... I am also told by non-tenured faculty that they do not publicly support the Administration because they do not want repercussions....
Well, you are wrong again, JoJo. All 32 of SFT's supporters voted in favor of SFT in the secret confidence vote of last year. Some of those 32 even wrote letters to the editor.
If I were faculty I would certainly be a member of AAUP, and I'm definitely not "liberal"-- and its former president, Dr. Glamser, is a person most would describe as conservative to moderate. I have a friend who is in AAUP who is politically liberal and religiously conservative. Such distinctions in AAUP are totally meaningless. This is more troll divisiveness.
Not from Mississippi wrote: Seeker wrote: ... Many in the community and on camp feel that the AAUP is the most radically liberal faction of faculty members at USM. ...
Seeker, Please explain for me, a person not from Mississippi, what you mean by calling the AAUP members "liberal"? Do you mean fiscal liberals, social liberals or people who interpret the bible a certain way? Oh, and is this suppose to be a bad thing? Would you please mention at least one thing the USM-AAUP did that makes you or the community think they are "radical"? Have you tried to correct the community people to have them undersatnd that what they may consider "radical" is normal for academia? Thanks.
Being that I from MS and you are not, I understand that I may not have the intellect to communicute with you, but I will try.
1) It is my understanding that many on and off campus percieve most AAUP members to be liberal - socially and politically. Is that a bad thing? That is for you to decided. I am a conservative, so I have little use for their ideology.
2) It is not my job to convince anyone that AAUP members at USM are normal. Frankly, I don't think they are for the most part. Plus, I don't live in Hattiesburg.
Being that I from MS and you are not, I understand that I may not have the intellect to communicute with you, but I will try. 1) It is my understanding that many on and off campus percieve most AAUP members to be liberal - socially and politically. Is that a bad thing? That is for you to decided. I am a conservative, so I have little use for their ideology. 2) It is not my job to convince anyone that AAUP members at USM are normal. Frankly, I don't think they are for the most part. Plus, I don't live in Hattiesburg.
Seeker, you have morphed into a troll again. You are an embarrassment to conservative Mississippians.
Seeker, you seem to have missed the jillion or so posts which point out that AAUP principles are NORMAL operating procedure at just about every other university in the US, including State and Ole Miss. The AAUP is respected at almost every other university in the US.
(Is this Woody Allen: "Everybody seems normal until you get to know them" ?? One of my all time favorite quotes.)
I belonged to the United Auto Workers for several years and I can tell you that the AAUP at USM is no union. I pay dues to the AAUP because I think overall it represents a faculty point of view. and the national organization provides many services to the profession. This includes a source of job listings and news about activities at other university. As for the liberal conservative issues, a preponderance of faculty in the US are liberal so it is no surprise that the USM AAUP Chapter would have more liberals. Of course I am in the minority in the USM AAUP Chapter since I voted for Nixon the first time he ran and have continued the trend. Moreover, I wish to make the point that SFT is an equal opportunity fellow. He craps on liberals and conservatives alike if they do not agree with him on EVERY issue.
Being that I from MS and you are not, I understand that I may not have the intellect to communicute with you, but I will try. 1) It is my understanding that many on and off campus percieve most AAUP members to be liberal - socially and politically. Is that a bad thing? That is for you to decided. I am a conservative, so I have little use for their ideology. 2) It is not my job to convince anyone that AAUP members at USM are normal. Frankly, I don't think they are for the most part. Plus, I don't live in Hattiesburg.
Thanks for responding. I think I may understand you, maybe not.
1) What does a faculty members political position (ideology) have to do with the principles of the AAUP, you know, shared governance etc? After all shared governance is just the principles of democracy that this country operates under.
2) I didn’t suggest that you "convince" anyone. I asked why you didn't inform them that what the faculty did is normal for academia. But your answer implies that you don't consider their actions normal.
So I will ask another question with the hope you will continue the dialog. What did the (some) faculty do that makes you say, "Frankly, I don't think they are for the most part", as far as faculty acting normally? My understanding is that very unusual things have been going on administratively at USM.
So I will ask another question with the hope you will continue the dialog. What did the (some) faculty do that makes you say, "Frankly, I don't think they are for the most part", as far as faculty acting normally? My understanding is that very unusual things have been going on administratively at USM.
I believe I can only answer this question in two ways. The facutly and AAUP at USM are probably "normal' when compaired to facutly at most other insitutions. If you use academia as a whole they are probably no different than facutly at most any other campus one can think name.
But, when compaired to what the rest of us do in our jobs, nothing about academia is "normal" at USM or anywhere else. You guys will never understand that, because you don't want to understand it. Just telling people, well it's like this everywhere else, just dosen't cut it.
The reason your cause will never be accepted by the community is becaue what you want and write letters to the editor about would get the rest of us fired. If I shot off a letter simular to what Peter Burko sent to the HA, I would be in the unemployment line the next day. So, would 95% of the people out there. But, he can trash his boss in the newspaper and nothing.
Regular Joe citizen dosen't understand that. Then you complain about salary at USM, some full professors make what $40k, which seems low until you realize the average go in Hattiesburg is happy to make $28k.
I believe I can only answer this question in two ways. The facutly and AAUP at USM are probably "normal' when compaired to facutly at most other insitutions. If you use academia as a whole they are probably no different than facutly at most any other campus one can think name.
Well then you and I agree that they are normal. Why did you say they weren't?
But, when compaired to what the rest of us do in our jobs, nothing about academia is "normal" at USM or anywhere else. You guys will never understand that, because you don't want to understand it. Just telling people, well it's like this everywhere else, just dosen't cut it. The reason your cause will never be accepted by the community is becaue what you want and write letters to the editor about would get the rest of us fired. If I shot off a letter simular to what Peter Burko sent to the HA, I would be in the unemployment line the next day. So, would 95% of the people out there. But, he can trash his boss in the newspaper and nothing. Regular Joe citizen dosen't understand that. Then you complain about salary at USM, some full professors make what $40k, which seems low until you realize the average go in Hattiesburg is happy to make $28k.
But it isn't logical to compare apples and oranges. Most people would find the work of doctors at Forrest General to not be "normal" when compared to their jobs. This can be said for most professions.
Of course no one can make the public reason logically or not be jealous of doctors, professors and other professionals. I would guess of all professions the people in the business world have the least freedom and professors have the most. So I can see how business people would be the most jealous of faculty.
But why do you concentrate on this issue? Do you wish less freedom for professors? Do you realize what that causes--we have many examples in recent history. I would think a conservative person like you would be against authority taking freedom away from individuals. But maybe conservatism is different in Mississippi. Is that what you call liberal down there? This is what confuses me the most about not being from Mississippi.
I believe I can only answer this question in two ways. The facutly and AAUP at USM are probably "normal' when compaired to facutly at most other insitutions. If you use academia as a whole they are probably no different than facutly at most any other campus one can think name. But, when compaired to what the rest of us do in our jobs, nothing about academia is "normal" at USM or anywhere else. You guys will never understand that, because you don't want to understand it. Just telling people, well it's like this everywhere else, just dosen't cut it. The reason your cause will never be accepted by the community is becaue what you want and write letters to the editor about would get the rest of us fired. If I shot off a letter simular to what Peter Burko sent to the HA, I would be in the unemployment line the next day. So, would 95% of the people out there. But, he can trash his boss in the newspaper and nothing. Regular Joe citizen dosen't understand that. Then you complain about salary at USM, some full professors make what $40k, which seems low until you realize the average go in Hattiesburg is happy to make $28k.
1. Yes, universities and colleges are different from most businesses. So are hospitals. So are any institutions in which making money is not the bottom line. Universities exist to preserve, promote, and discover knowledge. They do not exist to produce or sell widgets. Professors are fellow-professionals; administrators are just professors who have (temporarily) adopted an administrative role. In an institution committed to the advancement and preservation of knowledge, the idea of a "boss" (who is committed to maximizing financial profit) is not relevant.
2. Even in most profit-driven businesses, seeking the "input" and "feedback" of employees is a sound management practice.
3. I suspect that any person who makes $28k per year has not put in ten years of advanced study (typical of those who earn doctorates).
4. You know all this, Seeker, but instead of acknowledging these distinctions, you continue to pretend as if they don't exist or don't matter. In post such as yours, I always detect a faint whiff of envy: "I wish everybody felt as scared of his boss and as afraid to criticize his boss as I do." That kind of fear is just not the way universities operate, or should ever operate, if they are to fulfill their basic missions. That's the way universities DO operate in totalitarian societies, in which professors really DO have to be afraid of what they say.
But it isn't logical to compare apples and oranges. Most people would find the work of doctors at Forrest General to not be "normal" when compared to their jobs. This can be said for most professions. Of course no one can make the public reason logically or not be jealous of doctors, professors and other professionals. I would guess of all professions the people in the business world have the least freedom and professors have the most. So I can see how business people would be the most jealous of faculty. But why do you concentrate on this issue? Do you wish less freedom for professors? Do you realize what that causes--we have many examples in recent history. I would think a conservative person like you would be against authority taking freedom away from individuals. But maybe conservatism is different in Mississippi. Is that what you call liberal down there? This is what confuses me the most about not being from Mississippi.
I was typing my post when yours must have been posted. If I had read yours first, I would not have needed to type mine, since you quite effectively made many of the same points as I did. I guess great minds really do think alike.
Not from Mississippi wrote: So I will ask another question with the hope you will continue the dialog. What did the (some) faculty do that makes you say, "Frankly, I don't think they are for the most part", as far as faculty acting normally? My understanding is that very unusual things have been going on administratively at USM. I believe I can only answer this question in two ways. The facutly and AAUP at USM are probably "normal' when compaired to facutly at most other insitutions. If you use academia as a whole they are probably no different than facutly at most any other campus one can think name. But, when compaired to what the rest of us do in our jobs, nothing about academia is "normal" at USM or anywhere else. You guys will never understand that, because you don't want to understand it. Just telling people, well it's like this everywhere else, just dosen't cut it. The reason your cause will never be accepted by the community is becaue what you want and write letters to the editor about would get the rest of us fired. If I shot off a letter simular to what Peter Burko sent to the HA, I would be in the unemployment line the next day. So, would 95% of the people out there. But, he can trash his boss in the newspaper and nothing. Regular Joe citizen dosen't understand that. Then you complain about salary at USM, some full professors make what $40k, which seems low until you realize the average go in Hattiesburg is happy to make $28k.
I'm thinking you have taken one category of work ("academic") which actually has many types of work within it . . . . and then made that a special category of work separate from the rest of the work day world. But in the normal workday world, there are also many different kinds of work, models of authority, etc. Those structureS tend to emerge and thrive based on how well they work -- if they don't work they change or businesses fail.
The command model may work for certain kinds of business -- it does not work well in most "creative" kinds of work. Creativity isn't something that can be compelled. Similarly, mission oriented occupations (occupations in which people work for motivations that go beyond simple self support) also require a different structure of authority. Academia is one of several kinds of occupations that are both creative and mission oriented -- hence the kinds of structures of authority that may work in a factory do not operate well there. But academia is not alone in this. Structures of authority in many other occupations bear a great resemblence to the university because they succeed in those occupations (check out how the computer industry works in the creative sectors; how the entertainment industry works -- how many laboratories work). Evenin the military, some of the most creative areas of research tend to have much looser structures of authority and heirarchy than the regular ranks -- because command discipline doesn't work in those areas.
Sounds to me like your problem Seeker, is that you either have had jobs requiring a command type hierarchy -- or you have had a series of bad employers.
Now, to demolish another myth -- do you think that all of us in academia were born in academia? I think we have been through this before. To say, as you do,
"But, when compaired to what the rest of us do in our jobs, nothing about academia is "normal" at USM or anywhere else. You guys will never understand that, because you don't want to understand it."
once again does not acknowlege that many of us know exactly that much of the world operates in the way you describe because we have, in fact, experienced it firsthand. I think you are correct that much of the community does not understand how things work in academia -- in most universities one of the jobs of a university president is to make that difference clear to the public and to rally public support to what a university is, rather than exploit those differences to drive a wedge between the university community and town community a university resides in. This administration has utterly failed in this part of its mission.
This university has faculty members who are Rotarians, leaders of Scouting organizations; active members of churches . . . . and even people who own and run businesses or hold political positions by appointment or election. Your depiction of a college faculty is outmoded and antiquarian -- you are truly setting up up a "straw man" argument which you may demolish on paper but it has no bearing on the reality of the academic community that exists.
The name of the faculty member is Peter BUTKO. And he was correct in presenting this as one model of an academic arrangement -- a fairly traditional one in the sciences which goes pretty far back. And you are correct -- if he had written that letter from outside the academic community then you are right, he might have been fired. But guess what? That is the marvel of a university -- we get to speak our minds. We will seldom speak so publically unless we are forced to do so -- but the circumstances organized by the administration have dictated where the conversation would take place. When the President presented the reorganization plan to members of the business community before he presented it to the faculty he doomed the university to a discussion that would inevitably go beyond the boundries of the campus -- because he himself had abridged those boundries.
I am quite sure that Peter would have been happy to keep his comments within the boundries of the academic community (these remarks were first made in a senate meeting). But I remind you that that at every turn, the first people to go to the press were not the faculty -- but the administration. Faculty responses in the media have been reactive -- a necessary defense against an administration that has, in effect, presented itself as a tonic to faculty indolence, resistence to change, and unconcerned for students. No faculty can see itself verbally attacked in public and institutionally behind the ivy walls and not respond.
I reiterate -- it is not the job of the faculty to explain its work to the public. We are ill-equipped to do that. Our best explanation can only be in our personal relationships within our community that we are, in fact, just as "normal" as anyone. That job is the job of an administration, and this one has consistently failed to do that -- because 1) it does not understand academic culture and 2) it is, at heart, anti-intellectual in nature.
Intellectualism ("the life of the mind") is the cornerstone of the university. That too, is not ordinary in the community outside the university. THAT IS WHY A UNIVERSITY EXISTS and it is the foundation of its activity.
Not from Mississippi wrote: But it isn't logical to compare apples and oranges. Most people would find the work of doctors at Forrest General to not be "normal" when compared to their jobs. This can be said for most professions. Of course no one can make the public reason logically or not be jealous of doctors, professors and other professionals. I would guess of all professions the people in the business world have the least freedom and professors have the most. So I can see how business people would be the most jealous of faculty. But why do you concentrate on this issue? Do you wish less freedom for professors? Do you realize what that causes--we have many examples in recent history. I would think a conservative person like you would be against authority taking freedom away from individuals. But maybe conservatism is different in Mississippi. Is that what you call liberal down there? This is what confuses me the most about not being from Mississippi. NFM, I was typing my post when yours must have been posted. If I had read yours first, I would not have needed to type mine, since you quite effectively made many of the same points as I did. I guess great minds really do think alike.
Great post -- much more succinct than my own long winded (read "garrulous") response.
Not from Mississippi wrote: But it isn't logical to compare apples and oranges. Most people would find the work of doctors at Forrest General to not be "normal" when compared to their jobs. This can be said for most professions. Of course no one can make the public reason logically or not be jealous of doctors, professors and other professionals. I would guess of all professions the people in the business world have the least freedom and professors have the most. So I can see how business people would be the most jealous of faculty. But why do you concentrate on this issue? Do you wish less freedom for professors? Do you realize what that causes--we have many examples in recent history. I would think a conservative person like you would be against authority taking freedom away from individuals. But maybe conservatism is different in Mississippi. Is that what you call liberal down there? This is what confuses me the most about not being from Mississippi. NFM, I was typing my post when yours must have been posted. If I had read yours first, I would not have needed to type mine, since you quite effectively made many of the same points as I did. I guess great minds really do think alike.
It is my understanding that many on and off campus percieve most AAUP members to be liberal - socially and politically.
Seeker, you also said that AAUP membership is small because faculty members don't like the idea of "being associated with the individuals who are members." I find it interesting that many active AAUP members have been repeatedly elected to campus wide faculty bodies by secret ballot. Three of the most recently elected four presidents of the Faculty Senate were/are AAUP members. The outgoing chair of Academic Council, Amy Young, is an AAUP officer, and she was just elected to Faculty Senate. Frank Glamser, former president of the USM chapter of AAUP, was elected to two terms on Academic Council and was elected as Chair one year. Graduate Council has a number of AAUP members on important committees.
You also say that AAUP members come from the most liberal faction of faculty members. Bill Scarborough, a former Navy officer and AAUP-USM president, has to be one of the most politically conservative members of the faculty. Frank Glamser, a former Air Force officer, tends to tilt Republican. Myron Henry, an Eagle Scout, has been a high level administrator at many universities and is certainly no radical. As for myself, I am also an AAUP member with conservative leanings.
It appears that you are falling into that old Mississippi "outside agitator" explanation for trouble right here in River City. The members of AAUP are responsible, main stream faculty members who enjoy good relations with their colleagues.
Dashing and Debonaire wrote: Seeker, you also said that AAUP membership is small because faculty members don't like the idea of "being associated with the individuals who are members."
I suspect that AAUP membership is small, because many faculty members really don't want to (or can't) cough up another $100 for membership after paying dues for discipline-related professional organizations (e.g., a chemist would figure ACS membership was a slightly higher priority than AAUP, etc. etc.)
As far as AAUP members being "liberal," I hardly see Dr. Henry or Dr. Scarborough as liberals. Dr. Glamser is certainly no liberal. (Puhleeze... socialism & sociology are two entirely different animules.)
However, the back bumpoer of Dr. Young's pickup truck is pretty left-wing.
I have watched in amazement as faculty members have repeatedly engaged in debates with Seeker. Seeker is no more qualified to debate the issues under consideration than I would be qualified to debate a surgeon as to whether a brain tumor should removed by going through the tail, the toe, or the top of the head. Even if Seeker should finally become convinced that the tail is not the proper route, so what? As the old saying goes, you can lead an ass to water but you can't make him drink.
What a great group of essays! I really despair of Seeker. This has all been explained to him countless times, countless. Btw, if y'all got one of them $28k jobs floatin' around out there, give me a holler.
Seeker, you also said that AAUP membership is small because faculty members don't like the idea of "being associated with the individuals who are members." I find it interesting that many active AAUP members have been repeatedly elected to campus wide faculty bodies by secret ballot. Three of the most recently elected four presidents of the Faculty Senate were/are AAUP members. The outgoing chair of Academic Council, Amy Young, is an AAUP officer, and she was just elected to Faculty Senate. Frank Glamser, former president of the USM chapter of AAUP, was elected to two terms on Academic Council and was elected as Chair one year. Graduate Council has a number of AAUP members on important committees. You also say that AAUP members come from the most liberal faction of faculty members. Bill Scarborough, a former Navy officer and AAUP-USM president, has to be one of the most politically conservative members of the faculty. Frank Glamser, a former Air Force officer, tends to tilt Republican. Myron Henry, an Eagle Scout, has been a high level administrator at many universities and is certainly no radical. As for myself, I am also an AAUP member with conservative leanings. It appears that you are falling into that old Mississippi "outside agitator" explanation for trouble right here in River City. The members of AAUP are responsible, main stream faculty members who enjoy good relations with their colleagues.