Counting wrote: You can add: Brenda Goza, Dubard School- Speech-Language Pathologist. Retired to private pratice
Did she actually retire, then go into private practice? Or would it be more fair to say that she decided to go into private practice, but was able to draw a retirement due to her years of service? I would hope that you might know her personally and would be privy to her attitude and feelings on this issue.
Counting, Did she actually retire, then go into private practice? Or would it be more fair to say that she decided to go into private practice, but was able to draw a retirement due to her years of service? I would hope that you might know her personally and would be privy to her attitude and feelings on this issue. Gnome Wathcer
A subtle distinction, Gnome Watcher, but I believe she couldn't go into private practice without the retirement because of the health insurance. I don't know her well enough to say if this move had anything to do with the issues at USM.
Did she actually retire, then go into private practice? Or would it be more fair to say that she decided to go into private practice, but was able to draw a retirement due to her years of service?
It's not uncommon for a faculty member with practice skills to engage in those skills after they retire from full- time academics. I can name several off hand. They are still retirees. Those skills give them the opportunity to bail out sooner rather than later.
I have heard that David Betounes, Professor of Mathematics, multiple NSF grant recipient, researcher, educator and text book author, has retired this summer, and will be leaving Hattiesburg to join his wife, Professor Mylan Redfern who retired from the USM Math Department last year and is currently the chair of mathematics at Valdosta State in Georgia. How many folks does this leave in USM's Math Department? Since 2000, Doblin, Webster, King, Caveny, Walls, Stuart, Thrash, Fay, Redfern, and Betounes have left/retired from tenured positions. (Did I miss any?? Is Pye still there? For more than the coming year?) How many PhD replacements have been hired to tenure track positions? Two? Three? How many tenured lines has the department lost in total? Six? (out of sixteen?) What used to be a vibrant department is now becoming a service department - "Would you like some remedial algebra with that diploma?"
I'm sorry, but please advise the Math Department that they have to take a number (ha, ha) in order to be devastated. The line forms over that way . . . others were here first.
Counting wrote: Gnome Watcher wrote: Counting, Did she actually retire, then go into private practice? Or would it be more fair to say that she decided to go into private practice, but was able to draw a retirement due to her years of service? I would hope that you might know her personally and would be privy to her attitude and feelings on this issue. Gnome Wathcer
A subtle distinction, Gnome Watcher, but I believe she couldn't go into private practice without the retirement because of the health insurance. I don't know her well enough to say if this move had anything to do with the issues at USM. Counting,
Thank you for the additional information. I know it is like splitting hairs, but I am very interested in knowing, if at all possible, how many faculty/staff members are retiring because: 1) They need to or have to (due to age, illness, etc.) 2) They want to ("I've had a long, fulfilling career" or "I've accomplished all that I set out to do.") or 3) They feel forced to due to circumstances within their respective departments or on campus in general.
I fully realize that it will most likely be impossible to find out the truth behind each and every retirement. Still, after analyzing the numbers and percentages concerning the faculty members and staff who have left since 2001 (as I did on several different threads), I cannot help but believe that there must be an accompanying increase in the number of retiree's who are leaving because they can leave (either from feeling forced out or from being tired of the current administration), rather than leaving because they want to or need to.
Now, if there was just some way that I could get my hands on the numbers before 2001 . . .
Intrepid wrote: Gnome Watcher wrote: Did she actually retire, then go into private practice? Or would it be more fair to say that she decided to go into private practice, but was able to draw a retirement due to her years of service? It's not uncommon for a faculty member with practice skills to engage in those skills after they retire from full- time academics. I can name several off hand. They are still retirees. Those skills give them the opportunity to bail out sooner rather than later.
I agree completely - they are retirees. However, please refer to my reply to Counting (posted above) for an explanation of the exact type of information that I would very much like to know, but which will most likely be impossible to ever discern.
Intrepid, I agree completely - they are retirees. However, please refer to my reply to Counting (posted above) for an explanation of the exact type of information that I would very much like to know, but which will most likely be impossible to ever discern. Gnome Watcher
The information you seek would be nice to have. Too bad the retirees couldn't be given an exit interview. My guess is that not many leave here as happy campers.
Gnome Watcher wrote: Intrepid, I agree completely - they are retirees. However, please refer to my reply to Counting (posted above) for an explanation of the exact type of information that I would very much like to know, but which will most likely be impossible to ever discern. Gnome Watcher The information you seek would be nice to have. Too bad the retirees couldn't be given an exit interview. My guess is that not many leave here as happy campers.
I know that some, including myself, loved there jobs but couldn't afford to continue at USM. The raises were few and far between. The direction USM is going suggest that only those who bring in money will get raises. When you do a calculation of retirement benefits with that 3% compounded COLA, you can't afford to stay. I loved teaching, research and service, but the family has to eat, pay medical bills and prepare for George W. Bush's attack on S.S.