From the April 2010 IHL Meeting Minutes: two of USMs football coaches were awarded a combined $65,000 per year in raise money. This is obviously not tied to team performance. It has been at least 4 years since faculy and staff have had raises - why are these coaches so special? How many faculty members would trade tenure (especially now) for a chance at this kind of raise money?
New USM vice president for research, Dennis Weisenberg, was hired at a salary of $210,000 per year, effective 1-June-2010. Weisenberg will also begin with tenure. Why tenure? This is not an academic appointment, it is an administrative appointment. The same point can be made for presidents and VPs.
Does the money for the coaches come from state dollars or from the athletic department (other than student fees)? If this comes from the athletic foundation, they can spend their money how they wish.
Dennis Weisenberg was a chair at USM for around 10 years. I'm sure he has already been through the tenure process.
Does the money for the coaches come from state dollars or from the athletic department (other than student fees)? If this comes from the athletic foundation, they can spend their money how they wish.
That is a common statement, but the athletic side of the house receives milliions of dollars from the academic side, so it does matter. If the athletic program was financially independent - or better yet donating money to the academic side of USM - then I could agree with your statement.
Dennis Weisenberg was a chair at USM for around 10 years. I'm sure he has already been through the tenure process.
My point was not whether or not he is deserving of tenure, but why is it given at all? He is hired this time as a high-level administrator not as a faculty member. I am sure he will not teach at all. That is fine, but tenure should be reserved for those who do actually teach as well as research and serve.