thinking about Robert Campbell, and about trolls generally . . .
I missed the attacks on Robert, probably because I just stop reading when I see one of the nasties appear--it seems such a waste of time to read them. But not reading isn't a very good solution, is it?
So I refer you to your "No Quarter" T-shirts, and the words of William Lloyd Garrison:
"With reasonable men I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste argument where it will certainly be lost."
(not wearing my Tshirt at this moment, so my apologies for misquoting if I've done so)
Maybe we should pay attention to that last clause. When a poster attacks persons, rather than discussing ideas or asking genuine questions or debating actions and policies, we should just skip to the next post, raised blood pressure or no. Extinguish the behavior. Continue the post in the mode of civil discourse and debate, and/or good humor, without responding to the purely inflammatory posts.
hang in there, folks--Robert, catch you when you get back--
NO QUARTER, and lots of real debate-- Anne Wallace
We needed to be reminded of the last part of William Loyd Garrison's statement . . " I will give no quarter, nor waste argument where it will certainly be lost."