 out of 240-something.
I just double-checked the numerical ranking. This year it is 198 out of 248. Does anyone know what it was in years past? Thanks.
Beelzebubba wrote: Beelzebubba wrote: Does anyone know how long USM had been in the third tier before its recent two-year plunge into tier four?
In the 2001 edition, USM was 4th tier, but with the note "School refused to fill out U.S. News survey." Information from other years was reported. The "Academic reputation" (now Peer Assessment Score) was 2.2
Excellent job Robert - - - it is so good to "hear" you again.
As usual, you have caught the spirit of the times and tied several themes together agin for readers. Glad to know you are paying attention, even as things have been quiet.
I'd say the motto for the moment is we are "quietly watchful." The Senate and grad council meet in Monday and I suspect the pace and the discussions will begin to pick up again.
anyone able to confirm festus's claim? in all of my 20+ years here i never thought about our "tier" or "peer ranking." frankly didn't care, and really don't care now. but curiosity has gotten the best of me.
Some of the promoters of reconciliation are still here, though we do not all think that all criticism of the administration must stop. However, this is not the best venue for discussion of reconcilitation now is it? And by this I do not mean reconciliation with the present administration, I mean moving forward toward a new one.
stinky cheese man wrote: anyone able to confirm festus's claim? in all of my 20+ years here i never thought about our "tier" or "peer ranking." frankly didn't care, and really don't care now. but curiosity has gotten the best of me.
The score assigned to a school by USN&WR is a function of several varibles, each of which should be of concern to faculty members. And, of course, our ranking is a function of our score. So why the smug indifference to our ranking?
Fly wrote: However, this is not the best venue for discussion of reconcilitation now is it?
Well...given that other "venues" have been effectively blocked by admin & chums, it has become the best option. If a coherent academic conscience survives the wrecking ball of SFT, it will be in no small part because of the spirit of community and common purpose sustained on this board. Even when (perhaps an excessively hopeful word) constructive dialogue starts taking place among various "stakeholders" in the USM enterprise, this board will continue to serve as fertile turf for ideas and defense of principles.
Well...given that other "venues" have been effectively blocked by admin & chums, it has become the best option. If a coherent academic conscience survives the wrecking ball of SFT, it will be in no small part because of the spirit of community and common purpose sustained on this board. Even when (perhaps an excessively hopeful word) constructive dialogue starts taking place among various "stakeholders" in the USM enterprise, this board will continue to serve as fertile turf for ideas and defense of principles.
A tiny bit of damage control is going on at Clemson today, because CU has slipped slightly in the rankings, though it remains in the 2nd tier. CU's engineering programs have yet to crack the top 50 (they are currently ranked 57th). And if engineering can't do it for Clemson, other programs will need time to grow before they can make the difference.
Still, the excuse making is quite mild, compared to the stuff that Joan Exline is putting out.
Robert Campbell
PS. I see that the alleged promoters of reconciliation between faculty and administration at USM--the ones who insist that there will never be "healing" unless the board shuts down, and all criticism of the administration comes to an immediate stop--have all been absent from this board about as long as I have. Even Seeker, whom I took to be genuine, has disappeared.
Thanks Robert. Please come back when you can stay a little longer.
from Campbell--"Now the talking is being done by the single member of Thames' henchcrew who still retains some hope of exercising power at USM after he is gone:"
Is this true? Does Exline have ambitions to stay on and move up? Will the faculty tolerate that?
Is this true? Does Exline have ambitions to stay on and move up? Will the faculty tolerate that?
What has Exline really done? She is in charge of the accreditation process and she has put a positive spin on her job. What do you expect her to say to the HA? "I'll never be able to get this SACS report done because of the idiots in the Dome." I haven’t been on campus lately, so I am ready to be corrected, but I just don't see anything big that she has done wrong.