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stephen judd

RE: Meet Your Neighbors
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Suggestive of Nothing wrote:

There is evidence to suggest that scientific theories may have some validity in explaining the origin of life on our planet and the changes that have taken place since its origin. However, there is not enough evidence to completely prove or disprove these theories and therefore render them FACT or FICTION. They remain THEORY. Again, we have a problem of point of view and interpretation on the board. How many here have actually read Darwin's works for themselves? I'd wager that not many have made an in-depth study...most probably just remember what they were taught in high school or college. In its most basic sense, evolution is correct...organisms change and adapt over time...witness extinct short-necked giraffes and the heightening of humans over time. On the other hand, there is no concrete proof that humans evolved from apes; there is just suggestive evidence. To present evolution as THE FACTUAL representation of the origin of humans is reckless and irresponsible. While there may be some evidence to suggest that evolution may be correct, but it cannot be proven without a doubt, so it remains THEORY and should only be presented as such. There is much that we do not understand about our environment. I look forward to the day when scientists are willing to admit that fact and begin teaching theories as theories and facts as facts. What the Intelligent Design supporters are doing is not so very different than what is being done with affirmative action and other "reversal" strategies. Creationism was the only explanation taught for many years. Then scientists revolted and began a heavy-handed crusade to push evolution as the truth. The ID movement is simply a grass roots backlash against 50 years of teaching the THEORY of evolution as FACT.

At the moment, evolution is a practical "fact" -- it is the basis of much of the science we practice. Every single day in the field biologists, anthropologists, astonomers, and scientists of all types reiterate the practical truth of eolution in the work that they do.

The truth is that folks who are pushing the argument that the "theory" of evolution is a only"theory" because it can't be 100% proven are advancing a specious argument -- very little in the physical world can be proven to 100% . . .  there is always some percentage of the unknown. Evidence that gravity exists is pretty overwhelming -- but is it 100% proven? No -- there is always some percentage of a "fact", whether it is historical, scientific, or what have you . . . that remains unknown and unknowable. I'd venture to say that it is that fissure between what is 99% "proven" and what is still unknown that (for those of you who are so inclined) the presence of god can be found. There is no better example of the "truth" of Zeno's paradox than the physical sciences . . . 

Most of the unknowns in macro-theory aren't issues of whether "theory" factual . . .  but in the details of fact. The special theory of relativity is true enough for us to have tested it and for us to have based much of our applied science on it; on the other hand our understanding of it has certainly changed, and we now understand that it is a thoery that is not applicable equally well to explain all phenomena at all levels of the observable world . . . .

I'm still with Invictus -- we are not talking about competing theories. No one has adanced a competing scientific theory concerning evolution, or at least Creationism (excuse me, the product of a slick bit of product rebranding called "Intelligent Design,") isn't it because it isn't science. 

Evolution and "Intelligent Design" address completely different questions. Evolution addresses how . . . . ID addresses why . . . or who if you are so inclined.

The deeper issue here is that the ID people not only want to "prove" the universe was divinely "created" -- but since this religious "theory" springs from a literalist view of the Bible, it also goes on to explain the "how". It is the literalist need for God's incarnated presence in the world, in the need for his (must be a Him because that is what the Bible says)  direct action in history, from which this issue springs. If you don't need to accept that God's own hand literally shaped the heavens then there is no necessary conflict between evolution and ID.

This is why ID is so dangerous -- at its heart is not the issue of the simple faith of individuals and their right to learn an alternative "theory", but religious imperialism which will, once it gains a foothold in legitimate science and educational study, undermine all other "competing" ideas and enforce its own exclusive claim to the truth. This is not a new phenomenon. We are not talking coexistence -- at the heart of christian fundamentalism is an absolutism that is, in the public sphere, as incompatible with democracy as is radical fundamentalist islam.

And just to clarify my religious credentials . . . I was raised a Baptist, baptised in the blood of the lamb and fully immersed, preached from a Baptist pulpit and subsequently had a license to preach in the Baltimore Washngton conference of the Methodist church where I served for a short time as an assistant minister at a church in Rockville, Maryland.


Orderly Universe

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Comparing Apples and Organges wrote:

 I do know scientists get tired debating evolution with people who don't know science because they want their religion taught in the same course.  

I can't imagine anybody with an once of sense would want their "religion" taught in a science class. It would be right much to require that the Genesis account of creation be taught in a biology class, or any other theological account of creation for that matter (and there are many).  But it does seem that an objective instructor would simply point out that evolution speaks only of change over time and says nothing about what started it all. That should satisfy all parties. A federal or state law or mandate would, in my opinion, be an infringement on academic freedom. It's unfortunate that this matter has become a political debate at the national level.


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Another excellent post Professor Judd.  It is indeed a frightening phenomena occurring in the USA.  I heard someone describe it as the American Taliban.

2 cents

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Interested Third Party wrote:

I am quite interested at the thinly veiled disdain most here seem to have for those with religious faith. Understanding that some may subscribe to the "Religion is the opiate of the masses" philosophy, can anyone explain why this disdain exists? Why are those with religious faith inferior to those with no faith?


I don't detect such disdain in this thread.  I do detect an impatience with anyone who wants to force his or her religious beliefs on others.  (Or, at least, I feel such impatience myself.)  Religion can promote humility, but it can also encourage enormous pride and presumption.  We are living right now in a particularly frightening moment when we may see what happens when people who are absolutely convinced that they possess absolute knowledge, and who are absolutely convinced that all others are wrong, get their hands on an atomic weapon.  And when the mushroom cloud rises in one of our cities, it will be justified in the name of God.

Orderly Universe

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Scholar wrote:

 Please note that you have not provided the reference about Dawin so all can see if your intrpretation of what was said is correct.

Sorry, Scholar, I am not the one who brought up the topic of Darwin. That was another poster who said "Darwin does suggest that men may have evolved from apes. Having read it myself, I can tell you that it is there."

To me that seemed like an "appeal to authority" in support of a theory.


stephen judd

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Orderly Universe wrote:

Comparing Apples and Organges wrote:  I do know scientists get tired debating evolution with people who don't know science because they want their religion taught in the same course.   I can't imagine anybody with an once of sense would want their "religion" taught in a science class. It would be right much to require that the Genesis account of creation be taught in a biology class, or any other theological account of creation for that matter (and there are many).  But it does seem that an objective instructor would simply point out that evolution speaks only of change over time and says nothing about what started it all. That should satisfy all parties. A federal or state law or mandate would, in my opinion, be an infringement on academic freedom. It's unfortunate that this matter has become a political debate at the national level.

I suspect some now do  . . . since it has obviously become an issue that some now believe needs to be pointed out.

But the truth is that the simple teaching of evolution in itself is not ipso facto an attack on god. I'd say the idea that teachers rabidly assert evolution as an article faith is in inverse proportion to the rising tide of attacks on those who teach evolution.

Unfortunately, many of those who are striving to have ID taught in the classroom use this argument, not because of the aggressive irreligiosity of teachers, but because at heart they cannot accept the proposition that one can accept evolution and creationism simultaneously. I've never had a science teacher, even when I was a little Baptist kid, tell me I could not hold both views simulatenously. I've had plenty of Baptists tell me I could not, however.


Suggestive of Nothing

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I am sorry that you misunderstood what I wrote.

Fact: Darwin himself DID in fact write that men could have evolved from apes. He offered it as a natural extension of the theory of evolution.

When science teachers take that one piece out of context and run with it, you see social backlash. There is no concrete evidence to support his assertion. I was not confusing these arguments. Rather, I was juxtaposing them. Perhaps I should have chosen other diction in my opinion.

I agree (and wrote as much above) that evolution rightly describes the changes that species undergo through time. I also believe that evolution and religion can coexist, so long as teachers of evolution stick to presenting facts as facts and theories as theories. There's a huge amount of scientific research that supports evolution's explanation of change. Who can reasonably argue that nothing ever changes? Likewise, evolution puts forth no "cause" for the change, save environmental or survival issues. Who is to say that these changes couldn't be part of a greater plan? Of course, there is no suggestion here that the teacher delve into the issues of faith.

As for proving or disproving theories, I seem to remember that some of Einstein's theories were proven as technology advanced to catch up with his theories. No, scientist, some theories can be proven. Shelby Thames probably said, "I bet if I take [ingredient X] out of this paint that it wouldn't stink!" You see how that worked out.

Finally, you seem caught up in a misunderstanding of "theory" and "fact." They are very simple terms. I am not confused, and my logic is just fine. You are the one who is playing semantics games to avoid discussing the fact that presenting an opinion (regardless of how much suggestive evidence is available) is illegitimate scholarship.

stephen judd

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I wanted to compliment you for your really excellent and very patiently detailed explanations and answers to Orderly Universe. It was a very good representation of science . . .

Orderly Universe . . . I don't agree with you mostly but I definitely appreciate your willingness to dialogue here . . . .


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Orderly Universe wrote:

...But it does seem that an objective instructor would simply point out that evolution speaks only of change over time and says nothing about what started it all. ...

O.U., that is in the definition of what the theory of evolution is about.  Origins shouldn't even enter unless the course discusses origins.  There is a scientific theory about origins that is just in the formulative stages at this time and in nowhere near as established as evolution.  In fact I think it is so weak as far as evidence supporting it I doubt it is ever taught in high school.  But I don't know for sure so those who know please correct me.  But I still don't think I.D. comes close to a scientific theory of origins.  (Intelligence isn't even defined.)

I hope we don't have to now discuss the Big Bang theory? 


Orderly Universe

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stephen judd wrote:

IOrderly Universe . . . I don't agree with you mostly but I definitely appreciate your willingness to dialogue here . . . .

Stephen, my three main points were (1) I see no conflict between the scientific  (inttheory of evolution and creationism (intelligent design), (2) A law or mandate requiring that creationism (intelligent design) be taught in the classroom would be an infringement on academic freedom, and (3) children should not be shielded from these issues.

I respect your opinion. Would you please indicate which of these you don't agree with? I don't want to debate the matter, but I would like to know where we disagree.

Suggestive of Nothing

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Scholar/Scientist/Orderly Universe:

In The Descent of Man, Darwin paints a picture of the similarities between men and apes and stops just short of making the "men from monkeys" claim. That's the reference for those who claim I'm appealing to authority or some such nonsense.


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Suggestive of Nothing wrote:

... Finally, you seem caught up in a misunderstanding of "theory" and "fact." They are very simple terms. I am not confused, and my logic is just fine. You are the one who is playing semantics games to avoid discussing the fact that presenting an opinion (regardless of how much suggestive evidence is available) is illegitimate scholarship.

I'm using the scientific meaning of theory.  Please show me where I had a misunderstanding.  I clearly showed how these words were not being used correctly when it was stated "evolution is only a theory".  In science "opinion" not back up with evidence is not scholarship.  In what field do you consider it "illegitimate scholarship"?

Suggestive of Nothing

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Stephen Judd,

Here is a passage from my post that you replied to. I am interested in how exactly you find this objectionable.

In its most basic sense, evolution is correct...organisms change and adapt over time...witness extinct short-necked giraffes and the heightening of humans over time. On the other hand, there is no concrete proof that humans evolved from apes; there is just suggestive evidence. To present evolution as THE FACTUAL representation of the origin of humans is reckless and irresponsible.

I previously provided the reference to Darwin's work that suggests that men evolved from apes.

I don't think religious factions would have a problem with evolution today had some early scientists and science teachers no sought to press the point of origin of humans. Darwin himself was extremely careful in his conclusions, yet many students' first introduction to evolution was that men came from monkeys. No mention of birds, tortoises, fish, crabs, or other creatures which Darwin documented so carefully.


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Scientist wrote:

I hope we don't have to now discuss the Big Bang theory?   

How did SFT's private life enter this discussion? 

stephen judd

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Suggestive of Nothing wrote:

 Finally, you seem caught up in a misunderstanding of "theory" and "fact." They are very simple terms. I am not confused, and my logic is just fine. You are the one who is playing semantics games to avoid discussing the fact that presenting an opinion (regardless of how much suggestive evidence is available) is illegitimate scholarship.

I actually am stunned that you say this. It isn't clear to me what exactly it is that separates opinion from "fact" for you.

If you and I both observe a red car, but I distrust the evidence of my senses, I may ask you if you see that the car is red. If you say yes . . . we have some small evidence. That may not yet be fact, but it is at least one step removed from opinion. If I continue this observation and questioning, I may ask a hundred people, two hundred, three million. If I find that my sampling is something like, say 2 million 990,000 to 10,000, then I have very strong, but not conclusive evidence. Obviously I am going to have to not only explain the 10,000 who appear to see something different, biut it is likely I am going to ask myself if there are other ways I can measure this phenomena besides polling people.

At the end of the day, I may still have some percentage -- in fact, it is axiomatic that I will -- of problems with my "theory." But the greater the weight of obervable phenomina and broader the array of testing that supports the idea that the car is "red", the closer I can begin to feel able to act on the observation as though it were true -- as though it were, in fact, "fact."

If my conversion of this "theory" into useful applications continues to confirm that the "fact" of a red car is correct, then I can say, provisionally, that the red car is a "fact" even though there is some small percentage of unexplained anomolies. If this were not true, then science and technology would be paralyzed -- there would be no intellectual activity, there would be very little progress in the world at all.

What the unexplained anomolies call me to do is to remain open to the possibility that the details of my "theory qua fact" may need to be adjusted. And yes, it is just possible that I may have completely screwed up, created bad data, used incorrect criteria, or everyone may simply have been lying to me and I am the vicitim of a giant conspiracy of people who want a joke at my expense -- so perhaps I may actually have a false theory. But the FACT is that the more the evidence stands up over the years, and particularly the more useful applications are found in the applied world, the more the applications are used by others who may use it as a base for extending knowlege -- the longer that happens the less likely it is that this "theory" will reverse itself, even though new and different details may emerge.

The "theory" of evolution had been around for well over a century. It does not only exist in some isolated lab context, it exists in practice. Whole apparati of science are based on it, use its principles -- and successfully --thus offering further confirmation that though it is, strictly speaking, a theory, in practical reality, it is "fact."



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Orderly Universe wrote:

stephen judd wrote: IOrderly Universe . . . I don't agree with you mostly but I definitely appreciate your willingness to dialogue here . . . . Stephen, my three main points were (1) I see no conflict between the scientific  (inttheory of evolution and creationism (intelligent design),

O.U. I know you addressed Stephen, but I would be interested in these issues also. In (1) do you consider I.D. a scientific theory?  If so I see a big conflict. If not then why compare apples and oranges?  One is science and one a belief.

 (2) A law or mandate requiring that creationism (intelligent design) be taught in the classroom would be an infringement on academic freedom, and

Agreed.  Plus other problems with it being taught.

(3) children should not be shielded from these issues.

Exactly what "issues" do you mean? That people have religious beliefs about scientific questions?  Or Science contradicts some religious stories about the universe?  What is the issue if I.D. is not in school because religion is not suppose to be taught in our schools? 

Suggestive of Nothing

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Scientist wrote:

Suggestive of Nothing wrote:
... Finally, you seem caught up in a misunderstanding of "theory" and "fact." They are very simple terms. I am not confused, and my logic is just fine. You are the one who is playing semantics games to avoid discussing the fact that presenting an opinion (regardless of how much suggestive evidence is available) is illegitimate scholarship.

I'm using the scientific meaning of theory.  Please show me where I had a misunderstanding.  I clearly showed how these words were not being used correctly when it was stated "evolution is only a theory".  In science "opinion" not back up with evidence is not scholarship.  In what field do you consider it "illegitimate scholarship"?

Again, you misunderstand my statement. I am not pushing for ID or creationism. I am merely stating (and have been all along) that while evolution explains changes well but origins of humans not so well. Those who attempt to use evolution to explain human origins are standing on thin ice; however, evolution cannot be disassociated from origins of humans because of Darwin's later works.

Had some scientists not pushed evolution's theory of human origins as fact, the backlash against evolution would not be as great today. Using a classroom to advance such poorly supported ideas as fact is illegitimate, regardless of whether it's creationism, ID, evolution, or whatever "scientific" name you choose for your theory.

stephen judd

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Suggestive of Nothing wrote:

Stephen Judd, Here is a passage from my post that you replied to. I am interested in how exactly you find this objectionable. In its most basic sense, evolution is correct...organisms change and adapt over time...witness extinct short-necked giraffes and the heightening of humans over time. On the other hand, there is no concrete proof that humans evolved from apes; there is just suggestive evidence. To present evolution as THE FACTUAL representation of the origin of humans is reckless and irresponsible. I previously provided the reference to Darwin's work that suggests that men evolved from apes. I don't think religious factions would have a problem with evolution today had some early scientists and science teachers no sought to press the point of origin of humans. Darwin himself was extremely careful in his conclusions, yet many students' first introduction to evolution was that men came from monkeys. No mention of birds, tortoises, fish, crabs, or other creatures which Darwin documented so carefully.

To present evolution as THE FACTUAL representation of the origin of humans is reckless and irresponsible.

As in my previous posts, I have no problem with presenting evolution as fact -- I don't think a fact can be 100% proven, but only provisionally proven. The greater the weight of evidence, the more it moves from theory to fact. If we actually can build whole edifaces of successful practice on it, then it probably is a fact, sans some of the finer details.

Bene note: I didn't learn in my science classes that man came from monkeys. That was, of course, a popular theme in the school yard and fun to to play with. But I was taught that there were likely common links.

I'll concede the possibility that evolution may be being taught badly . . .  I have no way of knowing. But if true, that may invalidate the training of science teachers -- I don't think it addresses the issue of evolution itself, which as you rightly point out, is much more subtle than that.

Incidently, science class is where I first learned a term I later rediscovered in philosophy -- "teleology" -- applied quite directly as a criticism to certain ways in which evolution was being interpreted.


Orderly Universe

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stephen judd wrote:

 If you and I both observe a red car, but I distrust the evidence of my senses, I may ask you if you see that the car is red. If you say yes . . . we have some small evidence. That may not yet be fact, but it is at least one step removed from opinion.....I may ask a hundred people, two hundred, three million. If I find that my sampling is something like, say 2 million 990,000 to 10,000, then I have very strong, but not conclusive evidence.

Stephen, I think that in a case like you describe only one observation that the car is red would be sufficient. But even with a zillion observations, a scientist could not say for sure that the car is red. All the scientist could say is that the car is red on this side. We don't know what color the other side might be.  

stephen judd

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Suggestive of Nothing wrote:

 I am not pushing for ID or creationism. I am merely stating (and have been all along) that while evolution explains changes well but origins of humans not so well. Those who attempt to use evolution to explain human origins are standing on thin ice;

My concern is that you seem to have information about the teaching of evolution that I do not have. "those who attempt . . . ." --- but who are these people? There may be such people in the schools. But my own experience tends to make me skeptical that this is a strong majority of those who teach science -- I tend to think it is an accusation that has now has the power of fact because it quite well serves the purposes of those who can then claim that "scientists" believe in evolution in the same way that fundamentalist christians believe in creationism -- thus putting both groups on the same plane and thereby seeming to imply a scientific legitimacy to ID that it does not have.

I'm not accusing you of this, incidently -- only relating my own experiences with this kind of explanation . . .

stephen judd

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Orderly Universe wrote:

stephen judd wrote:  If you and I both observe a red car, but I distrust the evidence of my senses, I may ask you if you see that the car is red. If you say yes . . . we have some small evidence. That may not yet be fact, but it is at least one step removed from opinion.....I may ask a hundred people, two hundred, three million. If I find that my sampling is something like, say 2 million 990,000 to 10,000, then I have very strong, but not conclusive evidence. Stephen, I think that in a case like you describe only one observation that the car is red would be sufficient. But even with a zillion observations, a scientist could not say for sure that the car is red. All the scientist could say is that the car is red on this side. We don't know what color the other side might be.  

Well, good point. But I leaped ahead and assumed that I, acting as a good scientist, walked around the car to make sure that it was red all the way around. Also to make sure that it was a car and not simply a 2D cardboard cut out . . . you see my problem. There are indeed so many levels of inquiry when we deal with observation -- including the very language we use -- that there will always be some imprecision even in highly observed, highly verified phenomena. To insist that unless something is proven 100% there is no point at which we cannot begin to take it as fact is sophism . . . . no one actually lives in that kind of world. We every single day act on "facts" that we cannot prove with abosolute but rather provisional certainty.


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Suggestive of Nothing wrote:

Scientist wrote: Suggestive of Nothing wrote: ... Finally, you seem caught up in a misunderstanding of "theory" and "fact." They are very simple terms. I am not confused, and my logic is just fine. You are the one who is playing semantics games to avoid discussing the fact that presenting an opinion (regardless of how much suggestive evidence is available) is illegitimate scholarship. I'm using the scientific meaning of theory.  Please show me where I had a misunderstanding.  I clearly showed how these words were not being used correctly when it was stated "evolution is only a theory".  In science "opinion" not back up with evidence is not scholarship.  In what field do you consider it "illegitimate scholarship"? Again, you misunderstand my statement. I am not pushing for ID or creationism. I am merely stating (and have been all along) that while evolution explains changes well but origins of humans not so well. Those who attempt to use evolution to explain human origins are standing on thin ice; however, evolution cannot be disassociated from origins of humans because of Darwin's later works. Had some scientists not pushed evolution's theory of human origins as fact, the backlash against evolution would not be as great today. Using a classroom to advance such poorly supported ideas as fact is illegitimate, regardless of whether it's creationism, ID, evolution, or whatever "scientific" name you choose for your theory.

I did misunderstand you.  And I think I may have caused the misunderstanding.  When I state "origins" I didn't mean the origin of man.  I meant the origin of life.  If evolution is correct(and it is the only working scientific theory for now) then man evolved like all other animals from some earlier animal. 

Now I realize that will be a problem for some people's belief system.  But what choice does science have?  Someone may have the belief that god put a soul into an animal to "create" man, but those concepts are certainly not science.  In fact those concepts don't even have operational definitions.  Why do all animal evolve from others and not man?  

So I need to clear up my earlier post.  If you were talking of the "origins of man" than evolution does address that unless you can provide a scientific reason man is exempt form evolution.



Suggestive of Nothing

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stephen judd wrote:

Suggestive of Nothing wrote:
 Finally, you seem caught up in a misunderstanding of "theory" and "fact." They are very simple terms. I am not confused, and my logic is just fine. You are the one who is playing semantics games to avoid discussing the fact that presenting an opinion (regardless of how much suggestive evidence is available) is illegitimate scholarship.

I actually am stunned that you say this. It isn't clear to me what exactly it is that separates opinion from "fact" for you.
If you and I both observe a red car, but I distrust the evidence of my senses, I may ask you if you see that the car is red. If you say yes . . . we have some small evidence. That may not yet be fact, but it is at least one step removed from opinion. If I continue this observation and questioning, I may ask a hundred people, two hundred, three million. If I find that my sampling is something like, say 2 million 990,000 to 10,000, then I have very strong, but not conclusive evidence. Obviously I am going to have to not only explain the 10,000 who appear to see something different, biut it is likely I am going to ask myself if there are other ways I can measure this phenomena besides polling people.
At the end of the day, I may still have some percentage -- in fact, it is axiomatic that I will -- of problems with my "theory." But the greater the weight of obervable phenomina and broader the array of testing that supports the idea that the car is "red", the closer I can begin to feel able to act on the observation as though it were true -- as though it were, in fact, "fact."
If my conversion of this "theory" into useful applications continues to confirm that the "fact" of a red car is correct, then I can say, provisionally, that the red car is a "fact" even though there is some small percentage of unexplained anomolies. If this were not true, then science and technology would be paralyzed -- there would be no intellectual activity, there would be very little progress in the world at all.
What the unexplained anomolies call me to do is to remain open to the possibility that the details of my "theory qua fact" may need to be adjusted. And yes, it is just possible that I may have completely screwed up, created bad data, used incorrect criteria, or everyone may simply have been lying to me and I am the vicitim of a giant conspiracy of people who want a joke at my expense -- so perhaps I may actually have a false theory. But the FACT is that the more the evidence stands up over the years, and particularly the more useful applications are found in the applied world, the more the applications are used by others who may use it as a base for extending knowlege -- the longer that happens the less likely it is that this "theory" will reverse itself, even though new and different details may emerge.
The "theory" of evolution had been around for well over a century. It does not only exist in some isolated lab context, it exists in practice. Whole apparati of science are based on it, use its principles -- and successfully --thus offering further confirmation that though it is, strictly speaking, a theory, in practical reality, it is "fact."

Stephen Judd,

You know, you're considered to be a pretty smart guy on the board, but I can honestly say that you either misread my posts or you didn't read them at all.

I ask that you re-read all of my posts and then think about them before you lecture me like I'm some sort of grammar school student.

An example of a fact:
What is the current mascot of USM? Seymour the Golden Eagle.
I can verify this beyond a doubt.

An example of an opinion:
Is the USM "Eagle logo" a ripoff of Iowa's Hawkeye? Yes, though it faces a different direction and is designed in a slightly different manner.

Unless you are blind, colorblind, or have on tinted glasses, then you have no reason to question the fact that the car was red. However, to run with your example, if you ask 2 million people about and 1,999,999 say it was red and 1 says it was purple, then you report the evidence, state that your findings suggest that the car was red, and move on. However, your example (designed for absurdity) is truly unrealistic.

Why are we so caught up in the need to state a definitive answer to questions for which we have only suggestive evidence?

Orderly Universe

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Scientist wrote:

(1) do you consider I.D. a scientific theory? 

 Of course not. 

(3) children should not be shielded from these issues. Exactly what "issues" do you mean?

Any or all of the issues that were discussed on this thread about scientific evolution and creationism (or, to the the politically correct term, intelligent design).



Suggestive of Nothing

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Scientist wrote:

Suggestive of Nothing wrote:
Scientist wrote: Suggestive of Nothing wrote: ... Finally, you seem caught up in a misunderstanding of "theory" and "fact." They are very simple terms. I am not confused, and my logic is just fine. You are the one who is playing semantics games to avoid discussing the fact that presenting an opinion (regardless of how much suggestive evidence is available) is illegitimate scholarship. I'm using the scientific meaning of theory.  Please show me where I had a misunderstanding.  I clearly showed how these words were not being used correctly when it was stated "evolution is only a theory".  In science "opinion" not back up with evidence is not scholarship.  In what field do you consider it "illegitimate scholarship"? Again, you misunderstand my statement. I am not pushing for ID or creationism. I am merely stating (and have been all along) that while evolution explains changes well but origins of humans not so well. Those who attempt to use evolution to explain human origins are standing on thin ice; however, evolution cannot be disassociated from origins of humans because of Darwin's later works. Had some scientists not pushed evolution's theory of human origins as fact, the backlash against evolution would not be as great today. Using a classroom to advance such poorly supported ideas as fact is illegitimate, regardless of whether it's creationism, ID, evolution, or whatever "scientific" name you choose for your theory.

I did misunderstand you.  And I think I may have caused the misunderstanding.  When I state "origins" I didn't mean the origin of man.  I meant the origin of life.  If evolution is correct(and it is the only working scientific theory for now) then man evolved like all other animals from some earlier animal. 
Now I realize that will be a problem for some people's belief system.  But what choice does science have?  Someone may have the belief that god put a soul into an animal to "create" man, but those concepts are certainly not science.  In fact those concepts don't even have operational definitions.  Why do all animal evolve from others and not man?  
So I need to clear up my earlier post.  If you were talking of the "origins of man" than evolution does address that unless you can provide a scientific reason man is exempt form evolution.

But I stated in my first post that people were changing over time.

Suggestive of Nothing

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Stephen Judd,

I think I typed too fast and am guilty of agressive response. I apologize.

I had a great experience in biology class in high school (a teacher who taught evolution as change not origins and therefore avoided the creation/evolution debate) but I had a terrible college experience with a professor (at a small college) who stated that evolution perfectly explained everything from the origin of man to changes in species, and that anyone who disagreed was a dumbass, which left many questions to be answered on the way to my BS is biology. Too bad I stopped there and switched fields.


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Orderly Universe wrote:

 Exactly what "issues" do you mean? Any or all of the issues that were discussed on this thread about scientific evolution and creationism (or, to the the politically correct term, intelligent design).    

O.U. I think I will have to disagree here.  Assuming we are adults, we can see how confusing this is and how even the technical vocabulary is not clearly understood.  To expose children to this in school would allow I.D. to easily confuse the students and establish in their mind that both are on equal footing.  (Just look at some of the statements that have been made.)  I is likely that  university science students would have a difficult time with the logic.

I consider this a method to get I.D. to the students without a valid reason for doing so.


stephen judd

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Sorry -- I did not mean to sound as though I was lecturing you and I have read your posts.

"Why are we so caught up in the need to state a definitive answer to questions for which we have only suggestive evidence?"

I don't think we are -- I think everything I have written tonight is the exact opposite of "an attempt to provide a definite answer." I do not know how many different ways I can say "provisional." On the other hand, I'm also not about to accept the idea that all ideas or theories are equal.

I don't accept that that evolution is "only" "suggestive" evidence. I think it is stronger than that. My concern is that using that kind of reductive language represents a linguisitic reduction of a theory which has a great deal of empirical data to support it. This becomes an indirect way that evolution as a scientiic theory is reduced and ID elevated to apoint where we can even contemplate teaching them as "competetive" theories.

The point isn't that, in absolute terms, evolution is "definitive." But in comparison with ID I'd say it is - since ID is based not upon observable phenomena, but upon a creed that a world as complicated as ours could only be produced by an intelligent being. This is an assertion that goes all the way back to Thomas Aquinas -- and it may have aesthetic and spiritual meaning for many. But it is not a scientific statement.

Sorry . . it is late and I'm getting cranky because I am tired and not because of you.

stephen judd

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Suggestive of Nothing wrote:

Stephen Judd, I think I typed too fast and am guilty of agressive response. I apologize. I had a great experience in biology class in high school (a teacher who taught evolution as change not origins and therefore avoided the creation/evolution debate) but I had a terrible college experience with a professor (at a small college) who stated that evolution perfectly explained everything from the origin of man to changes in species, and that anyone who disagreed was a dumbass, which left many questions to be answered on the way to my BS is biology. Too bad I stopped there and switched fields.

I think we are all tired. I'm going to bed.

Any teacher who says or implies that if someone disagrees with them then that person is a dumbass ought to be . . . made to sit in a classroom of people who treat them like dumbasses for a minimum of twenty years . . . . .

Thanks for the discussion -- I can tell that you are also trying to work your way through to find an appropriate position for you to take on a public issue. I respect that. I''m wrestling with it myself.


Good night.



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Suggestive of Nothing wrote:

But I stated in my first post that people were changing over time.

Suggestive of Nothing, I must be getting tired.  It's way past my bed time.  I must have missed this or misunderstood. 

"People changing over time" can mean single people rather than a species.  Evolution includes species evolving into other species.  Your statement wouldn't present a problem if "people" were always people that just chaged over time.  Evolution says some other animal evolved  into humans.   

I will have to call it a night.  Thanks to all for a interesting evening.

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