But when you make an hysterical accusation that "a number" of you teachers chose to spend a majority of your time in class discussing the matter of Glamser and Stringer, another word comes to mind. Here your exaggeration serves a purpose, specifically that of defaming our faculty.
I'm willing to take a little hyperbole into the bargain, and am pleased to hear that "a number" of professors discussed the matter of G/S at length. It's probably the most important thing that happened during that student's career, and damned well should have been discussed.
On another point (it's summer and the nitpicking is easy), why the "an" before "hysterical"? As far as I know, everyone in the English-speaking world pronounces the "h"; if so, "a" would be appropriate--would we say "an hysterectomy"?
But when you make an hysterical accusation that "a number" of you teachers chose to spend a majority of your time in class discussing the matter of Glamser and Stringer, another word comes to mind. Here your exaggeration serves a purpose, specifically that of defaming our faculty.
I'm willing to take a little hyperbole into the bargain, and am pleased to hear that "a number" of professors discussed the matter of G/S at length. It's probably the most important thing that happened during that student's career, and damned well should have been discussed.
On another point (it's summer and the nitpicking is easy), why the "an" before "hysterical"? As far as I know, everyone in the English-speaking world pronounces the "h"; if so, "a" would be appropriate--would we say "an hysterectomy"?
I don't think you were nitpicking at all, though I could have done without the pedantry that followed your pointing out my mistake. I recall adding the adjective "hysterical" immediately before posting, and I failed to change the article adjective. (By the way, if there are still Cockneys, then there are people in the English-speaking world who don't pronounce the "h" in "hysterical".) In other words, it was the moral equivalent of a typo. (You no doubt meant to type "I" before "am" in your first sentence, so I'm sure you can relate.) But this is one of the things that bother me about our language. Why should the use of "a" versus "an" depend on the pronunciation of another adjective rather than the spelling of the word the article adjective modifies?
I would contend That the Glamser/Stringer affair is the most important thing to happen to our university in a number of years. But for students who met a future spouse, or lost a parent, or who left to fight in one of our wars, it might not qualify as the defining event in their careers at USM.
Ok, y'all. I"ve been sitting here a couple of minutes saying "a hysterical" "an hysterical" "a hysterectomy" "an hysterectomy" over and over. I find a natural tendency to say "an hysterical" because the "h" is barely pronounced and the first syllable not accented. In the second word, the "h" is much stronger and the first syllable more strongly accented. Or maybe I just talk funny.
Ok, y'all. I"ve been sitting here a couple of minutes saying "a hysterical" "an hysterical" "a hysterectomy" "an hysterectomy" over and over. I find a natural tendency to say "an hysterical" because the "h" is barely pronounced and the first syllable not accented. In the second word, the "h" is much stronger and the first syllable more strongly accented. Or maybe I just talk funny.
If I had to choose a single reason why I love this board, this is it. I have been doing the same thing...
Ok, y'all. I"ve been sitting here a couple of minutes saying "a hysterical" "an hysterical" "a hysterectomy" "an hysterectomy" over and over. I find a natural tendency to say "an hysterical" because the "h" is barely pronounced and the first syllable not accented. In the second word, the "h" is much stronger and the first syllable more strongly accented. Or maybe I just talk funny.
I have the feeling you're about to posit an hypothesis.
LVN wrote: Ok, y'all. I"ve been sitting here a couple of minutes saying "a hysterical" "an hysterical" "a hysterectomy" "an hysterectomy" over and over. I find a natural tendency to say "an hysterical" because the "h" is barely pronounced and the first syllable not accented. In the second word, the "h" is much stronger and the first syllable more strongly accented. Or maybe I just talk funny.
I believe Voter is correct. However, I do agree that "an hysterical" sounds more natural.
technically, the rule focuses on the sound of the word following the "a" or "an." "a" works with "unit" because the sound that "unit" begins with is "y." but "an" works with "hour" because the h is silent.
I seem to remember a rule in singing that governed whethere "the" was pronounced "thuh" or "thee." IIRC, it was "thee" when preceding a word beginning with a vowel & "thuh" if preceding a word beginning with a hard consonant sound. Of course, Bob Dylan broke that rule all the time, but I think he lurnt the trick from Woody.
So many nits to pick. AE posits an hypothesis for LVN--how about an hippopotamus? SCM has the rule, I think: "a" before a consonant sound (ergo "a unit"). Since we pronounce the "h" in all the words under discussion (however faintly some may do so), I think "a" is the way. Sifting the wreckage of my rapidly deteriorating memory, I suspect that this whole question goes back to the word "historical"; and indeed, ages ago, the aitch may have been silent in that word. Even if it once was, it ain't no more; so I'm in favor of "a" across the board.
Invictus has it right with "thuh" & "thee." (Same goes for "to" -- tuh vs. too).
Last nit of the evening. I think the "h" biz may derive from a certain hypercorrectness, e.g. when certain scientists say PRO-cess-EEZ for "processes." They know about axes, hypotheses, and indices, so assume that -EEZ is just a fancy plural, when in fact it is just the plural of certain words, mostly ending in -is.
Ok, y'all. I"ve been sitting here a couple of minutes saying "a hysterical" "an hysterical" "a hysterectomy" "an hysterectomy" over and over. I find a natural tendency to say "an hysterical" because the "h" is barely pronounced and the first syllable not accented. In the second word, the "h" is much stronger and the first syllable more strongly accented. Or maybe I just talk funny.
I asked an English teacher...she said it should be a _______
Mrs. Fletcher's Favorite Pupil wrote: It is correct to use "an" before a word that begins with an "h" and is followed immediately by a "hard" vowel (a,e,i,o,u, sometimes y) sound.
Example: "This is an historic moment."
Say what? I'm glad I didn't know Mrs. Fletcher. She is giving us an hell of an hard time. I'm beginning to think this is an hopeless situation.