Seeker, I've seen this "I'm not posting any more" routine on a zillion bulletin boards, Usenet groups, etc.
But what if RC isn't "grandstanding?" What if he really doesn't post here any more?
(I'm react similarly if LVN, ram, Stephen Judd, or even Seeker felt that they needed to leave this place. Lots of other folks, too.)
Then it will lead many to believe that this was little more that a temporary hobby for him. It will also lead some (including me) to question his convictions and motives for posting here.
I've not made much of it, but I've long questioned his motives for being here, and if he choses to leave now, then I will know my suspections were probably correct.
As far as my personnel feelings, I can live with our without him. He's free to say here or go meddle in the affairs of another University. I suspect that the Clemson Admin and Alums are happy to see that now he will be deticating his time to the University that puts bread on his table.
No, I am not. I have never and will never post on this board by any other name. I thought that it has been pretty appearant that when I have something to say, that I say it with little regard of what others think.
There is no rhymn or reason for me to post under another name.
P.S. - Thanks for the birthday wishes this past week, I was really busy with work, but I turned 28, not 27. I have the grey hairs to prove it.
Seeker, that response just shows that you don't understand how the academic community works. In the first place, RC has been very upfront that he's doing research on the topic of shared governance. We're like a huge living test case/lab for his major interest. He IS doing his job at Clemson -- he's doing research. It's as if you were writing a book about the psychology of penguins and a whole colony of them moved into your neighborhood. (I know that's a stupid analogy, it's been a hard week.) Wouldn't you be over there notebook in hand? Besides that, he's able to relate our situation to that of a state university which has not been without its own problems. He has been a voice of reason and professionalism. He deserves any break he chooses to take, and I hope the book gets done and published and he goes on to bigger and better things.
PS and another thing, the academic community is a small world. People all over the country are interested in what's happening here.
LVN wrote: Seeker, that response just shows that you don't understand how the academic community works. In the first place, RC has been very upfront that he's doing research on the topic of shared governance. We're like a huge living test case/lab for his major interest. He IS doing his job at Clemson -- he's doing research. It's as if you were writing a book about the psychology of penguins and a whole colony of them moved into your neighborhood. (I know that's a stupid analogy, it's been a hard week.) Wouldn't you be over there notebook in hand? Besides that, he's able to relate our situation to that of a state university which has not been without its own problems. He has been a voice of reason and professionalism. He deserves any break he chooses to take, and I hope the book gets done and published and he goes on to bigger and better things.
PS and another thing, the academic community is a small world. People all over the country are interested in what's happening here.
To be honest, I have never professed to have a working knowledge of the academic community. If this board (and the AAUP Chapter at USM) is an example of how the academic community conducts itself in general, I have no desire to be professionally or personnelly associated with them. There are a few exceptions (LVN you are one) but in general, I would not associate with the people I have met here in everyday life.
which is where you started in your attack on Robert. I have always respected you even though I find your involvement with the aaup sad. I think you are a better man than that, and you are living in a fantasy world regarding this board. If you read the messages, you will find the insolent, arrongant, devious, libelous, ones out number the decent ones by about 20 to 1. If you think Robert Campbell is worth defending, you are very naive.
AtM is a confessed troll who rather suppress free discussion on this board. Don't feed the troll.
LVN To be honest, I have never professed to have a working knowledge of the academic community. If this board (and the AAUP Chapter at USM) is an example of how the academic community conducts itself in general, I have no desire to be professionally or personnelly associated with them. There are a few exceptions (LVN you are one) but in general, I would not associate with the people I have met here in everyday life.
Does someone have a gun to your head? Don't read or post to the board and your problems will be solved. Oh, just an idea, maybe you know Jack Sh*t about the AAUP-USM and the academic community. But don't let that hold back your opinions. Do you have any ideas about brain surgery that you would like to share?
Ms. Saja Niste wrote: Seeker wrote: I would not associate with the people I have met here in everyday life. But you do! Funny, ain't life a hoot?
If bantering back and forth on a message board is your idea of everyday life, I have pity in my heart for you.
I realize the above post probably came across harsh, and for those offended. Well, not really anything that I can say, because it's mostly the truth.
But, that dosen't mean that there are not people here that I am fond of, I'll list a few for fun.
LVN - I really like LVN, and I don't really know why. Maybe it's because she has such patients with me. Sort of a mother figure on the board for me I guess.
Invicus - I like the fact that Invicus is one of the few individuals here who can debate without emotion.
Judd - I like Judd, don't agree with much of what he says, but I liked Bill Clinton and didn't agree with anything he said.
I am sure I am leaving out a few. I post here because I enjoy the intellectual stimulation. Plus, being so far from home, it's a link back to H'burg for me.
Suggestion wrote: Seeker, Does someone have a gun to your head? Don't read or post to the board and your problems will be solved. Oh, just an idea, maybe you know Jack Sh*t about the AAUP-USM and the academic community. But don't let that hold back your opinions. Do you have any ideas about brain surgery that you would like to share?
Here is something I do know. I know that I can post under the same name every time I type on this board and make my points (weather you agree with them or not), without resorting to profanity or personnel attacks (sans one time back on the old FS board directed towards Andrea Hewitt, that she deserved).
Why don't you use the screen name you generally post under and say the same thing?
Since I won't have you to kick around any more, I think I'll retire also. You people will never open your minds to any argument that is not just dead center of your "party line", and you have no interest in joining an effort to reunite the university. I can't figure out how you reconcile all that with your references to truth, integrity, etc., but it isn't my problem either.
Well, in that case I guess I will.......flipping forget it. I'm not retiring and nobody's going to run me off either.
A mother figure, sigh. (Grandmother, actually.) But thanks anyway.
You've left off Dr. Jameela Lares, btw, who is one of the brilliant and sane voices on this board. Also Green Hornet (where are you GH??) and foot soldier. You like Judd because he's intense and honest (and brilliant.) You probably don't like Emma, but she rocks. And how could you not like our AE? You know, I know some of these people in RL, and you'd probably actually like them. When you see them on the board, they're usually tired, upset, sometimes frightened. Once you're further along in your own career, I predict you will have a different outlook on this and many other things. In the meantime, enjoy being 28. In two or three more years you won't be able to drink coffee at night. Sigh, again.
And we also all love Symp, who is also a college professor somewhere else, like Dr. Campbell, and who has done yeoman service on this board as a real friend.
Don't forget Seeker, you must aspire to be an Honorary Gentleman Caller like many of these folks. Mlle de Guerre has extremely high standards. It'll take work.
. . .I've not made much of it, but I've long questioned his motives for being here, and if he choses (sic) to leave now, then I will know my suspections (sic) were probably correct. As far as my personnel (sic) feelings, I can live with our without him. He's free to say here or go meddle in the affairs of another University.
You got me thinking about this idea of "meddling."
(1) A volunteer fire fighter in a rural community has never experienced a fire in her own house. Usually she is called to fight fires within a ten-to-twenty mile radius of her home, but on occasion, she fights larger fires further away.
(2) The leader of a large, powerful nation decides to send troops into another, very distant country because the leader of the smaller country is a merciless, repressive despot who has systematically tried to eliminate those who opposed him.
(3) A traveller is set upon by thieves and left for dead. Several members of the traveller's own tribe pass the victim, but ignore the obvious injury. A passing member of a much despised nearby tribe stops and offers aid.
(4) Moderately affluent, white, college students go to a distant region to help indigent, poorly educated, black folks gain the right to vote.
(5) European missionaries share their beliefs among indigenous non-Europeans. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabian missionaries share their beliefs in Cincinnati, and two guys from Utah are circling my block on their bicycles.
If the action of a stranger is sought or welcomed, it is help; if not, it is meddling. As far as I can tell, the distinction is entirely subjective and reflects only the attitude of the recipient, although the word "meddle" gets used as if it objectively describes the action itself.
When you imply that Robert Campbell has been meddling, all you are saying is that you didn't ask him to participate and you don't appreciate his involvement. When I say thanks for the help, all I do is express my appreciation for the same involvement.
We both say more about ourselves than we do about Robert Campbell, don't we?
Here is something I do know. I know that I can post under the same name every time I type on this board and make my points (weather you agree with them or not), without resorting to profanity or personnel attacks (sans one time back on the old FS board directed towards Andrea Hewitt, that she deserved).
And, what, pray tell, did Andrea Hewitt ever do to you to "deserve" that misogynistic, dirty, low-down personal attack that had no basis in reality? (if I remember correctly, you attacked her for being a single mother and told her to "get a job," when in reality, she has a very well-paying job at Vanderbilt University *and* is working on her PhD simultaneously). You call yourself an "intellectual" when you are nothing but a bored and pompous a$$. Who died and made you the arbiter of who "deserves" what?
Your petty jealousies are wearing thin, Seeker. If only you would retire from this board.
Seeker-- You got me thinking about this idea of "meddling." (1) A volunteer fire fighter in a rural community has never experienced a fire in her own house. Usually she is called to fight fires within a ten-to-twenty mile radius of her home, but on occasion, she fights larger fires further away. (2) The leader of a large, powerful nation decides to send troops into another, very distant country because the leader of the smaller country is a merciless, repressive despot who has systematically tried to eliminate those who opposed him. (3) A traveller is set upon by thieves and left for dead. Several members of the traveller's own tribe pass the victim, but ignore the obvious injury. A passing member of a much despised nearby tribe stops and offers aid. (4) Moderately affluent, white, college students go to a distant region to help indigent, poorly educated, black folks gain the right to vote. (5) European missionaries share their beliefs among indigenous non-Europeans. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabian missionaries share their beliefs in Cincinnati, and two guys from Utah are circling my block on their bicycles. If the action of a stranger is sought or welcomed, it is help; if not, it is meddling. As far as I can tell, the distinction is entirely subjective and reflects only the attitude of the recipient, although the word "meddle" gets used as if it objectively describes the action itself. When you imply that Robert Campbell has been meddling, all you are saying is that you didn't ask him to participate and you don't appreciate his involvement. When I say thanks for the help, all I do is express my appreciation for the same involvement. We both say more about ourselves than we do about Robert Campbell, don't we?
This is my favorite post in a long time! From your subtle political correctness in paragraph 1 to your insightful probing close...Mr. Wonderful?
It will also lead some (including me) to question his convictions and motives for posting here. I've not made much of it, but I've long questioned his motives for being here, and if he choses to leave now, then I will know my suspections were probably correct. As far as my personnel feelings, I can live with our without him. He's free to say here or go meddle in the affairs of another University. I suspect that the Clemson Admin and Alums are happy to see that now he will be deticating his time to the University that puts bread on his table.
Do you really consider posting on an open message board to be "meddle in the affairs of another University" ? What do you have against Dr. Robert Campbell? In all of the posts I read your "points" have always been very subjective. You never presented any reason for your dislike of R.C. except for his style not being to your liking. I believe you called him pompous. Surely you can see the value of the information he provides, as well as, his insights into academia nation wide. An old professor of mine once taught me to learn from people you can't stand. I've learned a lot that way.
I can understand how the troll AtM would be glad to be free from R.C.'s rebuttals, but I don't understand your position.
I have never professed to have a working knowledge of the academic community. . . . . . I would not associate with the people I have met here in everyday life.
Seeker, it is obvious that you don't have a working knowledge of the academic community. You don't have to tell us that.
Has anybody ever told you that you come across as having the quality of a chameleon?
ram wrote: Seeker-- You got me thinking about this idea of "meddling." (1) A volunteer fire fighter in a rural community has never experienced a fire in her own house. Usually she is called to fight fires within a ten-to-twenty mile radius of her home, but on occasion, she fights larger fires further away. (2) The leader of a large, powerful nation decides to send troops into another, very distant country because the leader of the smaller country is a merciless, repressive despot who has systematically tried to eliminate those who opposed him. (3) A traveller is set upon by thieves and left for dead. Several members of the traveller's own tribe pass the victim, but ignore the obvious injury. A passing member of a much despised nearby tribe stops and offers aid. (4) Moderately affluent, white, college students go to a distant region to help indigent, poorly educated, black folks gain the right to vote. (5) European missionaries share their beliefs among indigenous non-Europeans. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabian missionaries share their beliefs in Cincinnati, and two guys from Utah are circling my block on their bicycles. If the action of a stranger is sought or welcomed, it is help; if not, it is meddling. As far as I can tell, the distinction is entirely subjective and reflects only the attitude of the recipient, although the word "meddle" gets used as if it objectively describes the action itself. When you imply that Robert Campbell has been meddling, all you are saying is that you didn't ask him to participate and you don't appreciate his involvement. When I say thanks for the help, all I do is express my appreciation for the same involvement. We both say more about ourselves than we do about Robert Campbell, don't we? This is my favorite post in a long time! From your subtle political correctness in paragraph 1 to your insightful probing close...Mr. Wonderful?
FWIW, I agree that this was one of the all-time great posts and deserves some kind of recognition.
"Seeker - straight up question, are you Above the Mire?"
No way - AtM, although a jackass, can at least spell. Seeker's intellect is at about the level of a 9th grader. And a stupid 9th grader at that. Anybody at Hattiesburg High or Oak Grove that taught this moron let this one slip through the cracks...
The Rock wrote: "Seeker - straight up question, are you Above the Mire?" No way - AtM, although a jackass, can at least spell. Seeker's intellect is at about the level of a 9th grader. And a stupid 9th grader at that. Anybody at Hattiesburg High or Oak Grove that taught this moron let this one slip through the cracks...
LOL, a stupid 9th grader. I've been called worse by better. But, it's at least new. Isn't it interesting how, I am always the one who is being called names here.
"I am always the one who is being called names here."
No, I do believe you called Dr. Campbell a "grandstander," and in the past you called Drs. Stringer and Glamser "the dregs." And I'm not really calling you names, I'm just saying that you are far less than intelligent. And quite arrogant.
And don't feel too special about LVN loving you - she is the sweetest person on this board. I envy her for her ability to tolerate people such as you...
I hate to break it to Seeker, but being loved by me is no great recommendation, and I have the ex-husband to prove it. (That was tacky, and I'm sort of sorry. It was just too good to pass up.)